HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 34-60RESOLUTION NO 34-60· A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE l~!~h DAY OF JUNE, 1960, PERTAINING TO THEANNEXATION OF G00DE " N0. 2 TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, ESTABLISHING · VOTING PRECINCT, POLLING PLACE AND.OFFICERS OF .- ELECTION FOR SAID ELECTION, A~D PRESCRIBING FEES TO BE PAID TO SAID OFFICERS'OF ELECTION AND FOR SAID POLLING PLACE. kFHEREAS, a written petition was filed.with the COuncil of the City of Bakersfield, requesting that certain inhabited'territory -therein. described be annexed to the City ofBakersf'ield,·and .WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 19-60, .-the Council of the City Bakersfield. declared its intention.to Calla .speCial election in certain inhabited territory contiguous to·sai.'d city proposed to be. annexed t0 said city, for the purpose. of sUbmibting to.the qualified electors residing in.said territory thequestionwhether or not said 'terr]i~o~y shall be annexed'to 'said city~ and setting +forth a time and place of hearing protests against Said proposed'election~ and WHEREAS, a'copy of said re'SolutiOn was published~aS required by law; and ' .. WHEREAS, prior to and'at the time set .fdr'.hearing prot&sts t~e proposed election written.pro~testS_were not made by. owners of one'half of the Value of the territory proposed to be annexed, as shown,by the last equalized.assessment roll and. no protest was made by public'and pri*ate owners equal' to one-half of the.value of ~aid territory, and. ... . WHEREAS,'all proceedings have been had in accordance with said resol~tio~ and the Annexation Actof 1913, reference theretO. hereby being made for further particulars. : "' Tq~W~,-'THEREFORE, B~ :ig~RESOBVED by"the~C~oun:Sii of 'the"City"of 'Bakersfield, as follows: ' "" '. · ' SECTION 1'~. " · A special'. election is hereby Called to be held on the ~th day of JUne, 1960, in the territory hereinafter described and proposed to'beannexed to the City~of Bakersfietd~· for the purpose of submitting to the"qualified electors residing in said territory the question whether or not Said territory shall be ~nnexed to the. City of~ Bakers- field and' .the property in the territory to be annexed be subjected to taxation after annexation equally with the property·within the City of~,BakerSfield, to pay the bonded indebltedness of the ~City of Bakersfield outstandingfor She acquisition, construction or Completion of muniCipaI improvements. S~CTION 2~ -'That Said territory i's hereby designated a~d identified for such election purposes and'for use upon the ballots at such election as "GOODE NO·. 2" and is described as follows: A parcei of land situate in the County'of Kern, State of.Calif- ornia, and being. a portion of Section 36, To~nship 29·~SOUth, Range 27 East, M. D.M.~, and also a portion of Section'l, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.:D. M.; Beginning at the'northwest (N. Wo).corner.' 'of Lot 12,' Block 4, as said corner is Shown on the map of the "Goode Tract"~recorded May 2,~1910, in Book¢'l of Maps, at page'144, in the .office-of the-County Recorder of ~said.Kern County~. thence southerly along.the ·easterly boundary line .of~"A" Street of 82..Sfeet in width, and'the southerly prolongations thereof','and as said~'"A'' Street is show~ on said map'of'the "Goode~ Tract", on and along'the~corp0rate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, as same iS defined'bythat 'certain Special Election held March~21,'193~, and the. reSult of which Special ElectiOn'was certified·MarCh 29,.1939, by. the Secretary of State, State of .California, to intersect'the northerly boundary line of Bellerue Road, also known as Brunda~e Lane, of 60 feet'in..width~ thence continuing southerly, departing'from~the .corporate boundary of the City-of BakerSfield, along' the southerly prolongation 8f the said easterly boundary line of "A" Str~eet to intersect the'sOutherly boundary line of. said Brundage .Lane; th~nCe"Westerly'along last named .. .southerly boundary line and the westerly Drolongation thereof, paral- .- lel with and distant 30 feet southerly, as measured perpendicular to 'the northerly boundary of' said'Section l, ~o intersect'the westerly . ~.. 'boundary line of/Hughes Lane, of' 60 feetin..width, a.point'on the easterly boundaryof Lot 12,.Block 1, as said Lot 12, Block i is shown on the "Map of Cloverdale",· recorded AuguSt 26·, 1911, in Book 2 of Maps, at page 32,.in the office of the said County Recorder;, thence northerly along the said easterly b0Undaryof Lot 12, Block l, to intersect the'northerly-boundary of. said Section l~1 thence continuing -"' .*~n:Or~herly along the'northerly~Pro~0ngation.of the ea'S~er~y--boundarY~''~' of said Lotl.~, Block l'~.on and along the'corpOrate.boundary of the ~ City of Bakersfield, as same'is d~fined'by. that certain.annexatiOn' designated as "SprUCe AdditionN*bo'l", as annexed by.a~Special Election '.'. held June 24,.1958, and approve.d by. Ordinanbe No.. tI88~ New Series, adopted June 30, 1958, and filed Augu'st 11,.'[1958, with the' said 'Secretary of State, to intersect 'the northerly boundary line of said Brundage Lane; thence easterly along last named northerly .boundary. line, parallel w'ith and distant 60 feet northerly, asmeasured perpendicular' to the southerly boundary of s~id S~ction 36, to· intersect the westerly boundary lin~ of'the aforesaid "Goo.de Tract~, Ithence northerly along last named. westerly boundary line. to'inter- 'sect a line parallel with, distant 50 'feet southerly, as.measured perpendicular to the northerly boundary llinelof Lot'l,.Block 9, of the 'said "Goode Tract"; thence.ealsterly along last named parallel~ line, on and along the corporate 'boundary of the City of Bakersfield, as same is defined by that certain annexation designated as "Goode · No. 1" . , aS adopted October 26, 1959, by Ordinance No. 1266, New Series, and certified November 30, 1959, by the'Said.SeCretary of State~ to intersect the easterly boundary line of'~said Lot l, Block 9~'a point on the westerly boundary line of said "A" Street; thence northerly along last named easterly boundary line tO the northeast corner of 'said Lot l, Block 9; thence. westerly along'the northerly boundary line of said Lot l, Block 9, to the~.northwe.st Corner thereof; thence northerly along the westerly boundary of the ~fOresaid ."Goode Tract", on and along. the corporateboundary of ~the City of. BakersfiSld, as same is defined by said 0r~dinance No.'l188,New Series~ to the most "northerly southeast corner, of that]certain annexation 'designated as "Cedar Gardens", adopted February 14, 1950~ by Ordinance No. 859, New Series, and filed MarCh 18, 1950, with ~hesaid Secretary of .. State, said last named southeast corner being-described by said OrdinanCe No. 859, New Series, as a "point on"'the~ssterly boundary of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 36, Townsblip 29South, Range~27 East~ M.D.B. & M.,.distant thereon 721.38 feet northerly, ~from the southeast corner thereof"; thence continuing northerly along the easterly boundary line of'the southwest quarter (So Wo' 1/4)'0f said Section on and along the corporate boundary 'of the City 'of Bakersfield, as same is defined by. said Ordinance No. 859,.NEW Series, to intersect the'we.sterly'pr01ongation of~the.'southe~ly b0undary.line of Second Street, aS said Second Street is Shown on the map of the said "Goode Tract";-thence easterly along.the last named'westerly prolongation on and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as same is defined by that certain annexation designated as ~'South Bakersfield DistriCt No-. 3"' ,· as annexed by an-Election held Sep- tember 28, 1926,'the result of whic~ Ele~!~n was filed October ~ __ ............ T~6~~e sa~ secretary of State, to intersect th~'~ west'g~ly boUndary.line 'of said "A" Street; thence Continuing easterly along said westerly prolongation of the.southerly'boundary line of Second Street, on and along the corporate boundary of the City. Df Bakers- field as same is defined by the aforesaid SpeCial Election, held March 21, t939, to the northwest. (No.W.)·corner of said Lot 12, Block 4, "Goode Tract" and to theepoint of beginning'containing ,I , 5.3?8. acres of land more or less. . SECTION 3. ' · The poils'.at said election shall be opened at 7 o'clock A.M. ..... O~he! da-~ he~ei~i~ed-'for~he~-ho~ding o~ ~!sai~!e:tee~t~on~and sha~l be kept open until 7 o~clock' P.M., o'f'~the same day, when the.pOlls sh~i~ be closed. SEbTION UpOn-the ballots to 'be. used at said election' ~here shall be printed the words: SHALL "G00DE N0.2" BE AhFNEXED TO THE ICiTY .OF' BAKERSIELD. AND Tt{E' PROPERTY IN SUCH TERRITORY BE, AFTER 'SUCH ANNEXA- TION, SUBJECTED TO TAXATION EQUALLY WITH. THE .PROPERTY WITHIN ~THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTL' EDNESS OF THE CITYOF BAKERSFIELD. OUTSTANDING FOR .THE · ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION' .OR· COMPLETION 0F.MUNICIPAL IM-· PROVEMENTS ? Opposite these words there shall be printed~ 'the words "YES" and "No "and' to the right of each of ~these last 'two words there - shall be a voting square. If an elector ~shall.stamp a Cross (+) in the voting' square after' the printed word "Yes" the vote of such electorI shall be counted in favor of the annexation o~ said territory to the City of Bakersfield; and if an-elector shall stamp a Cross ('+) in the voting square after the printe. d word "No'~'the vote of such elector shall be counted against such annexation'j~- .... In all particulars not herein recited said election shall be held inl'conformity, as near as. may be., with the laws of the state of California concerning general elections and with said Annexation · Act of 1913. SECTION·~5. (a) For the purpose of said election there is hereby' estab- lished in the territory proposed to be annexed, one (i) voting precinct consisting of a portion of Precinct Bakersfield North, which shall include all of' .said ~erritory. The following is the polling place of said election pnecinct and the.folI'owing named.persons are hereby named o~ficers'of election and shall. const'~tute the board of election for such election precinct: -POLLING PLACE: A. J~ Campbell garage- rear of-t25 A Stree~ Bakersfield,.Kern C0unty,Calif. xNSPECTOR: JUDGE JUDGE Rachel S. Campbell Jen McRoberts Neva Mo, Claflin (b) For their services in connection with said election, said InSpector shall receive $21.00 and said Judges shallreceive $18.00 each; and the person in possession of the polling place named herein shall receive for the use of such premises in connection with said election the sum of $18.00. I~ SECTION 6. The City Clerk shall publish a notice of sa~d special election as required. by the AnnexatiOn Act of 1913, at least once a week' for the'!four (4) weeks prior to the electlion, in theOildale News a.news- paper of~general circulation, printed'and published outside the city, but in the 'county in which the ~erritory is situated. IHEREBY CERTIFY that the .foregoing Reso'lution was passed and adopted by the Council of ~he City of Bakersfieid at a regular meeting thereof held on the llth day of'April, 1960,.b'y the'following vote: MAYOR'of the City of Bakersfieldo