HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 5-60RESOLUTION~ N0.__,_5-60 WHEREAS, the President'Ofthe United States has called a 'White House Conference on-Children land Youth, and-. WHEREAS, the Governor, s AdVisory Committee on-Children and YoUth is planning California's,pa-rticipation in ~this Conference and has,.·requested of this Council the appointment of a Chairman to plan the method by which·this community can participate in this nationwide · ~ffort, and WHEREAS,. John Loustalot' has been.appointed by this'Council as itslrepresen~atiVe to participate in a national conf. erence on 'yoUth,' and WHEREAS, said John Loustalot appeared before this Council. "and gave a repor't on a proposed program. and functions of the Greater Bakersfield YoUth Council in connection With the nationwide project, which program meets with the approval of the Council. "'.___ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ~hat the Council_ of the City of Bakersfield 'endorses the YOuth Council program heretofore formulated andpresented tO this Body, and does hereby commend John. Loustalot 'and the.members of the YouthlCounCii for their. preliminary work p~eparatory to· their'participation in this~gr~eat undertaking for the benefit of the .youth of America. -?,-~'o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was paSSe~ and ad0ptedby the Council of.the City of Bakersfield'at..a regular meeting. thereof'.held on the-.25th'day of January,.l1960~ by. thefolloW- ing.Wote: AYES: BALFANZ. BENTLEY. CARNAKIS. Gt~:~t. CROES. DOOUN; STI'ER,. NOES:.~~ ~ : · -; · APPROVED this. 25~y of January~ "'1960 ~JLYOR of the City of BakersfieZd, · TY and Ex-0fficio Cle~ of,-the · Council of the. City'of Bakersfield', ./ /