HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 37-59J 'RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE-COUNCIL OF THE CITY '0F 'BAKERS- FIELD 'FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR =HEARING PROTESTS.. 'BY· PERSONS OWNING REAL PROPERTY IWITHIN 'TERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED. ,~ ~ IWHEREAS~ a petition-was filed ·with, the -Council of~ 'I the City oflBakersfield' oh the 18th day-of May, ,1959,_ reqUesting~'~hat_+certai'n Uninhabited territory therein described be annexed ~to· and incorpoTated ~ithin the City of Bakersfield., and '- "' NHEREAS','. said ~etition WaS ~ig~ed by-the 0.~mers' of. all of the terri$ory.proposed .to be ~nneXed. -~ ...... - NOW,.TE~E~ORE, in complian6e"with the ~r0V. isions'0f.the Annexation of ,Uninhabited Territer~.A~t'.~Of 19+39,- 0baTter 1297, as amended:, 'BE' IT RESOLVED'b~' ~he 0ouncil'o~.the City-of Bakersfield, as foll~ws: "" ...... "' That ~he boundaries .of 'the territory sO proposed to be...annexed to the City of. Bakersfield are des6r'lbed as follows': .-....+...'. - A parcel' of land situate in .the County-:'of .Kern.,'.;S~ate of :- .California, and being ,a po~ti0n. of+Se6tioh~."l and 12, Town- .ship 30 South, Range 27..East~ .M. Do M..: .. Beginning at the southeas$'corner '0f LotS]5 fn said Secti'en 12, as.said ~ot 5 is .shoWn on "Kern Coun~ Sales Map No. 1 · '6f"-Lands of J. B. Haggin,". filed'May~3,' lee9., in. the ·office :.of the'County'Recorder of said.'Eern County; thence we's~erl~' .....a~eng the~southerly boundary of. said. Lot'5 t~ in~er'sect 'the"' westerly'boundary of the East '165 feet ofL.Sai~ Lqt 5; thence · "northerly..along last named.WeSte~ly:~0'undary..,tO inter~ect" : the+northerly. boundary of. Said Lot 5, ap0int.'on the..north-- " " erly'boundary of said. Sec~iqn 12';-thence cSnti~uin~nor.therly- · ":+. a. distance of 30 feet as measured p'~rp~ndicular,to' the " ' Southerly 'bOundary. 'of said Section 'l,.f! to. iiit'e~sect' the north-. · ."' .eriy boundary of Ming Road, 'also-known.. as casa Loma-Drive, '.. ' ""'~. '~-'of 6,0' fee~ in width;· thence 'easterly~."along last-named-northerly · · bou_ndaPy~ tO intersect the Inor. therly prolongation of the. /-- _easteriy. boundary of the nOrthweSt quarter (N~'. N.- 1/~), of ~aid Section '12, a point on ~the corporate boundary of th~ .. ' p~o!0~a~ion and' along the. said--eastePl~ b0undaPy.-of the . northwest quarte~' (N, W. 1/4), of;Section'.'12~ and along 'the easterly .~b0undary of. said ;.LOt ~'~'On' ~'nd a. long.. said corporate bo~da~,. as same is defined '.:by' .t~t certain ameXation 'kno~n .as Benton Park No.-2, as 'adoptO'd~:-0ctobe~ 15," i956',. by Ordinance No. ll0?, New Series, and certified N0~ember 19, 1956,-by..Iths' Secretary o£1S.tate,· State'Of .Calif~ornia,.' to' .th'e southeast corner of 'said LOt ~.~..'the'. pdint of beginni.ng, .~cOntaininE 2.616 acres of 'land, urnore' or less. · ,. -~, _ . . .. · , ,~ - That'. a designation appropriately n~ming isuch' teatit'cry is ~'MING NO,. 2. "' · - BE IT F. URTHER RESOLVED, that Monday , 'l - the lll5'~h .day 0£ 'I'JUne 195.9'~'. at the hour. of eight-o'clock P.~.~ in~.Ithe'. C0ku~i.l'Chambe.~s of" thee .City Hall~, 1501 TrUX~un Avenue, BakerSfield~ California, iS the time"when land the place where ~ny pers,6~-0~ning .:re~l property within such ~erritory sO prOpoSed .to'~.'be 'annexe~ and.h~ing .any ob:j..~ctionls to the proposed annexa.~tion~'~ay of~ ~the Oity .8£ '.Bakersfield and sho,~ cause why. .suSh territory shouid not e xe~ '. : : .. - .. : --'~.'~o0o ...... ' " .... ' ' · . , ~ . . . :. ~..-.I~.:.HEREBY 0ERTIF~ that the' forS'gO'fng Resolution was p~S-s'ed and adopted'by' tt~p.. CoUnC. il of-the Ci.ty o.'f.: Bakersf~eld.- at'a regular meet- -. ... ?.--~ ...- .. ing: thereof- heId on the 18th day.,.of. M.a.Y,- 19~9,"~by .the': fQltowing vote: ~. -- .~ . " ' - '-.... ~ ~',~" .'~"".' "._ "' ' . City '~.l,erk-' and.'~x-0£fibio. Clerl~ .of 'the '.~Z'.'~...;.~-:~y~.',[~ :j" -.'Co~nci~ of th'e City~:-of :Bakersfield.- ~ , ',.~'-~.:?. ~..S- .... .-- ~ - ,... · , . . . , . , ., .. . .. · . .. - .. -- . . .., . , ..... ..: '..,.. -,.', - , - .- , ,. ~..', ..~ ',-, --- 2 .... -..