HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 3-60 .. A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE OiTY OF BAKERSFIELD DEOLARING- ITS INTENTION' TO OALLA~ SPECIAL ELEGTION 'IN CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY 00NTIGUOUS TO SAID CITY' PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED THERETO.~ FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUB- MITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS RESIDING IN SAID ITERRITORY THE QUESTION WHETHER~·S~ID 'TERRITORY SHALL BE AI~NEXED TO 'THE GITY OF BAKERSFiELD~ AND FIXING AND PLACE ~EN AND. '~.~YHERE.ANY-PERSON' OWNING' REAL PROPERTY .WITHIN.' SUCH TERRITORY MAY-APPF~R..:BEFORE SAID COUNCIL AND SHOW 0AUSE WHY SUCH. mERRITOR.Y. ~.HOULD NOT' BE SO .ANNE~TEDo B~E IT RESOLVED by' the Oounci.1 of the ·Oity·.'of Bakersfield~ SECTION i.. That it is .the. intentiOn'of'the council of the City of. B~ke~sfield to Call 'a' spe. cial eleqtion t.o.l.b~..h.'$md' in certain' inhabited territory contiguous to'said ci~y~ proposed' to be .annexed· theretO, r'0r the purpose of "submitting 'tol t~e q,ualifiedl.'el.ectors residing in s'aid..t~rritory the'.questi0n'wh~t~er 'or'nnot Said territory shalL.be annexed. to the City Of Bak'ersfield.:and the.property in the te' r,itory be annexed be su.b. eS,ted to.taxat io' ..a±ter n exation equally with the.property' within .the ' Gi'ty'-6f Bakerfsfie'id~' to pay the bonded"in~ebtedne.ss of ~ke City-orI'Bakersfield;0utCstanding.for the .acquisition, ."constm~uction or comple.ti0n. of' mu.~icipal improvements° ... That.a description of said territory i'~ atta'ched hereto' marked Exhibit A ', and :'made a ·part here .Of-° . ... . '.' - .. ,~ . -. SECTION 2'. That said te'rri~ory is" hereby.,de~ignated and identified. for such election'! purposes an~ for 'use upon ttie b.~llots at such election a.s ~GREEN-E" S TRACT NO. '.3" ' -' sEoTIoN' 3. Notice isf'hereby g~iven that o,n:the Sth 'day of. Februa,ry,' 1960,.. a't the hour. ~f.8:O0. o' CloCk-P.~Mo'., 'in .the GounciI Chamber in the"'Oity Hall'; 1~01 TruxtUn Avenue,' BakerSfield, Oalifornia, any .per~0n. owning'real property' within said. territ0ry'.so[ proposed to be 'before.'said CoUncil and sho~ cause.why such t'erritory should not be so ~nnexed. Such 'protest must be~ f-ilSd' in Q~itinS. not. .ater than the. hour set'for hea~ing objections to. the election,-and-shall state in general terms the name or names ef the owner. or owners of the property affected and the location and area of such. property. SECTION 4- That the CitZ'Olerk shall'Certify to the adoption of this resolution and cause the same to be published once a week'for' two successive Weeks in a newspaper of general circulation .published in bhe territory proposed to be annexed, or, if there ~s none~ in a .neWspaper of general' circulation published in-the city. A parcel of land situate in the County of Kern~ State of California, and being a portion of Sections 35 and 36, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M. D. M.~ and a portion of Sections 1 and 2~ Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M. D. M. Beginning at the intersection of the northerly boundary line of Brundage Lane, of 60 feet in width~ with the westerly boundary line of Oak Street, of 60 feet in width, and as said intersection is shown on the Map of Tract No. 1397, recorded September 25, 1947, in Book 6 of Maps at pages 67 and 68, in the office of the County Recorder, of said Kern County, said intersection also being a point on the current corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield; thence southerly, and departing from said corporate boundary, on and along a line parallel withy distant 30 feet westerly, as measured perpendicularly, to the easterly boundary of said Section 35, to intersect the southerly boundary of said Section 35; thence continuing southerly along the westerly boundary line of Wible Road, of 60 feet in width, and as said Wible Road is shown on the Map of Tract No. '1549, recorded May 17, 1950, in Book 7 of Maps at pages 95 and 96, in the office of the said County Recorder, to intersect a line perpendicular to the easterly boundary of said Section 2, distant 50.02 feet northerly from the intersection of Pamela Drive and Wible Road, as measured along the easterly boundary of said Section 2, and as last named intersection is shown on the said Map of Tract No. 1549; thence easterly along last named per- pendicular line 60 feet, to intersect the easterly boundary line of said Wible Road; thence southeasterly along a tangent curve concave to the northeast~ with a radius of 20 feet, and through a .central angle of 90° 01' 30", on and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as same is defined by that certain annexa- tion designated as "Terrell Acres", adopted April 10, 1950, by Ordinance No. 870, New Series, and certified May 12, 1950, by the Secretary of State~ State of California, a distance of 31.42 feet; thence S. 89° 54' 40" E., 134.99 feet; thence N. 0© 06'50" E., 130.00 feet; thence S. 89° 54' 40" E., 303°86 feet; thence N. 0°10' 28" E., 124.25 feet; thence northwesterly along a tangent curve-, concave to the southwest, with a radius of 20 feet, through a central angle of 89° 45' 28", a distance of 31.33 feet, .to intersect the southerly boundary line of Brundage Lane of 60 feet in width, said last named southerly boundary line also being the northerly boundary of said Section 1, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M. D. M; thence ~S .... 8~fw~3~! K.,alo-ng~ ~h~southe~!~bo~d_~r~liD~s~L~Brun~g~ .... Lane, 139.61 feet; thence N. 0° 22' 04" E., 160.00 feet; thence S. 89°35' E., 65.00 feet to intersect the westerly boundary of Tract No. 1527, as last named westerly boundary is shown on Map of Exhibit A said Tract Noo 1527, recorded December 13, 1949, in Book 7 of Maps at page 56, in the office of the said County Recorder; thence northerly along last named westerly boundary, and also along the westerly boundary of Lot 7, Block C, as said Lot 7, Block C, is shown on the Map of "Greene's Tract", recorded November 9, 1905, in Book l'of Maps at page 97, in th~ office of the said County Recorder, on and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, as same is defined by that certain annexation desig- nated as a "Portion of the E. 1/2 of Block C, Greene's Tract", as adopted May 2, 1949, by Ordinance No. 830, New Series, and certified June 6, 1949, by the said Secretary of State, to inter- sect the southerly boundary of Lot 3, Block C, in said "Greene~s Tract"; thence westerly along last named southerly boundary, on and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, and as said corporate boundary is defined by that certain annexation designated as "Greene's Tract No. 1", as adopted August 27, 1951, by Ordinance No. 917, New Series, and certified October 1, 1951, by the said Secretary of State, to intersect the westerly boundary of the easterly one-half (E.1/2) of the easterly one-half (E.1/2) of said Lot 3, Block C, "Greene's Tract"; thence continuing west- erly along said southerly boundary of Lot 3, on and along the corporate boundary of said City, and as same is defined by that certain annexation designated as "Greene's Tract No 2" as · , adopted April 13, 1959, by Ordinance Noo 1235, New Series, and certified May 15, 1959, by the said Secretary of State, to inter- sect the westerly boundary of the easterly one-half (E.1/2), of said Lot 3; thence northerly along last named westerly boundary to inter- sect the westerly extension of the southerly boundary line of Second Street, as said Second Street is shown on the Map of the "Goode Tract", recorded May 2, 1910, in Book 1 of Maps at page 144, in the office of the said County Recorder; thence westerly along the said westerly extension of the southerly boundary line of Second Street, on and along the corporate boundary of said City, and as same is defined by that certain annexation designated as "South Bakersfield District No 3" · , as adopted by an Election held September 28, 1926, and which was certified October 6th, 1926, by the said Secretary of State, to intersect the easterly boundary line of the aforesaid Oak Street of 60 feet in width, said last named intersection also being referred to by that certain annexa- tion designated as a "Portion of Tract 1397", as adopted September 20, 1948, by Ordinance No. 801, New Series, and certified October 29, 1948, by the said Secretary of State, as" the most westerly southwest corner of the corporate limits of ~he City of Bakersfield, California'; thence N. 89° 45' 20" W., along the corporate boundary of said City, and as same is defined by said Ordinance No. 801, New Series, a distance of 60 feet, to intersect the westerly boundary line of said Oak Street; thence southerly along last named westerly boundary line parallel with and distant 30 feet westerly as measured perpendicular to the easterly boundary of said Section 35, to inter- .............. ~t~he-n~rrherl-y-bound-ary~-~i~e~ ~f~the'a~f=ores'ai~d~8~u'n'~age~hane~ ............ and to the point of beginning, containing 17.96 acres of land, more or less. I' HEREBY CERTIFY that t~e foregoing"Res~lution'was! passed and adopted by the Council' of the City of Bakersfield'~-at a~,regular meet- · ing ~thereof held on the lSth ~day-of January;+-*lg60,. b~ 'the .follo,ing ~.~.~,.'BAL~:t.NE, BEif~i-~ CARNAKIS,~', CROES, DOetIN, STIERN, ... '* b.~sEN~:-: "',' " ' .." .. -. ., ?,,. ~,.- . , .:. ;.. : .. , . ': ,., :, . :., 'T' :