HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 31-60RESOLUTION NO~ '31-60 copies' of the' re':suits. RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF'.THE CITY OF'.'.'-. - ' : BAKERSFiELD REQUESTING. THE. BOARD OF SUPER~ VISORS OF THE COUNTY OF. KERN TO PERMIT THE" -. . : COUNTY' CLERK TO RENDER. SPECIFIED SERVICES TO" ' 'SAID CITY RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF THE' :-. "' ~ , NOMINATING MUNICIPAL-. ELECTION' FOR THE OFFICE OF MAYOR TO BE HELD ON' JUNE'7., 1960.' ::. " Pursuant to Section 9483 ef .the-Elections do'de( of the',State : of California, the. Council of the City Sf'Bakersfield:does hereby. RESOLVE, "as foltowS'.,-~ "'~-. '~ . 1~ Tha.t the Board of Super'visors· of the 'CoUhty' of Kern, Sta.~e Or Califdrnia, .is hereby requeStOld t0"'p~.rm~t. 'the county clerk. 'of Said'County to perform the 'following .services for th~ City'of . Bakersfield relating to the conduct .of -the Nominating-Municipal Election for the-Office of Mayor .td be 'held'on -Jun~' 7, 1960: "(.a~) Prepare *and send out appoi~ntme-nts to one inspegtor, one~';''''V~ .judge and twO-clerks as election officers for eact~.precinc-t fbr' muni~ cipal .eleoti on and. make any.. substitutions 'no ~e ssary;''I' .I The .fficers who are to' be' appointed shall be 'registe'r.ed electors of the-_ Cit~.. (:b). Publish list of names Of the election officers 'appointed 'and the ~p~-lling-places designated for each e~ectfon preci~dt.- Such designated City .Officers are to. lbe designated as such' .n County Clerk~s publi-cation. ' · I . -' (e) Provide for extra ComPe:nsation to mu~nici-pal electi'on officers.· .. . ~ . . (d) Have s~parate mUn~cipa~ ballots printed .snd'furn. ish'nece"ssary' " elect'0' ' · ". i' n supplies. .. (e) send out.sample ballOtS-and 'polling 'place'..cards.: '' · (f) Provide Absentee Ballots. .... (kO:' Prepare separate ballo.t boxes .for municipal, ballots. '. · '.'(h),;. Oanvass ballots and re~urns' and furni'.sh City with 'certified I -HEREBY CERTIFY thst the foregoing 'Re solution was-passed and adopted by. the C-otuncil .0f the city o'f .Bakers- field, at a 'recessed meeting thereof held on the 1. st 'day of April, 1960, by the following vote: ouncii' Of the City of 'Bakersfield. f