HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 85-59 ''''... c:"', .. .. r,-,; .., './ RESOLUTION NO. _.~,8~5~-:-..9~9. ,____ A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONSENTING TO THE COMMENCEMENT. . OF ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNEXATION' TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OF CERTAIN INHABITED' AND UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY IN THE COUNTY'OF KERN "STATE OF CALIFORNIA, CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, DESIGNATED AS "GREENE'S' TRACT NO.3. WHEREAS', on November 9, 1959, a petition was presented to the Council of the City of Baker~field reque~ting the Council to give ttsconsent to the commencement of annexation proceedIngs in connection wi ththa t certa.ininhab lted territory therein referred to and part,lciliar ly deser ibed, . which is . contiguous to the City of Bakersfield; and . . WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of.the City of Bakersfield has rendered its teport to this Council, and WHEREAS, it is the desire or the Council to give its consent. to the commencement of such annexation proceedings upon condi t ion that the electors within said territory beinformeo-at the time the petition for annexation is circulated that the question' to. be submitted to said electors shall be whether the territory shall be annexed to the Ci~y' o'f Bakersfield and the property in the territory to be . . '. " annexed be subJ~cted to taxation after annexation equally with "~ property wi thin ,the City of, B'akersf i~td,. to pay, the bonded . tndeb~tedness of the City of Bakersfield out~tanding .for the acquisition, construction' or completion or municipal improvem.ents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City . of Bakersfield, asfo llows: ".:.'..1;, c.. .~.d,. '. ~...._~ . _._.1. That consent is hereby granted for' the commencement of '--<'--'- ~":'........:C'_ ..,-,,--4-,,,,- '.-.- --. _. -"."':' .',-'='~ _ _____~. "._.. ~ _. _"~ ..-...-'.-._..'-"'-:-.: .'_ ~ .......--"'~.........;;._._---.O>~...,_,,_;._"'-..~ ":::.,-~_;,~~_~,-,,,~",,,~,,,,,_.~ -<'~"'_w_._'_ '__", _ .='-'-"" ___~.__,"-'-_==____.._ annexation pro~eedings in conn~ction with.said.inhabited territory in accordance wi th the Annexat ion .Act ,or 1913 provided the pet it ion for annexation contains a request that the quest ion to besubmi.t ted' to 1. '~I .. , ' CIi.. ,.: " {. ,.<!: the electori re~iding in the territory proposed to be anrtex~d shall be whether the territory shall b'e' annexed to the City of. Bakersfield and the property in the territory to~e annex~d be subj~cted t~ taxat ~onafter anriex~t ion equally withp,roperty within the Ci tyof Bakersfield; t~ pa~ the bonded ind~btednes~ 6t the City of.B~~e~sfield outstanding for the acquisition~ construct,'i,on or completion: or municipal improvements. 2. Th~t said unincorporated territory is herebydesign~ted as '''Greene's Tract No.3", is bounded generally as follows:, easterly of Oak Street and,Wible Road, southerly of,the w~sterly prolongation of 2nd Street, westerly of the alley west of Cypress Street, and . , ". . norther ly of Pamela Dr ive, and i smote 'part icular ly descr fbed 'in' the , , II Pet it ion for Consent to the, Commencement of, Annexat ion Proc'eedings" on file in the ofr ice of the City Cler:}{', wh'ich descr iptlon Is incor-' porated nereinby reference and made' a part hereof as ir set forth here in In fu 11. 3. Th~ Ci ty Clerk' sh,all ,cer.t ify to' the, adoption or this resolution.' ----------oOo---~------ I HEREBY CERTIFY that 'the foregoing Resoltition was passed' and adopted by th~ Councl'l of the City of Bakersfield at a regular ,meeting thereof ,held on the 9th day,o,f No"ember, 1959, by the fq llowing vote: 3-\YES: \1AtFA"Z, }jEi:TlEV, CARNAKIS, COlliNS, CROES, OOOllN, STIERI\l; NOES:_--.~ 'ABSENT: ~ ' ----. -"="-.o.~._,:_,~':""...'<:~'. "'<;'" ~ -'-'..... ~-~'-',-,,;,,".,--~.~,....,,,--- .;<.- .~. '~-'~."~ .. .'~"""-"'" " ~~.' ~_.~- .;:;......'"'-,-'-~.. ~-'.'..,- .c-._ .:""...,.' ~'_."T'-_'':;/:,-:.:-_,.;:.~..,;~->," _-'"- /__.s...... .~_ . , this 9th 2';