HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 43-59 -I HEREBY CERTIFY that the, foregoing. Resolution .w. as passed and+ adopted by the Council of the City ',o£ BakerSfield at a .regular meeting thereof held on the 6th ..day of..July, 1959, by,...~he .following - vote: , .. · . . ', , '.. , , .... , '~ ,. . ', , './ '. ..,'. : ... · ..' . - . ,. _ ~ '6f the ,,- . . L~-~,~,_. Council 0f ~he.. City, o~f Bakersfield, "' ~ ' ~ ' . ' · ~,/'~ . ~ ~YQR:~f~.~t~'~Ci. ty of B~ersfield. RESOnUT 0 · ' N NO.. ; '43-59 ".. : ~. · . . """ RESOLUTION OF..THE,' COUNCIL'OF THE CITY'-OF"':. ... · . - · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, 'OVERRULING-' PRO-' TESTS. MADE IN CONNECTION ~,KTH"RESOLUTION' "OF INTENTION NO. 741 CONOERNING CERTAIN IMPROVEMENT WORK IN. PUBLIC .IMPROVE~NT ' DISTRICT N0. 741 IN-"SAID CITY --. . I.. . . WHEREAS, certain proteSts.-were filed protesting. against the doing of '-the work and improvement involved in and in accor'd~ -ance With Resolution of Intention No'."'7~l', or. again~.t the assessment distric~; and .. . : --WHEREAS,. the City Council'has careful-iy .considered the tests and ob]ections and have considered.. the area 'of' the di'S'trtCt represented. by said. protests.. · .-.'- : ' . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED bY" this City, CounSil .:of '.the City 0f' Bakersfield that it does hereby-'find and determine that said protests and objections have 'b'een",made .by the owners of .less than.one-half' of. the area"of the,~.proper~y to b'e :assessed fop 'said 'work"and improvement, as set.f0rth.:i.n 'said Resolu.tion"of 'Inten- tion-No. 741; and .: -' BE IT 'FURTKER RESOLVED that each' and all-of .'the...said prote~ts- ' and ob,'Jec'tions 'be, and the .same 'aPe 'hereby,': overrUle'd. and~ denied.