HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 25-60RESOLUTION NO. 25,-60 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION T.0 INCLUDE WITHIN THE GREATER BAKERSFIELD SEPARATION OF GRADE DISTRICT CERTAIN TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS ."COLLEGE HEIGHTS -N0.8", AND SETTING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS TO THE .INCLUSION OF SAID TERRITORY WITHIN SAID DISTRICT. ~IEREAS, proceedings have'been commenced. for '.the annexation of certain unincorporated territory, ;.designated 'as "College 'Heights No'. 8" to the City Of Bakersfield,~ and WHEREAS, all of said territory~'lieS"outside the Greater Bakers- field Separation of Grade District, '~and' WHEREAS, Section 8290 of the Streets and Highways Code of the · State o~'California, provides that the unincorporated territory of a county which was not include_d within.a separation of grade district at the 'time of the :formation of such district, and'!~l~ich ·subsequent to the formation of'such district is annexed to-or 'otherwise included .wit~hin .a city which is a part Of such. diS.tgiCt, -shall immediately upon '.such annexation to such city b.e included Within the district ~nd shall thereafter become a part of the district .to the same' extent, as ·.such-' City; except such portion or portions thereof'which the .City Council 'has determined, will not be benefitedby inClUsion in the'district. NOW, THEREFORE,' BE IT RESOLVED'by' the 'Council ofI ~he. City· Of Bakersfield, as .follows: '... 1. That a description .of the 'Uninc0rporated territory .described in the annexation proceedings, is as follows: A parcel of land situate in the 'cOunty of Kern, .State 'of, California, and being a portion of the southeast quarter ' (S. E. 1/4). of Section 1%, TOWnship 29 South,. Range 28 East', M.D.M.; " Beginnin at the southwest .(S.o~W-)'corner of the northeast quarter tion l~, a point on the current corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield; thence N..0° 04~ 08"W., along the westerly boundary of the northeast quar. ter (N E.'. 1/4),"of the Southeast ,quarte~"~S.i E. 1/4~, of said Section 15~' On and along said corporate ,boundary as same i~ defined by that certain· annexa- tion designated as "College Heights No. 2"· , as adopted ~'February 24,, 1958, by Ordinance No. ll70, New·Series, 'and which was certified March 26, 1958, by the Secretary of State, State 0f California, a distance of 149.127 feet, to a:point of intersection with a curve,,.and.from which She radial center of said curve bears N. 59c 49' .37'~ E~, distant 51~!~.15 feet; .·thence southeasterly and departir~gl,from the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, along~.said~curve concave to 'the Inortheast, with a radius of~51!~!.15 f~eet, a distance'6f 148.283,.I' feet'to a point of ta~ency, frOm'which the radial center of said curve ~bears N. 12' 49'' E., distant544.15 feet; thence ~S. 45,e 47' ll" E., a distance of 45.00 feet to. intersect the southerly boundary of the northeast quarter .(N~E. 1/4), of the southeast quarter (S. E. 1/4)of Said Section 15~.thence- S.'89° 25~ 44" W., along last named southerly. boundary a ",. · , distance of 123.049 feet to the, southwest (S.W.) corner of the northeast quarter (N. E.'l/4~ of the southeast quarter (S. E. 1/4).. .of said Section 15, the point'of .beginning', containing 0.1888 acres of~land ~ore or less, 2.,' That unless any portion sha~i be excluded by'the ~ity Council, all portions of said unincorporatedterrit0ry shall,upon,annexation to the City o.f Bakersfield,be~included wi'thin;the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade ~ist~iC~. " .. · 3. That' Monday, the'. 25th .day of April- , 1960, .at . the hou~ of eight o'clock P.M.', in'theCouncil Chambers of ~he City Hall, 1501.Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield,'California, is the. time when' and thelp-lace.where,. bbje.ctions to inclusion within the..ai'strict will be:heard. I ME, REBY CERTIFY that the ·foregoing Resolution was.passed and adop~ed'.by the Council'of the City· 0f·.Bakersfield ~t a regular meeting thereof held on the 21st day-of .Earc~ _ ~,~ 1960, 'by the following vote: .EE ~ F~ ~c.; ", CA~NAt{;S, COLLINS, CROES, DOOLIN, STIERN, BA~~L.~ ABSENT:. /~"/'~ Ci and Ex~0fficio Clerk of the Council of-the..City of Bakersfield. 1960.