HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 61-59 RESOLUTION NO ~ ~1.-59 A RESOLU I-O o ,. E".'OOu Cin 0F THE CITY OF BAKF, RSFIELD,-.CABIF- 0RNIA, ORDERING THE...VACATION :' .0F A PORTION OF EMERY _AVENUE,-IN SAID' CITY. ' , --' :" -. '.WHERmS, on 20th day of July., 1959,-the council of the City of'Bakersfieid, pursuant tO ithe'j"pr0Visions of the' "Street Vacation-Act of' i941," being Divi'sion -9,- par't. 5, of the S~Peets ' and Highways Code of the State of California, passed and adopted its.Resolution of Intention No. 742, declaring_its inten.ti.on to order the" vacation of a portion of .Emery AVenue, in. the"'.City of BakerSfield, State of' California, and u. --. ""':"- WHEREAS, said Council did fi~ a time and place for-hearing al-1 persons interested in or objecting to .said pro. posed vacation, which said .hearing was held on .the 17th "day of::AuguSt~' 1959; 'after' noti'ce~' were duly posted as required by 'l~w, and.--- . WHEREAS, this Council after"duly Consider_ing the .matter, does-hereb~ "find and resolve. as follows: .. : 'l.' That that portion' of'Emery A~enue~ situate in"-the City' of Bakersfield, County of Kern, 'State of California,. more particu. l'arly described:as follows, is .unnece.'ssary for present or' prospective public street. purposes:' -. " Commencing at 'the northwest ·corner .of Lo't [~9,. as 'said Lot is .·shown on map of Tract No. 1817,. recorded November '23,-1956 in the office of the County'Recorder of said .Kern 'County, in·Book 9 of Maps at page· 104; -then'~e N. 89~ 5.2' .·1·8"' E., southeaSterly along the northerly boundary of'LOts 49', 50 and 51, in Said Tract No. 1817, on. and along a .tangent' curve, concave-to the southwes't·,r ~ith a' .radius-of '37.0 feet, :.through a central angle of 23° 55' 33"', a distance '~f:' 15[~-'507.-feet,' to a point of compound cur.ve; thance' southeasterly. along said compound curve, concave to ·the-SoUthwest.,., .~i,th' a.,radius - . .....'_ ..' ./-a .:': ~o_-fu, '2.0. fee, t .... tance of 23.11 feet, to a po, int of tangency,! a"Point of 'cuSp',' · :-' also being a .point on the easterly boundary. of Said Lot 5I; . : '. thence N-.. 0~ 00'16"W., along ~he'p~olonga~i0n of the 'easterly- boundary Of .said Lot 51, ~ 'distance 'of 30 ;074..fe~t.;'. ~thence northwesterly along a tangent curve, concave' to:.the..sOuthwest, - 1. ' ' ta~gency;~ thence S. '89 52."i8'"'"'W., along' the ~easterly pro~onga.tion of a Rortion of-the northerly boundary of said Lot 49, a distance of l~2.01 feet~f " ' true point of beginninE. I... . -' .2. That said portion of Emery Ave'nue be...and the"same~ is .... · hereby-cloSed~up, ~acated and abandoned for p~ublic~ street'.~urposes,- ..subj'eCt' t0'and~in conformity with Said'Resolution of Intention' No. 7421' Re~erence to said Res01'Uti on .of Intent'iOn. i'S hereby made · ..for..fUrther particulars. ~.--.--- .... 3- 'T~8 City Clerk shall Certify to-'the passage Of t~is Resolut'i0h"and shall~cause a certified c0py'.here0T', attested by. the Clerk under the Seal of the City t~'.be ~Scorded in 'the office'of' the County' Recorder of the COunty-'0f'Ker..n,".California. _. ........... o0o---~ ...... ~ .. 'I HEREBY. CERTIFY'that the fOregOing Resolution was passed -and adopted by the' Council of the 'City of .Bakersfield,"a~ a regular meeting thereo£, held on the 17th day of A.ugust,~ 1959'~ by the foll0~.ing. vote: City ~~'d Ex, Of£ic'io Cl~k' of CoUnCil. of' .the Cit~ of. ;Bakersfield. the