HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 54-59RESOLUTION NO.- A RESOLUTION 0F THE. COUNCIL' OF ~:THE CITYr OF BAKERSFIELD 'FIXING* A TIME AND PLACE' FOR HEAR~ ING PROTESTS BY PERSONS OWNING'RE~L PROPERTY WITHIN TERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED.' WHEREAS, a petition was filed ~itH.~he+Councit Of.-the- City of Bakersfield.on-the 30th day.'Of"'~uly~,' !9~9, requesting that certain uninhabited territory therein ~desCribed~.be.anneXed-to and incorporated+within the City of BakerS'field, and...~.-.' : WHEREAS, said petite!on+was signed ~by the' owners.~of all of the territory proposed to' be 'annexed. -~NOW, THEREFORE, in compliance Wi~h' the-uProviSions of the AnneXation of-Uninhabited Territ0ry'~ACt 0f'Y1939~ Chapter 297, as amended,-BE~iT'RESOLVED by the CoUncil of~ ~he":City-'of'*,Bakersfield, as fOllow.s:..- ~ ' That..the boundaries' of the..te~itory so~proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield 'are des+cribed as follows': A~ parcel of'~.land situate'in the..Coun~y'of Kern~ Stately,of -California, and being a portion+,o~ Lots.-'?~andIl~, in Sec- tion 18, Township 30 South, Range.28 East~,_M~o~D~ M., as said"Lots 7 and 1~ are shown on the ~Kern CoUnty~Sales Map No.. 1. of Lands of J. B. Naggin~" filed..for,$reCord May 3, 1889, in the Loffice of the County Recorder,of said Kern County: ~ Beginning at the northwest '(N~ W.) corner of'said L0~ 7; thence easterly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 7, oneand along the corporate boundary o'f"the .City of'Bakersfieid as-same is defined by that certain annexation designated as "White Lane No. 3," as adopted .April' 9, 1957, by the Board of .Supervisors of 'said Kern County, tO~interS'ect' aline ., .parallel with, and distant 10 'feet easterlye. aS measured perpendicular to the westerl~ boundary of said Lot 7; thence southerly along last' named paral!elline~"and the southerly prolongation thereof, and departing+,from+I.the~corporate boundary of the City.of Bakersfield,~to intersect the 'northerly ~ . boundary'of-said Lot 14, thelAst'namedl. nort~herly boundary. also being the southerly. boundary~"lineOf*White .Lane of 60 feet in'width; thence westerly along said southerly boundary · line. of White Lane to intersect~ the Isoutherly prolongation along last named southerly pF~long~tion and al'ong'the westerly boundary'.Of..'said Lot 7, on and along the...corperate boundary of the City Of Bakersfield, ~s same...'iS~de~in~d-by zthat certain 54-59 ..... '- ' annexation' designated as "Whtt'e Lane' No., 2,~ adopted- June 3, 19.57, by Ordinance No'.' 1122, 'New-Series, and' cOrtt--. lied July'8,~1957, by the Secr'etary of State, State of.- California, to the northwest (N.'.W.) corner of-'said Lot 7', the point of beginning, containing. O.3103 acres.of land, more or less. That a designation appropriately_naming such territory is "WHITE LANE NO. 6." ' ., .'jy BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, thatf'Monday, ',i:.': the~'7th..day. of September, 1959,"at the hour of eight o'ci0Ck P.M..,. in the Council 'Chambers of the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue,._.Bakersfield,' Cali- fornia', is the time when and the place Where-any..'perS'on owning real prop~r.ty-within'such territory.so propbsed to'be annexed"and'-having any objectionsto the proposed annexation may appear'before tee' Council of the City of Bakersfield and shOW.cause' wh~ sudh t. er.ritory should 'not be annexed. I HEREBY CERTIFY-that the,fOregoing Res01ut.ion was.passed and adopted ~by the Council Of' 'the' Cityj.:.of Bakersfield, ..at ,a .regular meeting thereof held on the 3rd day of AuguSt. 1959, by the follow- ing vote: . . . Council Of the City-of Bakersfield,.