HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 14-60RESOLUTION N0. 14'60 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY' 'OF' BAKERSFIELD CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD~ ON THE 19th .DAY OF APRIL, 1960, PERTAINING T0 THE' ANNEXATION 0F GREENE,S TRACT N0. 3 T0 THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD,. ESTABLISH- ING VOTING PRECINCT, POLLING PLAC_E AND 0FFICERS OF ELECTION FOR SAID ELECTION, AND PRESCRIBING FEES TO BE PAID TO SAID OFFICERS OF ELECTION AND FOR .SAID POLLING PLACE. .WHEREAS, a written petition' was. filed with the Council of the City-of .Bakersfield, requesting that .certain inhabited territory therein described be'annexed to the City of Bakersfield, and WHEREAS, by Resolution N6.3.60, the' Council of the'City of Bakersfield declar~ed its intention to C'all a special e~lection in certain inhabited territory eontigu0usbosaid.city proposed to be annexed' tO said .city, for-the purpose o~.sUb~itting to the qualified electors residing in said territory'the ques6i0nwhether or not said. territory shall be annexed' to said' city,.and's'~tting. forth'a time and place of hearing-protests against said proposed election, and · WHEREAS, a ·copy of said resolution was published as required by law';.and ~... WHEREAS, a petition purporting to be.a'prot'est was·duly · filed, ·which petition does not meet the requirement Set.fOrth in- Section 35120 of the Government Code of~ the 'State of California, and : " WHEREAS, at the time set' for'heaPing-objections 'to the election no written protests were made.by any Of the·Owners of property within the territory proposed to be 'anneXed, and WHEREAS, all proceedings. havebeen hadin.aCcordance with Said resolution and the Annexation Act' of 1913, refer'ence thereto hereby being made for further particulars. . '.. ' .--~.: ..... · ..... NO,W_,. '.THEREFORE, .BE.IT RESOLVfE~ by_,.-.the;~CounCil_.o_f the__Cinby_ ......... of Bakersfield, as follows: : SECTION 1~. '~ .' A special election is hereby'called. to be held on the 19th day of April, 1960,'in the territ0ryhereinafterl~described and proposed .to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield!"for the-'purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing in said· territory the question whether Or not said ~erritory shall be.annexed tO theLCity of Bakers- field and the~property in the territory to.be annexed. lbe* subjected to 'taxation after annexation equally with the prop. erty~within the. 'City of Bakersfield, to pay the bondedindebtedness~0f the City'of Bakersfield outstanding for the acquisition~'~Onstruction or. Completion of municipal improvements. SECTION.2. "' ,, . ~.. That said territory is hereby designated and identified for such'election purposes and for use upon the ballOts'at such. .. election as "'.!GREENE.'S TRACT NO 3" and is described as follows: A parcel of iand situate in the County of Kern', State of Californi~ and being a portion of SectiOns 35 and .36, TOWnshiP 29 S'0uth,. Range 27 East, M. D. M., and a portion.of .Sections 1. and 2, To~rnship 30 South, Range 27 East, M. D.. M. : Beginning.at the intersection of the northe~ly'.boundary line of Brundage Lane, of 60 feet in.width, with the-westerly boundary line of 0akStreet, of 60 feet in width, and as said intersection is shown on the Map of TractNo. 1397, recorded September 25, 1947,' in BoOk 6 of Maps at pages 67 and 68, in..the office of the County Recorder, of said Kern County, said intersection also being a points. on the budrent corporate boundary cry the. City of Bakersfield;. thence southerly', and departing from said. Corporate bOundary,.on. and along a line parallel with, distant,30..·feet westerly, as measured perpendicularly, to the'easterly boundary of said Section 35-, to intersect the southerly boundary of said Section 35; thence continuing southerly along the westerly'boundary.lineof'Wible Road, of 60 feet in width, and as said. Wible Road' i.s shown on the Map of Tract No. 1549, recorded May i7,1950, in. BoOk 7 of Maps at pages 95 and 96,. in the office of the'said-COunty Recorder, to intersect'a line perpendicular to the.easterly boundary of. said SectiOn 2, distant 50.02 feet northerly'from. the intersection of Pamela Drive and Wible Road, as measuredale.ng 'the easterly boundary of said Section 2, and as last named.intersection is shown on the said Map of Tract No. 1549; thence easterly along.'last.named per- pendicularline 60 feet, to intersect'the easterly boundary line of said Wible Road; thence southeasterly along.a tangent curve concav.e to the northeast, with' a radius of 20 feet, and through a · central angle of 90° 01' 30" on-and along the corporate boundary .......... of -~.the-~ Cilty~'o~'Baker sffeld IIas"~ame'~i s"~d'eT ined 'by; ' tha~' ~rt~in afthera= tion designated.as "Terrell Acres", adopted April lO, 1950, by Ordinance No. 870, New Series, and certified May. 12, 1950,'by the · Secretary of.State, State of California~ a dist~nceof 3'1.~2 feet'; - thence S. 89 o 54' 40'' E., 13~.99. feet; thence' N. :0 ~. 06~ ~0" E., 130.'00 feet;* thence S. 89e 54' 40"'E., 303.8'6 feet; thence N. 0 28" E.,-124.25 feet; thence northwesterly'along a '.tangent curve,. concave to the .southwest, with a radius of '20 feet, ..through a central angle of 89° 45" 28", a distance of 31.33..feet, .to intersect the southerly boundary line of Brundage Lane of-. 60 feet in width, said last named southerly boundary line also' being' the' northerly boundary. of said. Section l, Township 30 South, Range. 27.East,~ M. D. M.; thence · S. 89 o 35' ~E ,, along the' southerly boundary line of . said .Brundage Lane~ 139.61 feet; thence N. 0° 22' 04" E.,. 160.00.feet; thence S. 89° 35' E., 65.00' feet to intersect. the westerly boundary 'of' Tract No. 1527,.'as last 'namedwesterly.boundary%is shown on Map of said Tract No., 1527, recorded December .13,' 1949' in Book. 7 of 'Maps at page 56, in the office of the'said 'County Recorder~ thence northerly along last named westerly boundary, 'and also along the westerly boundary of Lot-7, Block.C., as said"Lot 7, .Block C, is shown on the Map of "Greene' s Tract", recorded November 9,' 1905, in Book I of Maps at page 97, in. the office of 'the said-County Recorder~ on and .along the .cotpot. ate boundary of the. City of Bakersfield, as same is defined by that certain annexation desig- nated as a "Portion of the E. 1/21 of BIoCk C~ Gree'ne's TraCt", as adopted May 2, 1949, by Ordinance No. 830,' New Series, and certified June 6, 1949, .by +the said Secretary of-State, to inter.- sect ,the southerly boundary of Lot '3, BloCk~C, in said "Greene's Tract"; thence westerly along last' named southerly .boundary, on and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, and as-~said corporate~boundary is defined by that certain annexation designated as "Greene' s Tract No. l", as adopted AugUst 27, 1951, by Ordinance No. 917, New Series, 'and certified 0ctober+-l,' 1951, of. ,2 of said .Lot 3, Block C, "Greene' s~ 'Tract' ;' thence continuing west~. erly along said southerly boUndary. of Lot.3, on and',along the .corporate boundary of .said City, and as same'.is defined by that certain annexation designated as "Greene' s Tract No. 2", .as adopted April 13, 1959, .by Ordinance No. 1235~ N~w Series,' and certif'ied May 15, 1959, by the said Secretary of State,. to inter" Sect the westerly boundary of the easterly one-half (E. !/2), of said Lot 3; thence northerly along. last .named westerly boundary to inter- sect the.westerly extension of the southerly boundary line of Second Street, as said Second Street'is shown.on the Map Of the ' t" recorded May 2, 1910, in Book i of Maps at page 144, "Goode Trac , in the Office of the said CoUnty Recorder; thence westerly 'along the said westerly extension of the southerly boundary, line of Second Street, on and along the corporat'e boundary. of said City, 'and as same is defined by that certain annexation designated as "South Bakersfield District No 3" as adopted by an Election · , held September 28, 1926, an~ which. washcertified October 6, 1928, ~ by the Said Secretary of State, to intersect the 'easterly boundary line of the afor'esaid Oak .Street of 60 feet in width, said last tion designated as a "P~rtion of TraCt~ · ~ '~ 20~ '1948, by Ordinance No. 801, New Series', and cer~tified October 29, .1948, by the. said Secretary of .State, as "the most westerly · southwest corner of the corporate limits Of the City ~of Bakersfield, ..... Calif~ia!'!-; ,~ thence .i~ .-~8-9 ..o 45' -~2~0!'~-~W ,, :-o,a~long-. the ~cor-po~-a-te~-h oundar~y~ of said City, 'and as same is.. defined-.by said Ordinance No. 801, New SerieS, a distance of 60 feet, to interseCt.the westerly boundaryl line of said Oak Street; thence s~outherly. along last named Westerly boundary line parallel with and distant 30 feet Westerly as measured perpendicular to the easterly boundary-of,said. Section 35,.to inter- sect the northerly boundary line of the ,aforesaid Brundage Lane, and to the pointof beginning, containing 17.96 acres ..of land, more or less. " · SECTION '~ The polls st said election shall be.opened-at 7o'Cl~k A.M. of the 'dayherein fixed for the holding[.of Said election'and.'shall · be kept- open Until 7 o' clock P .M., of "the ' same. day, when the polls shall be closed; SECTION-4L " " Upon the ballots to be used at 'S'aidelection there shall be printed the. words: SHALL "GREENE'S TRACT N0;3" BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND THE PROPERTY IN SUCH TERRITORY BE, AFTER SUCH ANNEXATION, SUBJECTED'IOT~.uTA.~.~T.!f0N~'~.Q~.'~LY WITH ·THE PROPERTY WITHIN r THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OUTSTANDING FOR THE ACQUISITION, 'CONSTRUCTION OR COM' PETION OF MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS? Opposite these words there shall be 'printed the Words "Yes" and "'No" and to the right of each of 'these last two words there shall be a voting square. If an elector shall stamp a cross (+) in the voting square after the printed word "Yes" .the vote of such elector shall be counted in favor of the annexation of said territory to the City of Bakersfield; and if.·an elector shall stamp, a cross (+) in the' voting square af'ter the printed"word i'N~"the vote of such u ..... · elector' shall. be·l'ccunted against such ahneXatiOn. In all particulars not herein recited said election shall be held in conformity, as near as may be, with ·the laws of the State of California concerning general elections and-with said-Annexation Act of 1913.' (a). For the purpose of said election there is hereby estab-' lished in'the territory proposed to be' annexed~ one (1) voting precinct **consisting of a portion-of Precinct Castr0 West, which shall include all of said territory. The following"is ~he:p.olling place of said ~ election precinct and the following named persons are hereby'named such election precinct: POLLING PLACE: officers of election and shall constitute the b0ard~of~ele~Ction for 'William T·. Baldwin Garage '~l~O Oakbank Road Kern County, California INSPECTOR: Mi·ldred M. Baldwin · .. g e.s s-.' Olson JUDGE Bette J.-.Wegis (b): For their services in*~'onnect'ion~withsaid election, said Inspector shall receive $21.00 and-said JUdges shal'l receive $18.00 each; and the person in possession of the polling place named herein shall· receive for the use of'.such premises in connection with said election 'the sum of $18.00. SECTION The City' Clerk shall publish a notice of said specialselection~ as required by the Annexation Act of 1913', at l'east once'a week for ..'the four (4) weeks prior to theelectign, in the Oildale News, a news- paper of general' circulation, printed.and'published outside the city, but i.n the countyin which the territory i's ~ituate'd. .' ..... o0o " I HEREBY CERTIFY that 'the ~oregoing Resolution' was .passed and adopted by the Council of~ the City*of Bakersfield at-a're'gul'ar · meeting thereof held on the l%th day of 'February, 1960., by the following vote: ' AYES: BALF~NX, BENTLE'/, CARNAKI$, COLLINS,. C. ROES, DOOLIN STIERN., '~YO'~Of~bh~) Cijty of Bakersfield. and Ex-0fficio Clerk of the Council of the City of Baker'sfield.-