HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 67-59·" -RESOLUTION NO. '67-59. _: ..... .: ..- .-... ACCEPTING GOLD BADGE FR ·'PHIL..'C ~ . PIER . :' ...: - · WHE.REAS:, Phil C,. Pifer',, retired Chie"f-Engineer ~0f:..the · ' Fire Department of the Cit~. of"Bakersfie'i:d~, has Presented to. the. ":-;" : · City ~.[.~oid bad Se ,. .be arers 'the inscription,,"C'h~-e'f ~' Bakersfleld' .... pre. sent'~d..by '~e,.' ~erbhan'ts :.of this C:'i:~. in .191o, to.-~he [-;!at~e: ~ax -.... : ~undlaCh, ..~r.~,-.f0rmer Chi'~r Of 'said Fire',~p. art~ent~. and : " :-Gundlac.~, ~r,,"'~o '~'arr~ out the. wishes':'Sjf. her 'de'cease5 husb'~nd' and. , ~, , , . .,'., - . "" ~EAS~-it is the ~esire:...of Chief, ~ife'r~ in prese~ing ,thijs' b.~&'ge, that. 'it .be~-~pre served .by the~' City for 'its ~isto~ic'~I- . .'.., · .; . ,: - ,- . . ...~ _ - . ~: . - . -- ~alUe -and. 'requ~ste. d that it be designated by.. the' CO~Ci'i.. a~- the -' . ~: ~. '.-, . . . . offieial.'badge of the Chief-Engine-~r'' ofqthe Fire' 'De:R'a~tment'~/~..~nd --' ' ' ~- ~REAS.~ this council find~~ i:t-most. rit'~i. ng to' acd~pt ',-.'- this'.b~8ge, as.-8 memento for his though6'fUZne's's an~: hnse-lTish 8evo. ti'on :tp the. City..-and the members-~f .the. Fire'-De:par'tment~'-and -.. ,: ....:( -~' ... . " as,a~.pe. EpetUal reminder to his successors':a:nd]: the 'citiZens of .... - Bakersfield-of.the enviable p0sItion'of,..highest' Standfng:'in-the ' . ... : - ., "' n~tion..Which.the Fire De'par~me.nt ['has.'.'att~ined..as'a result 0f:'his, .... "-':'-' - "'.·'tireless effort .and farsighte~ g~.djance., ,.'..-: - ":"]' ' -.- .~. .,.' - ', - .-, ,.- , , :'. ' .. 'BE IT T~REFOSE RES0nVED .tha~ eoeS'.:-hereb~ 8cce.p~ ~e sol~ Sadge pres~n~e~ b~ P-Hv~'I'.c, Pife.~.,upo~"'~he :" conditions herei~above. se~ '~orth',-an~'.5.oe:s".,herebl~ o'n be.half of the · ~'" "" ' ~ i'.' .'-,' " .... "" ' - - ' -' -'-'.ci..ttze nS., of..'Bakersfi'eIe expre:s's.' its' appreci ation ~fo~'. this g~f~ ~ .. , . ... - . . : . ~ · . , -: ,~..[, ' . ~, ,- . . . ' .- ' . ~ ,.... '. ': - - ,,' ~- .- ' .: j' ~' ~...:r . ?. .. . . - ,: - ... ,~ : ,~',"':='. ,. . ' Z '.,. . :( ' "' ~ '. ' '~ , , - ~ , ~' . "' ' - .. ' ' ' ..... ' · - - " ".: 1 ;' '-" '.~',:': .:' .: '.-.~.:': ' · . .,, .~ .' .-, "j. · , .,.'U'L" , " ' '-' ' ' '..'-' '.-": ,. ".,:' and above for the .... a reguta~. mee'~i,n.g. thereof ~eid ':" i9'~9, ;by t~' foli!owing vote: -- all re suits, '.bt~inedj b~ :.t'he ·'Fi~;e De'par. tment . .t~r0ugh]','[his':. ~irel~ss efforts, beihg mindful or the' :"able ,.and" ,-. c'ljoope,rative action of the-members o'f,,the 'Fire'. Dep'ar~'m~n'tL: ./- . . - - ..:. ."' -....-. . .. ,.' '~ . . ~. . · .' -. -. . . ....~...' - . '- - ~l '~EBY CERTZFY that 'the fOre:E0i'~'gi. Re~s01UtZo~.,wa~. :-.passed. and 'adopte~ b~" the Council ~T' the Ci~y-0~/'jBakersfie.ld at on.' th~ ..l~th~'day 0f Se.ptem~e~,.~ . . z.- ' ' . · ~O[S" T~~~ -' , , ,', ' ·. ~BSENT~ ' ' ' '" "": ........:' '~ Council 'of 'the: City o~.Baker:'Sfiet. d.. .... "' .. . -- .:: -~ . ..... . - .... ..- ...... .... -- . ._ - .... - . ~ - .. ',n.'., ..., .. ,-: .... - ~PPROVED ..this-,'14th ~.,.:. 'September"~ 1:959 '.': "' "' .... .'.'(,. .- .- . . ': - . ~~ . . . -,, . . '.. ., : .:' .: ......I: .".. -.... . -.. . .... - . _- ~.' ...':'. .... . -..:- - .. ~ --....... ... . '.'. ..-..'.. :..... - ...- ~.... . . -~ .. .:.... . . .,.....: ...'- -. , :.. '-'.. .- ..... :'-. · ':" ' -:... ~-: .... '-. .o ,:. ,: -. -: 1,.. . ..... : .... ..... -. -,. .......,.,.~- .... . - "' '" : :-.-,' . ~. 7- ~. ,' ' . . . .- . -' . ,. .: · ." .:.{. '....- -.. - . .' . -,: ,:,'- ,::'.':.' 2. ..., ,-.-. - ... -. ,-. .: - .,:' ., . : .. .: :, ,..- : - , ..... and' above all for the results Sbtaine6 b~ 'the Fi~e Depar. tment thr0ugh'.'his~ tireless efforts, being mindful of 'the able .and cooperative action of the members of the Fire Department. ..... olo~- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the f-oregoi'ng. Re'solution was. passed and adopted by the Council of the City of .Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on'the 14th day Of September, 1959, By the following vote: .. AYES: BALFANZ, BENTLEY, CARNAKIS, COLLH"S, CROES. DOOI;IN, STIERN. Council of the City of Bakersfiel. do APPROVED this-14th d~j Septembers-1959. MAYOR of the City of BakerSfield.