HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 73-59 ., (t!' ~ ,. b' .I I I I RESOLUTION NO. 73-59 A RESOLUTION OF THE GOUNGIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA," ORDERING THE".. VACATION OF A PORTION OF EAST CALIFORNIA AVENUE, BEING A PORTION OF "THE SOUTHWES-T QUARTER (S. w. "1/4) OF SECTION 28, TOWN- SHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, M. D. M"., IN SAID CITY. WHEREAS, on the 8th day of September, 1959~: the Council of the City of Bakersfield, pursuant to the provisions of the "Street Vacation Act .of 1941," being Division 9, p~~t 3, (Sections 8309r Et seq., )of "the Stree~s and Highways Code of the State" of California, 'passed and adopted its Resolution of Intention No. 746, . declaring its intent.ion to order the vacation" of a portion of East California Avenue, situate in the City of Bakersfield, County of Ker:rJ., State of California, and being a portion of the southwest quarter (S. w. 1/4)" of S~ction 28, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. M., and more particularly described below, and .' WHEREAS, said Council did fix a time and place for hearing all p"ersons interested in or objecting to said proposed vacation, which said hearing was held on the 28th daY. of September ,1959", after notices were duly posted as required by law, and WHEREAS, this Council after duly considering the matter~ does hereby find and resolve as follows: 1. That that portion of East California Avenue, situate in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern',"" State of California", and being a portion of the southwest quarter (S. :W.. 1/4)" of Section 28, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. M., more par,-ticularly described as' follows, is unnecessary for present or prospective public str"eet "-, ( / pur-pos~s:~- .~~~_.. ,.~ Beginning at the southwest (S. w.) .cor.ner of that certain 37.9 acre parcel of land, as same is shown on that certain tlRecord of Survey lYlap, tl recorded September 13, 1946, in Book 5/ page 69, Record of Survey Maps, in the office of the 1. .' '. ~. ~ ~1 ."), .. . . ,1tI;'~ . c. ,. i, County'Recorder of said Kern County; thence S. 730 44' o6rt E., with the basis of bearing as shown on ,said map, a distance of 106.15 feet to intersect, the northe:r1y , boundary line of East California Avenue of 115.5 feet in , width; thence S. 890 29' 04rt1;f., along last named northerly boundary line, a distance of 83.951 feet, to .the easterly end of a tangent curve, ,and from which the radial center of said curve bears N. 00 30' 56" W., distant 20 feet; ,thence northwesterly and northeasterly along said curve concave to the northeast with a radius of 2Q feet, a distance 'of, 37.273 feet to inte~C'sect the sOu.thwesterly prolongation. o~easterly boundary line of Bro"t-Jn Street,.. of 80 feet in width, and from which last named intersection the radial center of said .curve bears S. 730.44' 06" E., distant 20 feet; thence,N. 160 15' 54" E., along said easterly boundary line of Brow~ street a dis- tance of 5.089 feet, and .to the point ofbeg~nning. . ' 2. That said portion of East California Avenue be and the same is hereby closed up, vaca.ted and abandoned for public, street.pur- po'ses, subject to and in conformity with said H:esolution of Intention' Woo 746. Reference to said Resolution of Intenti.onis'herebY made f'or fui"ther particulars. ' 3. The'City Clerk ~hall certify to the passage of this Resolution and shall cause a certified copy hereof, attested, by the Clerk under the seal of the City to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Ker:Q., 'California. - -- - :"-~'---'oOo~~- .-..... ---", I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoin.g Resolution was passed and adopted by the ,Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meet.- . ing thereof hel<i on the 28th day of September, 1959, 'by the following vote: l- I . ... "' "ENTLEYCARNAK\S,--c.6LlIl~i. CROES, DOOLIN, STIE,RN. ~.'lES: BALfANL., D " . . '., = 0' ~.J ' .', NOES: ~~/~ ",.-1 - A'3SEt{f: . Cit;c.t;;k' ~~i'~6~~eX'k of the', ,.' '-'-"":.- COlin-eiY' 6rtne{CTty"br ~:S-aker-sf:te]:d-;--'-':' ~,.". 1959 '{d;O .~ 2.