HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 83-59 .. " , '. . , .,. . ;;0, ~.. RESOLUTION NO.. 83~59 A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE ,WORK IN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 743 IN THE CITY, OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA.; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD;'as follows: WHEREAS, th~ Council of the City of Baker'sfield'did ()n the 12th day of October, 1959, pass its Resolution-of'Intention No. 743 to order the work descr ibed there in to be dope and ~mprovement to, be made ,in sa i d City; and WHEREAS, said Resolution of Intenti9.n wa,s d~ly and legally . . .' publish.edtwice', immediate ly after the passag,e of sa i d Resot ut ion, as . . 'required by la~, in ':.he Bakersfield Ca,lifotn.ian,' a daily newspaper publisl).edand circulated in sa~d City, and designated by said Council for. tha t 'purpose.;, and WHEREAS, notices of th,e passageof.said Res,olution of Intention . ' No. 743, headed "NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT" were duly and' legally posted along the lines of said contemplated work. and. improvement 'and along all. the open streets wi~hin such district.,at.not' mo~e tb~n 300 feet apart, in, the time, form and manner as required by law; an.d , . . WHEREAS, said.posting was fully completed ,more than ten day's before the date set for hearing protests and objections; and WHEREAS, not ice of the adopt fan of. sai d Re'so lu:tlon of Inten,t ion was. given by mai 1 in the manner. req~iredby la\",; ~nd, WHEREAS, the time set for hearing of Obj~ctionsin said Resolution of Intent ion w~s more than fifteen and less than sixty days from the date of the passage and adoption of said Resoluti6n; and, ,,,._-.,i',;" ~...; .., 'fJHEREAS., . s'ald. C ity: COU:ncll"'na.v~i'1rg';duly'r~_ce'ive'd<and~'CcOn.sidered -,'", evidence :ora.'l ari'aO"docunfehtaty cOhcerning:"the-=Ju.r isdi~ti.onal' fact~ ~in , . this proceedings .and concerning the rteces,sity for the con,templCited work improvement and the benefits to be deJ;-ivedtherefrom~ . and said City Council having' no\'" acquired jur isdiction to order the proposed improvement. 1. ,...... .. .. .. ., <'~ ~ IT IS, HEREBY 'RESOLVED, that the publ ic, ,ipterest and convenience require the workdesct ibed in Resolution ofl~te~tioh'No. 743 to be " , done, 'and the Co~nci 1 of the City 9f Bakers:! ie ld hereby orders the 'tvork , . therein described to be done. Said work ~h~11 be done in ~ccordance ' , . with th~plan and specifications therefor, heretofore~pproved by ~his' . .' . Counc i 1. For further part icu lars reference is he'reby made to sa i d Reso 1 ut ion' o'f Int'entlon No. 743, plan, and 'spec if.fca tions, a II of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk. the City Clet:'k of the City of Baker~f,ieldi~ hereby ci!rectedto post a noticeieferring to the specificatioris.therefor, conspicuously for five days, on or near the door of the Council Chambers of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, inviting ~ealed proposals or bids for do ing ,the .\""ol"k here'in ordered. The Clerk is a I so directed to pub 1 ish a notice inviting such proposals and refe~ring to thespecific~tions so post~~or on file, twice in The Baker~fieldCalifornian, a daily newspaper published and circulated in said City and 'hereby designated for that ptirpose. The 30th day ,of November, 1959i isherebY,design~ted and f~Xed as the day on whichup to the hour of 5 o'clock P.M., the, said proposals or bids shall be, received, and all bids so I'~ceiVed shall be opened by the Council iri open session at 8 o'clock P.M.,.of the'said day, and the saidnotic,e,s shall so specify. -------~-~000-~----~-~- 2. '..' . -'" -.. _.. ~ ~. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoIng Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a. regular meeting thereof. held on the 9th day of November, .1959, b~ the following vote: biVC:s; 3AUA"7 iJ~~I) ln, Cf\RNP,:~IS. eOLUNS, CROES, DOOLIN, SrrtRill; NOES:____..hd"?".P .... . ABSENT: U",......, I -- .~J ' ~.... ~...' '. ,,' '. - '~ ) . City C~~Cimd ~X-fflcbrerk of the Council of the City of Ba~ersfie!d. APPROVE~th d,?!, of NO,vembe,r, 1959. , 'ei~ , . MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield. ;' ~ - ). "'.,. ,--.... _- ....,..~,. _0' _...=~:... _ '...c, / F