HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 52-59 RES0r.UTZ0 .NO.. . A RESOIYJTION OF THE': COUNCIL'OF.' THE CIT~ OF -BAKERSFIELD FIXING A TI~ A~ P~CE FOR' ~R~G PROTESTS E' PERSONS OWNING 'R~'L PROPER~ ~,ETHIN TE~ITORY PROPOSED .TO BE ANEED. -.-. · .~. ~ER~S','a petition waS. filed with ~he' Cornoil of ..~he City of Bakersfield on the 17th day 0f JUly, 1959~',:reques~i~' that. certain uninhabited tepr:itory therein described be'-.am~eke'd' t0 '~a~d inC0rpo~ated Within the city of Bakersfield, .and "". ..,. ~R~s',' said petition was si'gnsd by.. the o~me~:s of all of t~ territory proposed to be. amexed~ " NOW~ TER~0RE, in compliance with-the: pr.o~ist0ns 0f the Amexati,0n of Unitabited Territory. ACt..of 1939, Chapter .297, as amended, BE IT RESOL~D by' the Council"'Sf t~e .'Ci'~y ~f. Bakersfield,y_ as. follows: ' "' '- 'That the bdundaries of 6he '.t~r~t.t6ry So proposed to be amnexSd to the City of Bakersfield are-described. as fol.toWs~: .. A parcel of..land situate in the Co~ty, of' Ksrn~ .'State of'.Cali- -fornia, and being a portion of Lot 8, in Section ~8~..To~ship South, Range 28 East, M. 'D. M., as said ~ot"8' is sh~m on the ""Kern Comty Sales Map No. 1 of Lands of:J-.-B. Haggin," filed for record Ma~ 3, 1889, in the. office of the Comty Record r . ., , .. .e . of said'Kern ~o~ty: Begiming at' the ~orth~e'sty (~.'.Wi~ corner "~..of .said Lot 8;tHenc-e N. 89 o 5~~ -15" E .~,' along t~ northerly boundary of :said Lot'. 8, on and along the co~porate boundary'of the .City of Bakersfield,. as same is-definS'd':.~y'.'th0'se 'ameXa~ionS~. de'Sig- '-hated 'as "~ite Lane No. 3,",,adopted April'.~9, .1957~ by the .., Board'Of Supervisors of .said Kern C.0mty,-and ".'~.~te-Lane No. 4," as adopted by the Council.of the City of 'Bakersfield,' May 20,' ' i~957, by 0r~nance N0.. ll2!, New 'SeP'ies~' .and .cer~ifi"e.dj June. 21, '-..'1957, by,.the Secretary of State,. State 'of California, a distance · -of 710.00 ·feet; thence S. 0.c.'.O1'~ '27F'- .E ; ~ and. parallel.'with the westerly boundary of said Lot. 8, and.~departing.'' from. the corporate bo~dary of..the City of. Bakers'fields' a' distance Of "1291.91 feet to "linter~ect a line parallel with, "and 'distant 30. feet northerly, " as ]meas~e'd perpendicular' to the 'southe'Ply boundary Of '.said Lot 8, · the last above described parallel line also bei~ the: northerly ~' boundary line of ~ite Lane. of:60 feet. in :Width; thence S. '89Z. 5'1' ll.' W~, along last named~paraltel line, "on. and. along .Said.. ' ~'. northerly boundary line-.. of'. ~tej-~ne ~ '~' '~'d~an~e-of''~ 710',00 feeS. ~' .'~"in'~erS~'S't' the",e'S'~e~"bo~&r.y o~ said Bet.8; ,thenCe N'.-0 01x 27" ~.,.-along the westerly b0mdary of said,'Lot' 8~' a distance ~'of 1291.9,0 feet to .the northwest (N-- W.)'c'0rner"0f'said' Lot 8, .. .the point..of begiming, containing. 21-057 acres. 0~ land .more. or ' lee s. ""' ' "" " .1. ' ' · : .... "',.'That a designation appropriately naming such ,t~'~ritory · . BE IT .FURTHER RESOLVED~ that'~M0nday~ the 17.thTM day of August, 1959~ lat-'~tie hou~,~.0f eight oi clOCk, P~.;M'~, in .the council Chamber, s of the' City Hall-, 1501-Truxtun AVenue,. BakerS. fieid.~ i*iCalifornia, is the time When ~nd the place Where any person.'owning 'Peal-property 'within such territory so proposed'tO be annexea~a.~d haVing,'any Objections to the proposed annexat'ion may ~app'ear,-before ..t'~e C.o~ncil of' the City of'-Bakersfield and 'show .CaUse w~hy.suQh te~rPitory sh0uId · annexed ': ' ' -not be .. · , ..... ~ ...... o0.o--~ --, Ai' HEREBY.CERTIFY that ~he foregoing Resolution was...passed and adopted by~' the COuncil of the City of~.Bakersftetd',.-at a regular meet- inS' thereo~ held .on-t~e Z0th .d~y.'o~ '~iy,'-1~5~, by '~ke[ ~.'ollo~i~ ~ote: . AYES: 8A[FANL 8[NT[EY, CARNAgeS, C0[[~NS, C~0~$, D00LJN, ST~[.~N '- ' ' ,. :- . · , ,,..:- . ... , . ' ' I ' 1 .:.~;. "' Ci d Ex-OffiCio Clerk of the. ~'~ CounCii of .the City. of,Bakersfield. .. ·., . -: ,