HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 60-59 RESOLUTION N6,&~0-~59-~- .... ,;' ""' ~ . ,. , P SOLUTION 0 ERTNO PREPA -TXO '0F'S' TX TE 0P COST, DISTRICT :~P, ...A~D P~$.:. ~D. PICATIONS I~ ~ ~TER-...0~ EE.GONSTEUGTI0~ .-0~ SID~A~ ON ~ EAST SXDE .0P RE~ R0~ .-AE EE EAST AE EST-'~SXDES .0E ESTER~ DRI~ ALL BE~EN B~ STREET A~ PALM :STREET, DESORIBED AS PRONTINO ON ' LOTS '~0~ ". T0 ~0, INCLUSIE, AND LOTS IL~I~ TO ~8~ AND ~ CONSTEUGTI0~ 0~ SXD~ALES 0N ~ .~ IN T~GT.. I~30.,."OX~ 0~ 'B~RS~IELD~ PORNIA, ~E ~ T0 BE PROPOSED AS PUBLI0' I~R0~NT DISTRICT ~0, '7~3, .- -" :"' ~ -.- -. .-, 6f' BakePsfield. -.= WHEBEAS, the City CounCil of""'~he'~'.0.i~t'' of 'Bakersfield has' duly fo~d ~d"determined that the owne~'s of more 't~:n ~ixty"PeP.. c-~nt .(60%) or the area of the property Subject to ',ass'ss~ment~ ~d ~d duly ~filed a written petition for ~pPo~em'en~L:;wo~k' heroinafter demCrtbed, as evidenced'by-Resolution N~. .59-59 ~f:.~hi~'City NOW,.-~~ORE, BE IT RESOL~ 'by ~hS City Co~cit .of the- .City Of :Bakersfield that the City :Enghe~-.of:+the-~a'id'::City' bo., and he is hereby-o~dered ~d directed to' prepa~e'.m $st~ate of cost of, map 'of the dia~ric~. to be banefired '.by, ;.a~d-pI~S ,~d.'sp$cif:ic~ations for, the"'followhg ~provemen't work'and con~tmction to be done in said Ci~y 0f Bake'~Sfield, t~ wit: "- ,."' -" Construction .of Sids~mik~ f~onting on'Lots .109 to 130, inclusive, ' alva, and on the. mideya~d~- o~"L0ts 109~ 130, '.'..-- l~,' 162, 163 and !8~.,.'all in T~act 1530, City- . of Bakersfield, California... . .. , . .. .:..-Z. · , ' --That all of the above ~PrOv$msnt:' .w0r~ and.constructiOn Shall be of the 'sizes"and d~en'sions md done in;the mamsr and..,plac~8 and "to the ~ades' as shOu and indicated. On ~he.'pl~'s a-nd spsctfic~t:iOns : I HEREBY CERTIFY 'that the f~egoing~Resolution waS passed and adopted by' the Council of the City of B~ke~'~'field at ,a 'regula~ meeting thereof. held on'the 17th. day of AuguSt, 1959, 'by the. follow- ing vote: .. . - + 2