HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 91-59 '-~-.....--.............. .-....................'-. 0" a ..., ......, . .-' <6':" 6; -) , .' RESOLUTION NO. 91-59. , -"..". '"7.~.""""~ WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, that WINGS OVER JORDAN, an,International Youth Foundation, has been in existence for oV,er twenty years and that the members. tbereof have beeI). devoting a great deal of time and attention to the youth of the country. 'That said organization has a's its aim, the 'curbing of the increasing spread of juvenile delin-. quency by encouraging neighbors to know one another; by fostering better homes; by .inspiring people toward a 'hi'gher ieve'l of spiritual life; and.by teaching youth that moral ~trength is might;ter than physical. That said crganization has developed a ,choir composed of \ tradi ti~ns of, the' singing of II spiri tuals" '\J minority' gr~ups and thereby contribute 'young people to perpetuate the and to crea.te good will 'toward to the welfare of the nation by creating ,an 'atmosphere of friendli- ness and warmth among the peoples, '~f our land and ,of other countries. That the American Negro spiritual is one of the most important original contributiqns to American musiG. That this Council is informed that WINGS OVER JORDAN proposes to conduct a national campaign to collect all available spirituals, to record them for posterity, to erect within the State 'of California a shrine to themetnory of the creators of t4e'spirituals, and to activate an edu~a.tional campaign t'oacqua.int the people of America with the proper manner of singing the sp:trituals so that they may forever be used for the sacred purpose for which they were created. . . l- That recognition has been given to said Youth Organisation by os'lfig-invi tErd'~-e-()perf'orrn -tn"LYther~-c'ountri'e s "ancf-t'hfoughsa1d.' '_.'-- recognition deserving youth bave been inspired to higher potentials of goo~ citizenship. That this Council recogh.izes those aims and accomplishments ! .;Ai .~ ~ --' o .. \t,., ,~.~ . as v.Torthyof praise and cOmIDenda t'ion. NOW, THE,REFORE, BE IT, RESOLVED by the' c ~)Uncil of the City . . . , of Bakersfield, that WINGS OVER JORDAN ana. WINGS OVER 'JORDAN INTER- NAT~ONAL YOUTH ,FOUNDATION,' are hereby ,:commended for, th,eir accomplish- ments throughout this nation arid in 'other counti:>ie's in which they have performed, together l.V'i th their efforts, in 11elping to' develop pride and hope, in '~he hearts and minds of' our youth' by inspiring them' to. contribute "their support to the bet;t.erment of others and of them~ selv.e~', and their purpose of acquainting 'the' peoples of America with the proper manner of sing:lrlg spirituals.' ----:-~- 00'0---.,.--:--, . . 'ItiEREBY CERTIFY that the' foregoing Resolution was passed , . and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersf:ield a,t; a regular IDeetingthereof held on the 2lst day of . becembei~~. 19.59,: by the follow"': ing vote: '-'i'iS:' BALFANZ, BENTLEY, CARNAKIS, COllINS,~ DOOLIN, STII~RN," NDES~:;;; . ...., ", ' . ^BSENT" . ..' .....' , :-- ci1;1~e~;2d-.f;-~f1~lerk of the Council of ,thEiCi ty, of Bakersfield,. '1~iA.YOR of t~$;f.ity , '.,?;:'~~- v:':'-<:'"~~~"5.::). . -~ c>t~ :-:P . ~ '. . I~' ~ __p . f December, 1959 , ,"- ~" Bakersfield. 2.