HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 1-60 RESOLUTION NO~ 1-60 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCiL.OF THE CITY- OF BAKERSFIELD CONSENTING TO .THE COMMENCE- ~NT OF ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS FOR THE'- ANNEXATION TO THE CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD OF CERTAIN INHABITED AND UNINC0RPORATED TERRITORY IN THE COUNTY 0F KERN~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, CONTIGUOUS T0f'THE CITY OF -BAKERSFIELD, DESIGNATED AS "G00DE N0.2." -WHEREAS, on December 14, 1959, fa petition was presented to t~e C~ouncil ~f the City of Bakersfield"~eque-Sting the'Council to give .its consent to' the commencement of annexation proceedings' in connection with that certain inhabited territory ~herein' referred tb and particu- larly. described, which is contiguous to the City of Bak~rsfield~ and ~ER~S, the Pta~ing Co~ission of the City ~0f Bakersfield has rendered its report to this COuncil,. and'. "~ER~S, it Is the desire of the CounCil to .give itS. consent to the co~encement' of such a~exation proceedings upon condition that the .electors within said territory be informed a.t the time ~he petition for a~exation is circulated that the question to be submitted to said electors,.shatl'be whether.'~the .ter~itory Shall .be annexed to the City of Ba~ersfield and the property' in.the ]territory to b~ a~exed be sUbje]cted to 'taxation after annexation equally With the property within the City of Bakersfield, to pay the ~0nded' indeb6edhess of the City of Bat{ersfield outstanding for the aCquiSition, construction or completion of municipal improvements° - NOW., THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the COuncil of the. City of Bakersfield, as follows: .1.- That consent is hereby granted. for the commencement of - annexation proceedings in Connection with said inhabited territory in accordance with .the Annexation Act of 191-3 provided the petition for annexation contains a request'. that the ques'tion tO be submitted to the electors· residing'in the territory proposed 'to be annexed Shall be whetherthee.territory shall beannexed tO'the City of Bakersfield and the property i'n the territ0ry~'to'be 'anneXed be. subjected to taxation after. annexation equally with pr'operty within the City of Bakersfield, to pay the bonded indebtedness of the City of Bakersfield outstanding for the acquisition, 60nstruction or completion of municipaI improvements. 2. That said unincorporated.territory is hereby designated as "GoodeNo. 2", is.bounded generally' as follows: lying .along 'the westerly side of A'S'treet'between'S;ec0nd IStre~t andBrundage .Lane, and is more particularly described. in the 'i'Petition'fOr. Oonsent to' the Commencement of~'A'nr~.Sxation Pro~ ed'ngs" on.file inl the offide of the e 1 City Clerk,'which description .is' incorporated herein byreference and made.a part hereof as if set forth-herein in full. 3. ~.'~' The City Clerk shall certify to. the adopti0n .. of this reslolution.. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the' foregoing Resolution' Was. paslsed and adoptej 'by the Council of the' City of Bakersfield alt'a ~egular meeting thereof held on'the llth day of january, 1960, by'the following vote: 1 of Ci . Ex-0fficio C erk COuncil. of '.the City' of Bak.ersfield. MAYOR' of: ~h~e.' City of ~akersfield; of January.,-·1960 the ~ ..... ~ ...... . . _f .~j ~ ·