HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 42-59 mSOLUT O RESOLF_~ION OF TBUE COUNCIL ~F THE CiT~' OF F~AF~ERSFiELD RECITING FACTS AND STATING iTS POLICY iN CONNECTION WiTi-X Ti-ZE BAKERSFiELD ~ffCIPAL WATER D!STRiCT~ WF~',jREAS~ the me. tubers of the Council of the City of Bah'sz~s'.~ield are the dul3 elected rep:.~esentatives of the citizens of the Oity of Bakei~sfield with particular reference to that pa~t of Bakersf:i. eld generally desc~,ibed as~ ' Commencing at the intersection of Union Avenue and ~ St:ceet (or- Bernard St?eet)~ thence westerly to the Kern River aloD4~ 34th Street, thence southwesterly to Oak Street~ south to Palm Streete east on Palm and 4th Streets to Union Avenue~ thence nor'[;h on '0'nion Avenue to Oalifor-nla Avenue., east to Washington Street~ north on Washing'~on Flower Street~ thence west to a point between 0~.~ens and Gage Strests~ thence west to the canter. of Section 20 the vicinit~ of Alta Vista Drive m~.d Bernhard Strest~ 'bh.en;cs south to the Section Lin.s~ west to Union Avenue and on Union Avenue to the place of bsgimair~ e,nfDrac Bakersfield Municipa~ ~ater Dist?ict~ and ~-ffEREAS;~. the members of the City Council a~:s cha?gsd with the, duty of acting' in l~ae best interests of said citizens and do have an obligation to said citizens to keep them infos~med as 'm..tt-re that affect their welfare and '- 1-being~ NOW, TEE.'REFORE~ BE iT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Baksrsfield~ that the fo!lowip~ facts be set forth and pubticizcdz That tl:tez~e is in existence a gove~nmental s. ntity known as the Bakersfield Mtmicipa! Water District_~ said agency being created in 1o-°2 ua~der the ~--icipal Water District Act of 1911 The Bakex~s~' field t~2unicipal Water District~ hereafter- called "DistYict"~ is in no ~aF· connected wi~8 the City of Bakersfield except 'for'!ocation~ ' ~'s from said Cit ~ is not In any ~¢ay unde~ derives nor~,e of .-.t~ powe~s Y~ . th.s csn. t~oi of said City~ and acts entirely' independent from said City° The District boundaries are those boundaries whicii were ~s!ie · ~i'~'' of Bakersfield boundaries in 1922 and .in general follo~ the boumdaries as set forth in the preamble of2this Feso!ution, ~e citizens and residents of said District are~ all ~ithin the confines n boundary-ice of ~he City of Bakersfield 2~ The District was for-mad in i922! for 'bhe purpose of SUlgD]V~ng ]~ra~er ~so ~h,e residen~ of the Ci~Dr ,m, xi~!~i~ 'bh.e area. here'~o fore set for~h~ The historical fact concerning the forn~.~cbion _ lc-~ the B~.kersfie!d b3]unicIp~l Water District is~ ~ha~ pr-ior ~o ,~- City of Bakersfield was faced with a serious ~mter problem d.v.e the inadee3~-ac'~' of the then existir~ ~a'ber s~rstems su. ppiyin~ to the residents of the Oity, Oonse~uent]-y~ the Bakersfield %~fa'her i)isi>ric'b was formed to correct tb;is deficiency. '~he Dis-b3cd. c'b '=~-~. ~ to the vo'bers for fu~.ds by way of a bond issue for the of acquir~-ng ~he existing wa'ber systems~ The vo'~e~:s solidl~- e the proposi'bion of the Districto Su'os quent '~o ~fna'b time the Oaiifornia'~,/ater Service 0o~r~3a.ny bought out the t~o ~m. ter ~c:hen in operatfcns inxproved the systems~ e~$~nded their lines furnished ~ater to the con~tn%i'by~ satisfactory ~o i-~s needso puzpose for ~hfch ~ District ~,a'as formed ~as acco'~plished bye' the Oe. iffo-z~nia ~jater Service Oorapany~ The !~u. rpose bei~.~ accomp!ished~ ~',here ~'as no longer aD.y need for action on -bhe part of i~he Thue~ ivjhe District never entered into any operations of any nature such as acqu:iring !ines~ we!ls~ or facilities for the p~=pose su.p'pl]~i~ ~-mter to the area~ which has been describeds~ and therefore=~ th~ District became do~mant~ A].thouC~h there has never~ to the present de~'be~ been, azv~-~' or oi~ers-tion on '~he part of the District ~Ln' suppi~'i~ ~.~ater to inhe Distric'~; residents~ there have been ~ax levg, es made on ~he o~<.~'!ers of · property' ~aithin the Dist~iot~ ~,rhich area is served by the Oaliforn!e~ ~Te. tere Sererice Oom~aan3~, These ,le~ies ~-,rere nmde in the yea, re !923~2h-~ 192~$,-2~ a~.d 19h.2-1-~.3s and totaled retu. rns in excess of F:7-fty Thousand ]Sot!are (~FSO~O00~O0)~ ~Teedless to say~ the residents of :the Distrg. ct ITJ_~ i~-e~'e~t~-d no- -benefit- fr'o~the~ ~tax- lr~2~ s-- -since -the -Dis%~ic~ · never entered into any operations~ Also~ since 1922 ~hen the District ~,m.s formado the' District ~$ not had a stx~!e cons~aer of ~-ater supplied by o? thz'ough the Distribt~ either inside the a~=ea District or outside the area~ 3- It is to be noted in these ~in~ir~s of fact that th.~ Dist~ict is sinpowered to levy an ad valorera tax on the prcpen~ty of owners within the a~sa which has been generally described above ~ It is to be fu~ther noted in these findings~ t~t the ~District~ by the aforesaid Municipal Wats~ District Act o~' 1911s is empm~er~d to ampex to it~ areas which are not' centiguous to the existi~ area of the Distx~ict~ including uninhabited areas which have a s~ns. lt tax base as compared to the developed area of the existing District. Pum~sus. nt to Section 20-12 of th~ M~nicipal Water District Act of 1911~ r~'~ the district is given broad ~owe:~s to entitled "Dist~ict Powe. ~ ~ . undertake p:~ojects for the De~e~T~it o,~f ~ 4. On the ~th day of March~ ..19%9~ the aforesaid District snte~sd into a contract ~dth the County of Ke~n wherein it was p~oposed that the District ~de~take the exploration and d~illing of a w~'ber v~e].l in o~der to supply water to certain u.~~i~o~a~q~-jrJa~ in ~e Co~ty o~ Kern,. The contra~t between the District and the County of Kern in pa~t ~ecites~ as follows: "W~e~eas~ a sex~ious water sho~tag~ has developed in a certain portion of the ~n~inco~:po~ated area of the Ccunty~ ~hlch is z-e'fe~ed to as the Northeast portion of the Greate~ Bake~sfie!d Area adjoini~ the service area ~the Californla Water Service C~mptny and the East Nilss Cc~bb~ty Services District~ Said water shortage has seriously impeded the development of said are~ for resi~ dential~, co~e~cial~ business~ industx,ial and purposos ~ The contract does not propose to benefit in a~y mm~sr whatsoevsr~ the ~esidents or citizens of '~e District o~ the City of Baken~sfield silence the avowed purpose of the centsact is to benefit the area ts the No~thsast of the City of Bake~sfield. The citizens of the City of Bakersfield owning prop salty within the te~:~itorial limits of the Dis~~s ~s~cetof o~s]~l~d~' ~'a~]e~k~~ s~.b jec ted to ~ax levies for a projoct from which they will derive no benefit~ and may bs further subjected te tax levies fer pu~.~osss from which '~ey will de_~ive no benefit° The District has called for bids to drill a '~.~atem~ ~ell i~l oy~dsr to carry out the terms and the conditions of the contract mentioned above° If water is discovered as a result of the drllli_~ of the ~ter well, v~ch Is to be located in the vicinity of the mouth of the Ke~n Rive~ Canyon~ t~ans~ssion lines ~dll ~ve to bs established ~t a cost in excess e~ Five Hun&red Thous~d Doll~s ($500~000~00) a~d th~ owners of prope~y in the District~ who will not be benefited~ ~-ji].l be subjected to t~ levies by way of ad valorem taxes on ~ei~* pL~opez~ty, for. the privilege of supplyi~ water to an area tha'b is not in the Ci~ of Bakersfield or in the Bakersfield Mt,micips. 1 We-tern~ Distx$ict and from w~ch they m~y e~ect no benefit~ 5. The Board of Directors of the District are ch~ged with the. duty of car~ing out the functions of t~ District insof at as the District ts empowered to act~ In t~s comection~ it is specifically provided by the M~ioipal Water Act of 1911 that the District may acquire by purchases leaSe~ condemation or other?~ise~ ~jater ~orks~ waters~ water rightsm l~ds, water work systems and cOnstruct~ mintatn, and operate conduits~ plpelines~ reservoirs~ ~orks~ xnac~nery and other property useful and necessa~ for the p~f!~~m~~ct/They ~y also sell ~ter to cities ~nd other territo~ ~D~,~A~~ and if a~ '~E!P~- exists after supplying the water .necessary to 'the i~abitmts of the District 'they or ~.y then sell the ~!E!waters to any other agency person~ The contract entered into by md between the District and ~e County of Kern specifically asserts that the p~pose is to supply s.~eas outside the District with w~ter so t~t those areas m-y be de~-eloped~ Thus~ no benefit is Lntended for the areas inside the District~ although these are the areas w~ch must bear the cost of the project~ by tax assessment. The City Council hereby states and declares that the action taken by the Board of Directors of the Bakersfield Municips. i Water District in calling for bids for the pu~'pose of di~illir.,,g a ~,~'s. te~ ~,~ell in the area located near the mm~th of the Kern Ri'~ex~ Ca~yo~ is not in the best interests of the citizens o.~T the City of Bake~sfield an~ in p~-rticular those Q$tizens re. ruing p~operty witl~n th~ City of B~ke~sfield~ heretofore described as that portion of the CitU~' ~hich constitutes the bondsrise of the Bake~rsfie].d Municipal Water . ~e City cramoil fu=~.the~ states and decla~-~es that it is -po~'e~~ or authority to' cause the dissolution of the Bakersfield N~nicipal Water District~ Tt~t such dissolution c~n only be a~comp].ished by the acts of the residents of the area ~ithin the District~ pu~suant to the p~ovisions of the M~ic~.pal Watex~ District Act of 1911~ ~e City Co~cil hereby states ~d declares t~t the entity ~c~.o~n as the Bakersfield Municipal Wate=~ Distx~ict is being used as a wehicle for the development of az~eas outside ~e Distract and that the citizens and residents of ychs District should fo~th~ith and ~'ithout delay~ take ~.~tever steps are necessary' to protect thei~ inte:~estso It is f~ther stated ~d decl~ed by the City Council o~ the City of Bakersfield ~-~t the Mayor~s oflice w'ill freely ans~'er any inqui~ies regsm~ding the Dist~ict fr~ any kno~ledge possessed by the Mayor~ and welcomes such ~.quiries~ I L~EREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution ~.,ms passed and adopted by the Coumcil of the City of Bakersfield at a regular msst~ i.~ ~ June 1959 by the fo!!o~im~ ~ thsPsof held on the 29th day of vote: AYES: BA~~LEY, CARNAKIS, COLLINS, CROES. DOOLIN, STIERN, NOES: -. Council of the City o~ Bake.-~sfisld~