HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 22-60RESOLUTION NO. '22-60 A RESOLUTION OF THE 'COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAERSFIELD FIXING A TIME AND 'PLACE FOR : HEARING PROTESTS BY PERSONS OWNING REAL PROPERTY k~ITHIN TERRITORY' DESIGNATED AS "60LLEGE HEIGHTS .N0 7" PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY .0F BAKERSF IELD · . '. ' WHEREAS,.a petition was filed with the Council of the City of Bakersfield'on the 16th day of March, 1960, requesting] that certai~ninhabi'te.d territory therein described.be annexed tb and incorporated Withi~ the City of Bakersfield~-and - WHEREAS~said petiti on was signed by the OwnerS. of all of the territory proposed to be annexed'.''. N~OW, THEREFORE, in compliance with the, prOvisionS of the' Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act ofl9'39,.Ch~Pter 297, as amended, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: That the boundaries of the territory sO propOSed .to be annexed · /j ' to the City of Bakersfield are described as follows: A parcel of land' situate in the County of Kern,'State Of California, and being a portion .of Section 15,'To~mship 29 Sou~h, Range 28 East, M. D. M; Beginning at .the southeast (S~"E.).'Corner of the southw~St'quarter (S. W.' 1'74) of said Section 15, a point on-.~he current' corporate. boundary of. the City of Bakersfield; then'ce northerlX along the east- erly'.boundary of the said southwest quarter '(S~ W. 1Z4)'of section on and along said corporate boundary as same is 'defined. by that certain annexat]oh designated as "College Heights No. 6", as adopted October 26, 19%9~by Ordinance No. 1267, New Series, and which was certified Novem- ber 30, 1959, bythe Secretary of Statg, State of California, to' the northeast (N. E.-) corner of the south ~alf (S.~ 1/2), of the south half (S.'l/2), of the southwest quarter (S. W.' 1/4), of ·said Section thence S. 89~ 22' 41" W., along the northerly boundary of'the. south · half (S. 1/2), of the south half (So 1/2), of the southwest quarter (S. ~/4), of said Section l~, a distance of 143.00 feet to the W 1 southeast (S. E.~ corner of Tract No. 21~5,. and as said corner is'shown on the map thereof, recorded November 12,. 1958, in Book l0 of Maps, at page~651~-:in~the..office of t~e'~C-eun~yRec:order~o~;:~'~i~-:~e~n-C0~n~y~ thence N. ,0c 07' ~0" W., along the corporate boundary. of .the City. of Bakersfield as same is defined by that certain annexation designated. as "College Heights. No. 5", as. adopted September 29, 1958, by Ordinance 195 , by No. 1202, New Series, and which was certified October 30, 8 the said Secretary. of State,. a distance of 671o84 feet to intersect .the.northerly .boundary of the south half S~. 1/2)~of the southwest1 quarter~.(S~ W. 1/4)' of said SectiOn l~ thence N. 89° 2~' 44" E., 'along last named northerly boundary, on and'along the corporate boundary~of the City of Bakersfield as same is defined~by that cert'ain lannexation designatsd as "College. Heights No.. l" as adopted May 23, , 19~5, by Ordinance No 10~0, New Series, and which was certified June 24, 19~5 by the said Secretary of State, a distance Of 143o00 feet to the northeast (N. E.) corner of the s'0uth half (S.· 1/2), the southwest quarter (S. W. 1/~, of said Section l~; thence continua .ing N. 89"25' ~!~" E., along the northerly boundary of the south half (S. 1/2~, of'thesoutheast quarter (S.E. 1/~),,of said SectiOn on and along the corporate~bounda~y of the City of BakerSfield as same is defined by that certain annexation designated as "College Heights No. 2" . llT0 New Series; , as adopted February 24, 19~8, by Ordinance No and which was'Certified March 26,.19~8,1by the Said Secretary~of 'State, a distance of 5~.228 feet; thence S. 0e 28'' 10" E., and departing from the corporate boundary of the City of Baker~sfield, a.distance of 493.362·feet; thence N. 89' 19' 37'~ E., a'distance of 336.242 feet ~to a point, the beginning of a ta~n~ent curve from which the radial· center of said curve bears.N. 0 40' 23", ~,. distant l~l.00 feet; thence northeasterly along said curve concave to the northwest, a distance of 118.894 feet tO a point,. the end of'said tangent curve,~from which the radial centerlof said curve bears.N° 45~.47' ll'~ W~, distant t~l.00 feet;thence N. I~1~° 12' 49".E., a distance Of 50.00 fee~; Ithence .47' ll"'E., a distance of 849.00 feet~ thence S. ~!e 12' ~9"~·W., a distance of ~0.00 feet to a point~ the beginning of a tangent curve,. from which the radial center of said curve bears ,N. 4~e 47~ ll" W., -distant 1000.00 feet; thence southwesterly along said-curve concave to the northwest a .distance of 787°376 feet· to intersect the southerly. boUndaryof the southeast quarter (S. E. 1/4) lof said Section l~, and to the end of last described tangent cUr~,from which~the~radial center of said curve bears N. 0.~ 40~ 23" Wj~diStantl000o00 f·eet; thence S. 89' 19~ 37" W. along 'the southerly boundary of the said ' f southeast. quarter~(S. E. 1/4)'of Section l~~, a'.distan~-eof 902.~0 set to the southwest(S. W.) corne~ of the Southeast quarter (So'E- of said,Section.l~, t~e point of beginning,'. and containing 3~.628 acres of land more or less. That a designation ap'prop~iatelynaming such territory is "COLLEGE HEIGHTS NO ~ 7 ·" BE IT FURT~IER RESOLVED,'that Monday, the 2~th day of April, 1960,.a~the hour of eigh~ o'clock PoMp, in the. Council Chambers of the City Hall, l~01 Truxtun'Avenue, Bakersfield, California, is · the time when and t~e place where'any person owning.real property within such territory so proposed t0 be annexed and having any objections to the.proposed annexation may appear'~bef6·~e.the O0UnCil · of the City of Bakersfielld and show cause w~y such tSrritbry 'should not be annexed. · i HEREBY CERTIFY that the.foregoing.ReSolution was passed.~.. and adopted by the Council of the City of,BakerSfi.eld at a regular meeting thereo~ held on the 21st dayof,,March~' 1960, by the following vote: and. Ex-Officio-Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. · .. 'FL~YOR of th~O~it[ of Bakersfield.