HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 23-60 RESOLUTION NO.' 23~Q0 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO~INCLUDE WITHIN THE .'.' ~ .~GREATER BAKERSFIELD' SEPARATION OF GRADE DISTRICT CERTAIN TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "COLLEGE HEIGHTS~ NO., 7" AND SETTING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEAR- ~ ING OBJECTIONS TO THE.INCLUSION OF SAID TERRITORY · WITHIN SAID 'DISTRICT ~ . WHEREiS,·proceedings have been commenced for the. annexation of certain 'unin~orporated territory~ designated as~."College Heights No 7", to 'the ICity of Bakersfield~ and · WHEREAS~ all of said territory lies outside the Greater Bakers- field 'Separation of Grade District', 'and WHEREAS, Section 8290 of t~e Streetsand~Highways~Code of the State of~Calif0rnia~ provides that the'Unincorporated ~erritory of a · ,county which WaS, not included within a'separati~?Iof ·~rade district~ at the time of the formation of Su'ch district,~and whi~hlsubsequent to the formation of such 'district is annexed to or otherwise included w~thin~=a ·city which is a part of such district, shall immediately upon such annexation to such city'be included~within' the district and·shall thereafter become'a part.of· the district to the same exten't·as~such city;·exceptsuch portion or por~i~0ns +thereof which the ~ity Council has determined will not be benefite'd by inclusion'in the district. NOW, 'THERFA~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the~Council.0f the City Of Bakersfield, as follows: /.' ·+' 1. Tha.t a description Of the uninCorporated territory described in the annexation proceedings,is attached hereto,. marked "Exhibit A", and made a part hereof. ~I ~- 2~, 'THat unless any portion shall be excluded by ~he. City Council, all portions of saiduninco~porated territory shall, upon Bakersfield Separs. tion. of Grade District. I3. ~That Monday, the 25th day of April,~,l1960,.at the hour 'wiil be heard. eight o' clock P.M~, in the Councii Chambers of the City Hall, 1501.Truxtun.AMenue, Bakersfield,'California, is the'time ~hen and the plac~ where, objections't9. inclusion w~thin.the district ..... o0o' ..I HEREBY.CERTIFY that the' foregoing. Resolution was passed and adopted by-.the Council of the. City. o£..Bakersfieid at a.'regular meeting thereof· held on the 21st day of MarCh, 19'60,. by the following vote: · and Ex-Of~.icto Clerk of th~ COuncil of the City of Bakersfield,_ "EXHIBIT A" A parcel of lami situate in the County of Kern, State of California~ and being a portion of Settles 15, Township 29 South, aAn~e 28 East, N.D.M.; Beginning at th~ sou~ast (S.K.) corner of the southwest quarter (S.W. 1/4) of said Section 15, a"point on the current corporate boundary 'of the City of Bakersfield; thence northerly alon& the east- erly boundary of the said southwest quarter ($.1~.1/4) of Section on and along said corporate boundary as same is defined by that certain annexation designated as "College Rel~hts No. 6", as adopted October 26, 1959, by Ordinance No. 1267, Ne~ Series, and which was certified Novem- ber 30, 1959, by the Secretary of State, State of California, to the northeast (N.E.) corner of the south half (S.1/2), of ~ha south half ($.1/2), of the soutJlwest quarter (S.M.1/4), of said Section 15; thence S.89022'41'~., along the northerly boundary of the south half (S.1/2), of the south half (S. 1/2), of the southeast quarter (S.M.1/4), of said Section 15, a distance of 143.00 feet to the southeast (S.E.) corner of TRACT No. 2155, and as said corner is shown on the map thereof, recorded November 12, 1958, in Book 10 of Naps, at page 65, in the office of the County Kecorder of said Isrn County; thence N.0°07'40'~., along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as same is defined by chat certain annexation desi~nated as '~ollege lieig~hts No.5", as adopted Septanber 29, 1958, by Ordinance He. 1202, Hew Series, and which was certified October 30, 1958, by the said ~ecretary of State, a distance of 671.84 feet to intersect the northerly boundary of the sou~h half (S.1/2) of the southwest quarter (S.W.1/4) of said S~ction 15; thence N.89°25'4/+'~., along last named northerly boundary, on and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersf~eld as same is defined by that certain annexation designated as "College liei~hts No. as adopted May 23, 1955, by Ordinance No. 1050, Hew Series, and which was certified June 2~, 1955 by the said Secretary of State, a distance of 1~3.00 feet co the northeast (N.E.) corner of the south half (S.1/2), of the southwest quarter (S.W.1/4), of said Section 15; thence continu- ing N.89°25'44'~., along the northerly boundary of the south half (S.1/2), of the southeast quarter (S.E.1/4), of said Section 15, on and along the corporate boundary of the City. of Bakersfield as same is defined by that certain annexation designated as "College Bei~hts No. 2", as adopted February 24, 1958, by Ordinance Be. 1170, Bee Series, and which was certified Narch 26, 1958, by the said Secretary of State, a distance of 555.228 feet; thence S.0°28'10'~., and depart~g from the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, a distance of 493.362 feet; thence N.89°19'3~'~., a distance of 336.242 feet to a point, the beginning of a tangent curve, ~roa which the radial center of said curve bears N.0~0'23'~., distant 151.00 feet; thence northeasterly along said curve concave to the north~est, a distance of 118.894 feet to a point, the end of said tangent curve, from which the radial center of said curve bears N.45°47'11'~i., distant 151.00 feet; thence N.44°12'49'~., a distance of 50.00 .(~eet; thence S.45'47'11'' ~., a distance of 849.00 feet; thence S.44~12'4~<N., a distance of :~0.00 feet to a point, the beginning of a tangent curve, from which the radial center of said curve bears N.45°47'11'~., distant 1000.00 feet; thence southwesterly along saidcurve concave to the ncrtbwest a distance of 787.376 feet to intersect the southerly boundary of the southeast quarter (S.E.1/4) of said Section 15, and to the end of last described tangent curve, fromwhich the radial center of said curve bears N.0°40'23~., distant 1000.00 feet; thence S.89°19'37'~-, along the southerly boundary of the said southeast quarter (S.E.1/4) of Section 15, a distance of 902.50 feet to the southwest (S.W.) corner of the southeast quarter (S.E.1/4) of said Section 15, the point of beginning, and containing 35.628 acres of land more or less. 2/16/60