HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 36-60RESOLUTION NOo 36-60 RESOLUTION ANNEXING OERTAIN TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "COLLEGE. EIGHTS NO. 7~ TO TEE GREATER BAEERSFIELD SEPARATION OF GRADE DI STRICT o WHEREAS~ the Council of the City of Bakersfield dido on the 2~s~ ~ay of ~ar©h~ 1960~ pass its Resolution of Inten~io~ Noo ~ include '~e~tain pPope~y dest~a~d as "0oiled' ~ights Noo ~it~n the G~eate~ Bmker~fie'ld Sep~ation of G~mde Di~t~ict~ and se~ting the' ~i~ and p~ce ~e~ ~ing ~Jec~ions ~o' the incision ~f said ~f~o~y ~i~hi.n said 'Dist~ic~ and W~REAS~ sald~Reso~u~ion of Xn~ntio~ was d~y and legaXIy published ~n~e a ~eek ~o~ ~o :weeks~ the first p~Xi~ation being at least ~enty daym p~ioP to the da~e of the ~a~ing · vide~ by la~ and WEEAS~, ~nday~ $~ ~h day ~f Aphids 19~0~ at the ho~ ln~u~ion of said '~s~i~o~y ~ithih ~d Dis~i~ and' ~REAS~ ~o :obJeo~io~ has ~em file~ ~ p~esen~ ~' sai~ ~ G~eater, Ba~fieXd S$p~atio~ of G~ad~ Dis$~ic~m' and She .Ce~ci~ NOWo TER~0RE~ E IT RESOLVED A~ TE C0~CIL DOES ~at m, 'o~Je~tion' ~ the tn~usion of s~d te~i~o~ t~eof witch the G~eate~, Bakersfield Separation of G~ade Dist~i~ has been filed ~ p~esented to this That said te~it~ ~d avery ~pa~t t~eof be~ a'~d t~ ~e.by ~mxed ~o and included within ~ said G~ate~ Bakersfield Separation of G~ade 'Dis~ic~ upo~ completion of an~xmtion. of s~d ms fo~lo~ ff : Begimtn~4mt the ~outhe~t (So Eo) coFaex~ of the southwes~ q~a~ex~ ('So ~. ~ of s~td Section ~ ~ poin~ on ~he c~~ co~poP~te ~O~Py of ~he Ot~ of B~ke~ftsld~ ~hsnce no~e~ m~o~ the ea~~ e~y boud~y of the said southwest qua~te~ ($. Wo 1~ of Section on and along said corporate boundary as same is defined by t~t certain ~exatio~ deaig~ted ~m "Oo~ege Eei~ts No~ 6"~ am adopted 0ctobe~ 26~ ~959~ by 0~di~nce Noo ~267~ Ne~ S~ries0 and which ~s ce~tified Novem~ bs~ 30~ 1959~ by the Sec~$~ of States State of Califo~ni~ $o the northeast ~N~ E~)' co~ne~ of the south ~lf ($~ ~/2}~ of the ~outh half (So 1/2}~ of, ~$ mouthsset qua~te~ (So W. 1/4)~ of 'said Section thence .S~ 89© 22~ 4~" Woo alo~ ~he no~he~Xy bomde~ of ~he ~ou~ ~lf (S. ~/2)~ of the 8curb ~lf ~So' 1/2)~ of the ~outh~emt (So W~ ~)o of ~ai.d Section ~5~ a distance of ~3o00-feet ~o th~ $ou~he~ ($~ E~} coPne~ of ~8ct Noo 2X5~ and as ~aid come~ is on ehe mp theF~f~ recoFded No~embe~ X2o X958~ in Book X0 of M~ps~ ~t Page 6~ in.~he office of the Comty Rec0PdeP of said EeTn thence N. 0e.07e 40" Wo~ ~1o~ ~he corporate bo~d~y of She City of ~ '~OolXege Eetght~ Noo ~"o-.~ ~dop~ed Sep~embeP 29~ X958~ by 0~dinance No. X202~ Ns~ Semitic ~n~ ~ch ~es certified 0c~ob8~ 300 X 8 She ~td Sec~eta~ of St~te~ a distance o~ 67~o84 fee~' ~o the no~the~ bo~y of ~h~ ~ou~h ~lf (So 1/2} of ~ e qu~eP (S.' W. 1/4) of e~id Section 15~ thence. No 89e 25~ ~ aXo~ ~st n~ed noFthe~ly bo~d~ on and mlo~ the 'conclaVe ~omd~Fy o~ ~he Ct~ of B~keFsfieXd a~ ma~ i~ defined by t~ ceF~in ~sx~lon dssig~sd a~ "CoXlegs Heights Noo ~"0 ~ ~dop~ed M~y 23o X955~ by O~d~nce Eo~ X050~ Ne~ Se~te~ and which ~a certified ~h~-sou~em~ qu~e~ ~S~ Wo ~/~ of ~mid Section ~SB thence continu~ i~ 'N~ '89~ 2~ ~,u E~ ~o~ ~ northerly boUnd~ of She eou~h {S. ~/2).~..of the southeast q~te~ ~$o Eo l/4)o of ~id Sec~io~ on ~nd ~lo~. ~hs co~po~te bomd~ of the Ct~ of .~ke~sfie~d ~e ts defined by $ha~ certain a~ex~tion desisted as "Oo~ege Height8 .No. 2'~ as adopted Peb~ 24~ ~958~ by 0~din~nce Noo ~70~ Ne~ ~d ~tch-~s' ce~ed ~ch 26~ 1958c ~y ~he ~td Secretary of ~ ~$ance of 5~5.228 f~st~ thence So 0 28e .~0~ E~ and dep~t~ the co~po~e bo~d~y of the City 'of Ba~s~sfteld~ a dtm~nc~ of 493,o362 fs~t~ ~henc~ No 89® ~9~ 37" Eo~ a distance of 336.2~2 ~eet ~o ~ pointu ~he begSrig of a t~ngent c~e~ f~om ~ich the ~di~X 8 e Wo~ dim~ant 151o00 fee~ thence c~te~ of' said c~ve bs~s No 0 40 23~ no~th~st~y ~lon'g said cu~$ concave to ~he no~h~est~ ~ distance o~ ~8~894. ~eet to ~ poin~ ~he end of said ta~en~ c~ve~ f~om which the ~dial cent~ o~ s~id cu~s bta~s No 45~ 47~ ~" Woo di~nt 151.00 ' ~ ',, 'ca N~ ~e ~2~ '~9~ E.~ ~ distance of ~0~00 feet8 thence $~ .45 distance of 50,00 fee~ ~o $ poin~ ~he begimi~ of s ~en~ cu~ve~ distant 1000o00 fee~S thence mouthwemte~ly aXong said curve concave to the no~th~emt ~ distance o~ 787o376 feet to inteFsect the southerly ~c~da~ o~ the' southeast qua~te~ ~So Eo 1~) of said Section ~5~ and to t~ end of ~ast d~cFXbsd tangent c~ve~ f~om .which ~he csn~e~ of maid c~vs bs~s N, 0~ ~0" 23" Wo~ dimtan~ 1000~00 thence $. '89~ ~9~ 37" W o~ alo~ the southerly bomd~ of. ~he $~id ~o~the~st. quete~ ~$o E~ ~ of Section ~5~ a dimtance of 902.5e to the ~outh~est. (So Wo} cobnaP' of the ~ou~e~st que~te~ ($ ~ E o of. ~aid .Sac.rich' ~5~ the point of beg~~ end contai~ 35.628 acPe8 of l~nd mope oP Xe~$. A)T-S: ALFANZ, BENTLEY, CARNAKIS,--G~'HN~, CROES, DOOtlN, STIERN, Co~u~ci~ o~ ~.he Ci~y ~£ Emke're~ieldo'