HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 37-60 RESOLUTION NO.. 37-60 RES DLUTION ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY' DESIGNATED AS "COLLEGE ·HEIGHTS NO. ·8" TO THE GREATER BAKERSFIELD' SEPARATION OF GRADE 'DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the Council .of ttie City of Bake~sfiel'd did~ on the 2i~t-day bf March, 1960, pass its ResOlUtion of intention No o- 25-60, to include certain property designated as "~'College Heights Vithin the .Greater'Bakersfield SeparatiOn'Of Grade District, and 'setting the 6ime and place for hearing 6bjec'tionS to, the inclusion of said territory witbib said District~ and '~'~ER~S, said Resolution of In~entfon was.dUly and legally published once a week for two weeks, the first'.publication thereof b'eing at least twenty days prior to 'the date of the' hearing as pro- vided by 'law~ and F~REAS, Monday, the 25th day'of. Apri.1, 1960, at the hour of ,8:00 o~clo~l~ 'P.M., was set as the.time fpr hearing:'objeCtions to the inclusion 'of. said territory within" said District, '.and '-]~R~S~ no object'ion has been' filed'6r presented to said Council to 'the inclusion of said, '.territ0r~ 6r an~ part.~.thereof'.within the Greater Bakersfield Separation '.of Grade District, and the COuncil fur~h4r finds that all of said 6erritor,y will be benefited by its. ." inCl~xsionwithin said District. . ..... ~... NOW, .T~R~ORE, BE IT RESOL~'D' AND THE 60UNOIL DOES . SRE~ FIND: ' "That' no objection to .the inclusion 'of said territory or' any part' thereof Within the Greater 'Bakersfield Separation Of..Grade DiStrict, has bsen filed or presented 'to..~hiS CoUncil... That said territory and every .par-~. thereof' be, 'and the 'same he~ebY aDnexed to and included.within t~e said Greater Bakersfield Separation, of"G~ade District ~pon" completion 0f amexa~tio~ o.f said terr{tory to the City of Bakersfield~ which.saidterritory'iS described as follows: A' parcel of land situate in the Count~of Kern~ :state California, and being.a portion of the southeast quar~ter (S. s.' 1/4)of Section 1~, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, B~ginning at the southwest (S.~Wo) COrner o£ the northeast quarter (N. E. 1/4), of~ the southeast q~arter (So Eo 1/4) of said Section 15,~ a point on the current corporate boundary' of the City' of Bakersfie. td; thence'N° 0°0~' 08" Wo, along the westerly boundary of th~ northeast q~arte~ (N~ Eo 1/4), of the~southeast~quarter (S. E. 1/4)~of said Section 15, On and along~said corporate boundary as same is defi~ed by that~ certain annexation designated as' '~Colleg~ Heights No . o ~ as adopted February 24, 1958, by Ordinance Noo 1t70~ New ~nd which was certified March 26,' 19~8, byethe Secretary of State., State of California, a distance o~ 149o127 feet, toga point of intersection with a curVe~ and. from which the· radi&l center:of~said curve bears N. 59' 49' 37'~ Eo~·'distant feet; thence southeasterly and~depar~ting'from the~'corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfi~eId~.atong said"lcurVe concave to ~-Ithe northeast, with.a radius of 544o1~ ~eet,~.a. distance of 148o283-' feet tona pointlo~ tangency, from w~ich the radial.center·of said 12' 49'E , . curve bears N. 4~~ ~ . distant ~4~o1~ fee't~ thence-S° 45~47, !I"~Eo, a distance of 4~o00 feet to intersect .·s~utheriy boundary of the northeast~.q~arter (No Eo 1/4·), of~ the southeast qmarter (S~ ~. 1/4) of. sai~!S~ction t5~ t~ence~So 89~ 2~, ~!~!" W., along last named south~rly·boundary'aI distance of..123.049 feet to the-sqUthwest (S'o~W~)corner Of the northeast quarter (No E~ 1/4) of the southeast quarter (So E~ 1/4)~ said 'Section'l~, the· point of~ beginning? containing 0o1888' acres'~ of land more or l~ss. ..,. ...... o0~ I ~EREBY 0ERTIFY ·that the foregoing ResoTution was passed 'and adopted bythe Councilor the City.of B. akersfield at a regular mesting;thereo~ held on the 25th day'of. April, 1960, by the follow- ing.vote: Clty~lerk and"~x-Of~iclo Clerk of the