HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 81-59 " "~ .. "".., r.% ~. ... .., .1t ~ :';;.~ '~-..,} :~ RESOLUTION NO. ~l-59 RESOLUTION ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE GREATER BAKERSFIELD SEPARATION OF GRADE,:' DISTRIC'T. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield'did, on,the 2lst'day of' September, 1959, pass i ts Reso'luti~n of Inte~tion No. 69-.59" to include certain property within the Grea ter Bakersfield. Separation of Grade District, and setting, the time and 'pla,ce for 'hearing objections to the inclusion of 'said territory within said District, and -<: ~t:i. WHEREAS, said Resolution of lntention was duly and legally published once a week for two weeks, the'. fi,rst publicatibn thereof 'being. at least twenty days prior to the date Qf the hearing, as pro- vided by'law, and WHEREAS, Monda.y, the 26th day of October, 1959, at the hour of 8:00 0' cio,ck ;P .lYI., 'was set as the time for' hearing objections to the inclusion of said territory within '~aid District, and WHEREAS, . no. objection has been filed or presented to: ~aidC ouncil to the inclusion of said territory or any part thereof within the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade 'District, and the Council further finds tha.t all of said territory will be benefited by its , . inclusion within said District. NOW, THEREFORE, BElT RESOLVED AND THE COUNCIL DOES HEREBY FIND: That no objection to the inclusion of said territory or any part thereof within the Greater Bakersfietd Separation of Grade :District, , has been filed or presented to this Council. . ' That all of said territory ~ill be benefited by the .inclusion of, said territory within said District. , , ' . '.' . , .,'~._ .,__..l'hJ~.tsai~d_terrl tory and e_very__.par~t. ~thereof.,.~with~=theexc.eption.'-. of , tha t portion of. said territory which is already a part of the, '_ t. :'c~'--:;"'_'l 1-. '~..!), ~U_ ~ if! ;....~, .....,",'. ,~) , ,~.<:-.~ - ~ Y-. ~".t, ~~. Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District, be and the saine is hereby annexed to. and included wi thin the said Gre,a ter .Bakersfie~d Separation ~f Grade Distric'tuJ;>on Gompletion of'a~exatioii of said territory to the Oi ty of Bakersfield, which said territory is described as f.ollows: A parcel ,of, land situate in the County of Kern, state of California, and being a portion of 'Sections 15. and 16, Township 29 South, Range 28 East~:M. D. M.; Beginnin& at the'southeast(S. Eo) corner' of, the southwest quarter (S. W. 1/4) of' said Section 15;' thenc.e ' westerly along the southerly boundary of the, said southwest quarter (s.W. 1/4), of Section 15~ to ,intersect 'a line parallel wi thand distant 55 feet easterly" as measur'ed perpendicular to the westerly bounda:ry of said Section 15; .thence north~rly along last named parallel line to intersect the easterly prolonga- tion,of a line parallel with an9- distant 55 feet northerly as measured perpendicular to the'southerly boundary of' said Section 16; thence westerly along last named prolongation of said line . parallel with the southerly boundary of Section 16 to intersect a line parallel vITi th and distant 55 feet 'westerly, as measured ' perpendicular to the easterly boundary of said Section 16,. a point on the corporate boundary of the City of,Bakersfield; thence northerly along last named parallel line, 'along the westerly ,boundary line of Mt. Vernon Avenue, of 110 feet in width, on and along said corporate boundary as sallie is defined by that certain annexation designated as tlCollege Heights,"'by Ordinance No. 984, New Series, adopted August 10, 1953, and certified Septe,mber 10., 1953, by the Secretary of state~ state" of California, to intersect. the northerly boundary of the south haIr (So 1/2), of the. south half (So 1/2), of the southeast quarter (So E. 1/4), of said Section,16; thence easterly along' last named northerly boundary, 'on and along the corporate boundary of, 'said City., as ,same is <iefined by that certain annexation,designated'as ttCollege Heights No.5,>> by Ordinance No. 1202" New Series; adopted September 29, 1958, and certified October 30, 1958, by the said Secretary of state, to ,the northeast corl1er of. the said south half (S. 1/2), of ,the ,:south half (S,. 1/2), of the . southeast quarter (S. E. l/4); of Section 16; thenceN. 890 22' 41" E. , along the northerly boundary of the's ou thhalf (3. .1/2) , of the south half (S. 1/2), of the southwest. ql.l~rter (S '0 W. 1/4), of said Section 15, on and along said last naIDedcorporate boundary a distance of 2495.40 feet t'o the southeast'cornar of Tract No. 2155, as said corner is shown on the map thereof, recorded November 12, 19.58, in Book 10 of Maps, .at, page 65, in . . the office of the County Recorder of said ,Kern County; thence continuing. easterly along the lastnamedportherly bound8:ry, and departing from the corporate boundary of the City of Bakers- field, ,to intersect the easterly boundary .of, the soutnwest . quarter (3. W ~ 1/4) of said Section 15; thence southerly along, last named easterly boundary to the southeast, corner of the said southwest quarter (s. w. 1/4) of Section 15, the point of beginning, c.on~~aining. ~lo4?~6~~~.~!,~~~ o!_.,landf 1!l()~~_ q~ .):es,s 0 - -', -------000------- 2. . -<.:s," 0 ." ~. 'f~.-':J..:;(t ~'~:.r', - .., 'II' " ..' <{ ~ . ~__~ _ ~ t~..; ,_,~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that the'fore,g91ng.Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council, of the City of Bakersfi~ld, at' a regular . , meeting thereof, held on the 26th day of' Octoper, :J-959" by the, . following vote: AYE>: ~ENTlEY' C""'IS: COlllNS,- OOOllN, STlERN, NOES: ,~ ABSENT::-' ~ ..I an~ Ex~Officio Clerk of the of the City 9f Bakersfield. {{< ,,'!/ ~;,~~~~~ ,. ,,' . ' '~~.. . C~~,.;:,?f Bakersfield,. (f;~~~.~~ ", r!:':k;,~;~.,~~(:;: ::::). 1959 "-'_'__ "" '--"'..'-'"_~";-'::"' _<.O."'-~"'.~..=;',~-.;. .':;;;.:;0.... .,.___~~_..,:' '-' .~, __,",-;","'-r;;;;;:-~..-,-.:, ,....=~.. ___eo...;...- .~..-. - ..~.,~"-- ".,>.~J;;..J~""'-"-' .;,=. '.~ ':,' _.'~'. _._, .,.._'1