HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 15-60 RESOLUTION 'NO ,15-60 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ACKNOWLEDG. ING THE RECEIPT .'OF A COPY OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO-CIRCU- · LATE PETITION FOR-THE ANNEXATION OF TERRI- · + ~TORY DESIGNATED AS G00DE 'N0-'. 2~ AND ' AFFIDAVIT 0F PUBLICATION'.' THEREOF, AND APPROVING THE CIRCULATION~ OF THE 'PETITION. WHEREAS,' on February 16, i960, there 'was+ filed with the City· 'Clerk of the City of Bakersfield a copy 'Of NOtice .of Intention to Circulate 'Petition' Relating to Annexation of Certain Territory. to the City' of-'Bakersfield'Under the Annex'ation AC't of 1913 pertaining to territory designated as Goode. No. 22, together .with-' an' af~fidaVit of publication of said notice showing pUblic.ation .thereof. ,on January 28, 1969, in The Bakersfield' Californian, a newspaper of general circu' lation published in the City of Bakersfield; and ~' WHEREAS, the Annexation Act of 19i3' provides that the legiS. !drive .b~dy may'adopt a resolution 'aCknowledging~ receipt' of the notice and approving the circulation of the petition; NOW, 'T~R~0RE, BE IT RES0L~D by the'~ C~uncil of the City 0f BakerSfield: · - .. .. 1. That .the 'receipt' of'the notice and +affidavit of publica~ tton~e and the same is hereby. acknowledged, andsthat approval 'be and iS hereby given for the circulation,of the petition for annexation of that certain territory ~esignated as G. oo..de'No. 2 twentyLone days after ~he publication of said notice. ./- .' " "' 2. The ~City Clerk shall certify .to ,the adoption Qf this 'resolution. · I HEREBY CERTIFY that-~the foregoing ResOlution was passed and adopted by the Council of, the City of BakerSfield at a regular meeting thereof held. on the 23rd day of FebrUary, 1960, by the followi.ng vote: ... · AYES: BALFANZ, ~ENTLEY, O,",RN,",K',S, COLLH':S, CROESj ~OO LqN, S'[tE.RN, NOEs: :.,. __ City 0~erk and Ex~Officio Clerk of the Council-of the .City of Bakersfield, MAYOR of the Ci-.ty :of Bakersfield ~ ,