HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 29-60RESOL~IT. i0N NO'._ ~9-60 RESOLUTI-0N 0RD~,RING 'PREPARATION' OF ESTIMATE · OF COST, DISTRICT. MAP,,.-AND-.PLANS AND SPECIFI- ~ATIONS iN THE. MATTER OF TEE C~NSTRUCTI'0N' OF .SIDEWALKS .FRONTING '0N LOTS 2L~ THROUGH 33-AND ~LOTS 34 TO 97, INCLUSIVE,:+. 0F .TRACT 1817~ THE . - n :_SAE T0. BE INCLUDED. iN PROPOSED'-PUBLIC .IMPROVE- MENT. DISTRICT N0. , 749, -IN'THE ..CITY' 0F. BAKERS.-.- - FIELD,' CALIFORNIA. -: . WHEHEAS, .the City 'Council of the' City."6f: Bak.ersfiel:d .has duly -found. and determined that· the. owners '0f~ mO~e than'Sixty per' cent (60%) "bf the area of the property .subje. C-t'to .asseSsment signed+. and 'duly filed a wri'tten petition 'for imprpvement Work herein'after -- - described, aS evidenced by Re°solUtion No~ 9.8-60" -' of this. C'ity...C0Unci3' U' - · · of said ~City. '._ I . .. NOW, THER~FORE~ BE IT 'RESOLVED bY'. the ..City council of the .city..o£ .Bakersfield* that .~he/City Engineer. o~ the -said City~ be .and '- he i-s her=eby ordered and directed to .prepare an ,estim~'te of cost of., map--0f 'the district to be benefited b.y,'..and splanS' and:S. pe6i_fiCationS for, the.:.'f, ollowing improvement work an~ c.0nstruction to be done in · Said City Of Bakersfield, to Wit: ,~ - .... . ~... .-. " IThe construCtlob of sidSwaiks f~onting on Lo~s '24 through 33 and .Lots 34' to 97,-inclus- : .~ive, of Tract 1817, ~'C'ity o~' Bakers.field~=.'~.. California ~ ' - ..... ': That all ..of the above impr0~ement]-'wo'rk and construction 'ShaI'l be O'f~- 'tHe smZes:"and dimensions and done in the' man~er: a~id pla. oes and.- ~o the:g~ades ~s .shown and indica-ted on th'e '.pians ~nd. SpecificatiOns ., .-~ .~.~, therefor, to be appPoved and a-dSpted +by this City .O0U~c~'ll]0f. City ~ of:. Bakersfie'~d. ..... o0o ... I 'HEREBY CERTIFY that the :~or~g~g]Resglution was passed and adopted. by the 'Coun6il of';.the';Oity' bf Bakersfiei'd, at. a' regular m'eet'ing the'r~Of held 'on the' '~8'th .day '~f.'Ma~c~;.~'~'i'96oi. i.' by .'th& '.f011o~ ing vote:' . ,, ,,,,?, :, :'~ ,.~ ?~,,:, "f=~',' . :, . , ', .. -: - , ~ ,: -?.. ., , .. ~r~ ~; :-- --- - :.:::::~:;~~, ::',.,. ..-~ .-.:.:.. .....,.,.. . ..: . , ~,"..' ' :' '. ,: --"- ";, ..: ':. .- · :. -,'-. .. '. -: .:'. :" · '..' "' '.'% ~":-:--'-,'.'~?~ ' ' - . .Co,~zl:' o~,~he 'Ci~7 o'~' ~a~e~:~el~, ~OR 6~the.Oi~y .~i"Bake~sfield~""' -' _;. '~'' ':' "' :' -''" ';~: .'L.',.' ..-.:~',-;. ..- ~- ,,. .:... - .. . ,..- . :. -. -. , . - , '..:.... , . , .-.. ,. . ,~,,. :.':,: ,, .,, , . .: . '~-:" . ': , ' / -,: · , - . .... - , .: ;.- - , .... . .;: ,-. . . - ;... -; · . - ,:, .' ... :." - . -.-: , I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing.Resolution was passed and adopted. by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting thereof, hsld on the 28th day of March'~ ~960,. byethe follow- ing vote: 'Ex-0fficio Clerk of the C .... ~':'~'~"' Council of the 'C:ity of Bakersfield,