HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 18-60 :' ' RESOLUTION NO. ,,!§~_60 ...- RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF 'THE CITY OF.. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, CONFIRMING THE · ASSESSMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCT.!0N OF SIDEWALKS IN' TRACT 1530 WITHIN ·PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 7.~3, IN THE CITY. OF BAKERSFIELD, 'CALIFORNIA. ' '· ' -WHEREAS, the CounCil 'of ~he City· 'of "Sakersfield' 'did adopt ResolUtion of Intention No. 743' .f0r.-..the .conStruCtion of_sidewalks · . f. . fronting on Lots 109 to 130,. incluSiVe, .Land nots 141 to 84, inclusive,- and on the sideyards of Lots 109~-'130, 141,. 162,' 163 and 184, all i.n Tract'iS30, City of Bakersfield, all within PUblic Improvement Dis- WHEREAS, pursuant to .proceedings had and taken by. said City COuncil under said. Resolutioh of 'intention N0' 743, a contract was · ·entered into by·and between BOYD D; PEEBLES, dba Boyd's .Concrete Works,. as contractor, and H. BERGEN, as 'Street'Superintendent' Of said City,.· for the construction of sa. id improvements; .and. j · WHEREAS, the Superintendent of Streets prepared, signed and filed with the City Clerk' his 'asseSsment ~Covering. the' COsts and expenses of the' construction: of'said.improvementS; and 'WHEREAS, notice of the filing Of said assessment has been duly and' regularly ·given by publiCatiOn., posting and mailing,' as .required by law, and. said'notice-fixed the. 7th 'day of March,"'1960~ at the hour of' eight'o'clock (8:00) PiM., and·the chambers of the' City 'Council, located in the City; ·Hall in the-City o~ Bakersfield, .as .the time· 'and place when and where .all..p~.rsons, interested-in the. work done or in '.the assessment, would be.vh~ard b~.the said City Council; . "NOW, THEREFORE, 'THE CITY C'0UNCIL* '0F THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DOES ~.'~EREBY RESOLVE, .DETERMINE, FIND AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: That after a fair and impartial hearing' having been. granted to all..persons desiring to be heard-in"'the matter 'of 'the said. improvement, descr'ib~d as aforesaid,· in Public ImprOVement District No~ .743,+ and .all objec'tionS presented, having been h~ardand fuly considered,. · andsthe City COuncil being satisfied With the correctness'land fairness of+the assessment and diagram, it iShereby determined that all appeals or objections be overruled and denied and ~hatlthe asSessment'and' diagram, together with the proceedings~.~ be confirmed and' approvsd and that~'the Superintendent of Streets'shali forthwith attach a warrant ~to .said assessment bearing the date of this resolution'of the City Council. ...... o0o i HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing. Res01U~ion was duly passed and adopte~d by the Council of the City Of Bakersfield, ~at a r. egular meeting thereof held on the 7th~ day of March', 1960~ by the ~011oWing vote City Cl~e~and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council Of the City of Bakersfield. APpRO '.-~ h~ of MarCh, 1960'" MAYORator the Ci~,~y~of Bakersfield'.-