HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 92-59 !, """ ,'L.. "W ,. t" I!'. .' '~), .\ . f.. ~I' ,jf <1IiO RESOLUTIQN NO. 0 ,92...p9 R$SO:~UTION DECLARING TH,A.~ 'THE' PUBLIC INTEREST ,AND NECESSITY,REQUIRES THE ACQUtSITIQNOF CER- TAIN PROPERTIESFQR THE WIDENING A~D IMPRQVEMENT QF uH" STREET IN TJiE CITY QF BAKERSFIELDAl\TD D]:H..; ECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO. FILE AQ.TIQN FQR, THE" ACQUISITIQN OF SAID, PRQPERTY BY ACTlQN INEIVJ.INENT DQrviAIN. , HHEREAS, the City Council ,in full session during budget hearings ,. held in 1958 determined the. t traff:ic ,condi t'ions within the City of Bakersfield were such as tb necessItate the widening of "H" St:reet in the City of Bakersfield between .California A venue and, Brundage Lane, and . . ., WHEREAS, on September 2, 1958,,'the C1 ty Council authbriz~d and direct,ed the, Oi ty Manager to app'oint agents. for the purpose of acquir- ing si;xteen and one-half, feet from property ,owners"on the west side of uRu S trfle.~ for' the, aforesaid purpose of ,widening ,said "Hu Street, as shown on the map. attached hereto , and WHEREAS, pursuant to such appointment of acquisition agents, certain properties have been acquired by the City of Bakersfield, but that there remains certain properties which have no.t been acquired by reason of the refusal of the proper.ty owners:tci sell' sa~d properties, and WHEREAS, it is neces,sary toacqu.;Lre a continuous strip of property sixteen'and'one"'half feet wide bordering the. w~st side of llHUStreet in order to proceed with the improvement of' said street. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HESQLVED,PY the' Council of the Oity of Bakersfield that the public inte,rest andnecessi ty' requires the acqui- sition of properties on the westerly sid~ of uHll street, sixteen and . . . . . ._~ .~_'__~_o~e:e.~i1'~~'~SU? .."~i'n~ dEiP~E-~_:f~:r_om ~J1l1!LStxisM-Jlg .pr.QPe):~"ty~lin~,.~and~the~~C-i-ty.~ ~-7".' Attorney is hereby authorized and.directed,tocomrnerice proceedings for , .. those . '. , '. .' " necessary the acquisition .of/certain properties border:-ing"H u, ,stre,et/for the aforesaid purpose of improving said "H" Street ~ ' ~, -----oOo----~: , '- .. ..:~ '. I!} If'; .- "- t': ",:,,~ r~,;" I HEREBY CERTIFY that the for~gbing 'Resolution was passed and' adopted by the 'Council of the City of BakersfiE?ld at a regular meeting thereof held on the 28th day of December, 1959, by thefolJ-owing vote: AYES: BALFANZ, BENTLEY, 'CARI'IAI<IS, COlliNS, CROES, DOOLIN,' 3T1ERN, NOfS:~ ~ ',.' .. ABSENT;~ " ". and Ex-Qfficio Clerk 'of the the City of Bakersfield. \\ "::1.. "';(' :::;. .:~~_~~"~~'6~~-::b~5 ' A.. Pl'RD. VB ~ D.".1;..-.~'.'~S' ,.~...~.,~b:..};~..~~a.. ... of December, 19.59 . .. '1:i~~ .~i." >' '- . ~~If.(:')":~:u 12.-~...I..c~ ~~y6R' of' ~li~~c'ityt~f Baker;field., . ~ ., -:;- (.f"::c-... . t~t ,,-'c' , , I , ..... ,,'~ -"-;-' - .~.....-.._,-".-, ~..-, -"-. ..'....... ..;) IltiJU I ~G;.~ "! t.t')co ~t-.r ~ ----''':-~- '-.;; -- or" :c, I .133t1.1 S ~I ~ 6.9~?1 ;)9 1/ ., ~ .... ...("' .... ... ( ~ , '" ~ -:--~ ... - . ...12 _u '" Q :::: ~ !:! ~ ~ ~ ~ !II ~ ~ ;;; ~ :;: ~ '" ... ~ ... ... , ~ --.- , ~ Sl ;;; ~ ~ ... .:l/ .., ... ... ... ... .,,1/ ~ ~ ... " ... ... .... ... ---'"._--' " ::: C"..J l4J ~ ~ ~ ~ <> ... ... ;; pre .... ~ ~ ~ .... V) III '" .... ~ ... .... .. '" '. e-> C"..J .. '> < C"..J C"..J ".< ---- C"..J '" -,/) cx::> ::: ~ C"..J Ow 69("1 n< n9 pf< '" .. 3nN3/lV' 01} , ." 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