HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 44-59 nESOLUTIO .4'4=s.9 ...... --. · -- n RESOLUTION ORDERING-THE ~,.~ORK IN'-'PUBLIC " .IMPROV~]~ENT DISTRICT N0, 741 IN THE .CI~ .. -'...OF BAKERSFIELD, CAL~FOR~vI~ " .- : - .BE 'IT RESOLVED BY THE 'COOX~CIL 0F THE CI~ OF BAKERSFIELD~ as follows: .... - .... = .... ':~' - ~' .......: .......' · * WHEREAS,-t.h~ :'Council 0f the City of"Bake~sfield 'did. on the 2~th day. of, May, 1959~' .pass its ReSolution 'of. intention 'E01..7:4~ rto .o~der-. 'the work described thei~ein tO be dbne an'd']imp:~.ovement t6 b:e'made in Said City~ and .WHEREAS, ..said Resolution of Intention was d.u.!3[/and: .legally' published twiCe'immediately after the passage of s'aid. ResolUtion, a~ reqUi.red b.y law, in ties. Bakei~sfield California, a daily .newspaper p{iblished and c'ircu- lated in said City., 'and designated.'b'~ S'a'id. C.6un'cit for that purpose; 'and WEREAS,-notices of the passage 'of :'Said R6sSlut'i=on of In.t.ention .No. 7kl, headefd '"NOTICE '0F.'iIP~f{0VEM~!VT" were duly and legally posted along .I.t'he lines of said contemplated work and impr0vement"and along all tt'ae open. streets within such district, at not"more than 1300 fee.~ apa.rt', .. in the time, f'orm and- mamer as .requi~ed by law; and ' JHER'~DAS.i' said posting was-fully .Cornpie.ted. more.than .ten days be- fore tk~e .'date set f.o.r hearing protests and.. obj'ec.:~ions~-' and- "- ~- ;'~._~EREA3, notice of the adoption of .Said"ReS'btU~S'n of intention was. given.by mail in the manner required by. law~: 'and '- . ',~EREAS, the-time set for heariHg .of obje'Ct..~ons..in jsaid R.e~oluti~n of Intention was-more .'than fifteen and-"iesS t'hanj. Sixty 'days from '~he date · of ' tl.~e passage and adoption.. Of said Re~01Uti'on~'U':~nd."' WHEREAS, said' City Council having dU'!y' received and considered evi- dence orai' and docm~entary c. oncerning the jUri..SdiCt~'0nal fa~Cts in .th'is proceedings "and COnCerning the necess.i. ty for. the ~con. tempiate'd work and 'improvement and t!~e Benefits to be' d~riv.ed" the.rSfrom~. and Said 'City Coun- I / IT IS HEREBY RESOLVZD, that the public-,:i:~te~e~t and. convenience require the' .work described in Resolution of Intention'No[..: 741' to be '- don'e, '~d tl~e 'COuncil of the City of 'BakerSfie!d .hereb~ 0rdsrs t~e work the/~ein described' to. be 'dons. ~id work,, sh~lt.' be .dOne in 'accordance With the' pian and specifications therefor, he'~et0fo~e approved by this CoUncil.. For ~u~ther particulars reference ~S ~e.reby'm~de:tO said Res'o- l~tion of Intentio'~ :No. Z41, 'pl~ .and specificationS,' all bf'~hic~ are on fi~e'-'in the office" Of:the City 'Cle~k.] ':" .. ; , , , . -i,. . ~ ., 'The City Clerk of the City Of-.Bakersfi~ld is hereby directed to post a. notice referring tO the specifications' therefor,.-'.c. onspicuo~sly for fi~e days, on or near .~he door of the CoUncil ChamBerS" 0~ "the 'CoUncil of the City o~ Bakersfield, .inviting sealed pro~0s~l's or bids for doing the ~ork ~srein .or.~ened. The Clerk is .also. directed] to, publish ~ .notice: 'inviting. such proposals and 'referrihg ,to the specifica'ti0ns so pos6%d or on file,' twice in The BaEsrsfield Californi~'~- a'd~ily ne~.spape~ published ~d cir- -culated in' sa~d City and hereby designa~'ed:fo~, ~.hat ~urp0-se.'- .T~e 20th day"0f july, 19~9, .i's he'r. eb.y.'des'i'gnatSd'; and'.',fiXed as-the day on which up' t6 the hour of ~ o" cl0~k:-P.' M. ,; tZ~e. said proposals or bids shail be .received,:.:and all bids. so received shall be ~pened:' by the Co~ cil in .open session at 8 o,cloc~ P. E% , of.· the said. day, and the said no- tices shall so speci~. '- I HER~ZBY~CERTIFT ~that the fOr&going ReS'olution was. ~assed and adopted by the Codncil of the Ci'ty of. Baker~fie, ld at aregular,meelting thereof 'held on the. : eth day o~ umy,':m Sg,: by ~he ~fo~'loW!ng~' VOte: F~kl~O~ of th~ Ci't,~'~of Bakersfield.,