HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 27-60..... RESOLUTION NO. 27-60 ~ -. RESOLUTION' OF 'THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 'ORDERING THE VACATION' OF A" ' "! - .PORTION OF A DRAINAGE EASEMENT IN THE CITY "" OF .BAKERSFI ELD, :CALI FORNt A. WHEREAS,'on'the 29th-'day of February, 1960, the Council of the 'City of Bakersfield, pursuant: to the provisions of the "'Public Service 'Easements Vacation Law", being Section~ '5.0430 ~o-50445; inclusive, of the Government .Code of the State of 'California,. passed and adopted its 'Resolution of Intention No. 748-, :declaring its. intention to Order the vacation 6f a'portion of a drainage e'ase~en.t 'loCated in the north- .easterly protohgation .of-Ce'da~ Street.betwee'n.30th Street ~nd Golden. State Avenue, being. in Section' 24; Sownship. 29 SOU'th, Rknge 27 East, 'M. D~ M~, and, WHEREAS, said Council did ~ix a time-and ptac~ for hearing all personS;'interested in or objecting'..to said propose'd v1~ation,:which said'hearing was held on'the-21st day of MarCh~ 1960:, after notices were duly published and posted as required by. law, and :"- WHEREAS, this Council after duly.conSideri~g ~t.he matter, does hereby find and resolve as follows: 1. That said drainage easemen~hereinafter:described is Unneces- sary for pr. esent Or prospective publ'i~ use: ~ . A strip of'land 5.00 feet..-Wide lying 2.5 feet wide on eit'her side of the followi:ng described centerline.-thereof: Beginning at a point on the centerline. of-an'existing drainage easement, said point being distant' East, 32.98 feet.; ~hence North,' 10.'feet from the .northwest corner of. Lot 10, Block 2, of Tract 1472.as Irecorded March-30, 1949, as 'the same iS recorded in Map.Book No. 6.~ page. 193 of . 'the official Records-of Ker'n Cohnty, ,Cali.fornia; thence N. 37° 39' 37" E., 293.08'f~et.; thence N~ 33:~ 37-'. 27",E., " 478.76 feet to a point on the southerly line of the right of way of California State Highway,] Route No.. 4,.as shown on sheet No. 6 of a certain "P.lan and Profile Of Sta'te Highway in.Kern County}'.be~ween. Bakersfield and Snow Road", approved March i7, .1947', in~erseC.t~ng said southerly. t-ine on a curved por~ion'.thereof and at Highway Stationing 111~3'1 .'45. · _ 2~ That said portio'n of said,drainage easemen~.'in.-'the."City of Bakersfield,,.be and the same is her~b~ vacated a.nd ab'andoned for public ~erVice"'eisement purposeS, subject'.t0 and in conformity with said Resolution of Intention No. 748. -Reference-to s~id Resolution of intention 'iS hereby made for'further particulars. · " . 3. The City:"~lerk shall certify to'~he .passage of this:Reso'lu- tion' and shal'l: cause a certified copy. hereof, attested by :the Clerk · under the seal' of 'the City, to be recorde.d in' the office of .the-County Recorder Of the County of Kern, CalifOrnia o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passe~ and adopted by the Council of .the City of Bakersfield; .at 'a regular meet- ing thereof held on the 21st day 'of March, vote: -- 1960,'by, the 'fOllowing Ayes:.='~"Balfanz, Bent'ley~-*Carnakis, Col.l,ns, CrOes Noes: None- - Absent: None Dooli'n, Stiern 'CIT~ ~'LERK ~hd Ex-0f. fi'Ci0 Clerk of CounciI'of the City o'f Bakersf.ield.. AppR~VE~i~/~-i=St day of March, 196;0. 'MAYOR.Of the C~ity of Bakersfield. the