HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 45-59 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL 0F-TiE CITY OF :' BAI~RSFI'ELD ASCERTAINING-A~TD DETERMINING' -- . THE PREVAILING RATE OF '~'IAGES TO BE PAID IN THE ~,~TTER OF "F~LiC 7-4!, '~EREAS, the 'Council 6f the Ci'ty Of BakerSf'ieid, .California, did,' bn the, 2~t-h. day. 0f May, 19~9, adopt Resotu~i.on .of Intention No.-741, for.the ConStruCtion of CeF~'ain impnqvements in"'P~blic Improvement Distr. ict No. 741, and W~REAS, pursuant to t.he-proViS'ionS 5f" the L~hor'.Code of the State of.,Ca,lifo~ni'a, it is necessary that th~ 'Counc'il_ of. ,the City of Bakersfield, Caii'fornia, asc.ertain~· and determine t.he general prevail- ing rate Of wages· '0n public _works, ~d by the 'pr~V~Sions..of ·said Code make ~t '~and~tory_ Upon the ~rding' body of ~y' pubIic contract .where the said body 'Subsequently caiis 'fOr bids for ~any pubIiC improvement, to. ascertain and determine the prevaiting.'rate of per diem .wages in t.he locali'ty in'v~i'ch the work is to he p'Srformed', ... for eaqh cr'aft or type· of wor~an or ·mechanic needed to' e~e~te the con~rkct, and also the general p~evailing rate for legal .hpl-id. ay. and overtime 'work for ';. each craft or type om~ wor~an.- .. " NOW, THEREFOR~E, the Council Of the .City'of Bat~ersfield~ Ca'lifornia,. 'has ascertained' and 'doe s hereby determine that - the general. prevailing rate.'of per diem wages in the locality in whic'h the said.· worm described to be performed in the said resolution, for .e~ch craft or-type· of wor~an -or. mechanic needed' to execute the. contract, 'and aisb.. the general prevail- ing ratef for !eg'&l holiday and over%im~ .W:6rk for each cr.af~ and type .or workman or mechanic, to be as follows: CLASSIFICATION Ai~ Compressor Operator ""' ..':~2 93 Apprentice Engineer, including Fireman,:Oiler and ~ 29'3 Gre ' Carpenter. ' ' 40 Cement Mason Concrete Operator Skip Type ~ ,3 17 'Driver of Dump Truck.'(less than:4 yds...wa~er level)~.2.83 .Driver'/of Dump',TrUck (4 yds. but less than 8 .~ds.; - water levell ' ' 2';86 Driver of Dump T-~uc.k (8 yds. but leS's than. 12 yds.. water level.)o....o~.oo- ..... ..... 2.91 Driver of Dump'Truck ~I2 to 16 yds. W~ter'ie~el~).~"..2.99 Driver of Dump Truck (16 yds. and over,"water'-. level) ' 3 21 Driver of Transit-Mix Truck - under 3 yds..............3.0~-. Driver of Transit-Mix Truck - 3 ~ds'. or-more -..~.°..3~21-- Flagman~. .................................. ..,.....,~...2.68 Heav~ Duty Re, airman ' 3,71 Heavy[ Duty Repairman Help 2 93 Laborer, General Construction ' .2 68 Material Loader or Conveyor Op.e~ator .......... ....,..- ....-°;~.lT- Motor Patrol Operator, including any type' of power. blade ~ ' 3~81 Operators and Tenders of Pneumatic a~d 'Electrical . .. 'TOols, Vibrating Machines and similar toolS,. not separately classified he'rein...~ ............ 2.89. Roller Operator ' .'.-~' 3 ~2' TractOr Operator - Bulldozer, Tamper, Scraper or :' Drag Type Sh'ovel ~ 3 71 Watchman ' '-. 2 48 Any-classification omitted herein,.I:nOt less than ..... .2.68 " Overtime not less than one .and.one-Half (~'1/2) times the Sb ov~ rat e s. , ' ' '~" '" '- "' ' ' Sundays. and holidays' not less. than one.and one-half (1-1/2) .times the above rates. The holidays upon Whibh 'such rates shall be - paid shall .be all'. holidays recogniZed. in t~e,'collective barganing agreement applicable to the particular craft', claSsification, Or type of workmen employed on the 'oroject. . .in.aCCordance with. the pr'ovi'5ions'-of SeCtion 1777.~ of the Labor COde, as amended by Chapter 6Qt, St.atu~eS of 19F7,' and in accord- a~ce with the regulat.ions of the C~li. f0rnia Apprent±ceShip Council, apprentides may be' employed'~n th'& prosecution of' .properl~ indentubed 't h'e w o~k.' · '.,i HEREBY' CERTIFY that the'-foregSi~ng ~esotut'ion waSj~.pas~'ed and' adopted by the COUncil of-the City of Ba~ersflield at a ~egul~r 'meeting' thereofI held on t!~.e 6th day o'f July~,.19%9,,' by. the .f. olloWing vote: ~YES~: BALFANZ, RENTLEY, CARNAKIS; COLLINS. CROES. OOOLl~: 'Si'IERNj. ' "" '. ..AP~oV~ :,~s~;,"6~ day of ~uZy, ~9. ,' ~-'-~ ~YOR of~,~e- City of Bakersfield, council of the'.City of-Bakersfield.