HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 51-59 RESOLUTION NO. .'RESOLUTION CF AWARD OF 'THE~'CITY 'COUNCIL OF .THE .. CITY-0F BAKERSFIELD, CALYFORNtA, AWARDING THE.' CONTRACT FOR TEE DOiN. G OF THE WOP~K IN. THE M~TTER 0F. "PUBLIC IMPROVEM~NT'DiSTRICT-N0, 7-41." YN SAID CITY,-PURSUANT T0 RESOLUTION. OF INTENTION ADOPTED BY -SAID COUNCIL ON THE. 25.th DAY OF'NJ~Y, 19.59'o' ' ' 'WHEREAS~ the City CounciI-of'-.the City. of. BakerSfie-rd did in open session on the 20th.day Of July, 1959,~ publicly open, 'examine ~nd-declare-'alt'~ sealed proposat~ dr bids for doing the fOllOWling work' in said City, to wit: The construction of. Side~'~al.ks 'of ~Portl'and '- Cement Concrete al'ong .Cypress ~treet fPonting -. . on' Lots. 45 to 64~ inclusive, and Lots 67-86,. inclusive, of Tract' 1527. - WHEREAS, all of said bids having been .duly Considered by said ,City Counc.il, and it appearihg ~tq the said City· 'Council, 'and ,. - ~ . - . .' , i.. said City Council hereby finds tha~ ~the lowest ~egbbla'r responsible bidder fop the/doing of said ~ork is LaySen .and Rawlings"'~. -NOW, 'THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED~by the City Councfi'0f the City of Bakersfield, that Said City~. '.C0~c'il does h~re~y-r~ ject all 'of said proposals or'bidS except the next· 'he-rein menbi0ned .and~.d.oes hereby award the ,'cOntract for tb~ doin.'g 0£-said-work-. and ~said imp.rovement to ths~lowe st-L-Pe gular responsible. bfd'der, %to wl't: Larsen and Rawlings , at' the prices name'd in said biddeP..,s proposal That the Ci.ty Clerk of the. City'of Bakersfield iS he.reby directed to-publish notice of award '.of contrac't twi'ce .in' the Bakers- field Californian, a daily newspaper, prin.tel. d,..pub~iShe.~ and.of ~ - general circui-atiOn in the City of Bake.r'Sfield'; California, hereby- ~ - designated 'for ~hat purpose, all in the manner 'ahd 'form by law. ~'HEREBY CERTIFY that the forS'gloi'ng ReSolutiOn was pa's-sed an8 'aS:Opte d".by .the Council of the City. Sf' ~ake. rSfiel~-: at a regular meeting the~re of" held .0n the 20~h'j~ay of.jUly; ~959,' b~'~the..folloWing T:~ ~ U ....'~ ,. , . .. , ' .:-. :,'," ':.". : .."~ "', .., - , .... ... .. - - ~.;,~,~z~s:~ ' . . ' .: .., :~.., . ,. ~;~ ~~ - ,...~ ,' ,.