HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 34-59 RESOLUTION N0..B4-59 "DECEARING'THAT PUBLIC INTEREST ~ND RECi~7, S'g~i~ REQUIRE TEE 'ACQ.UISITION° OF'CERTAIN PROPERTIES' FOR THE ~CCNSTRUCTION OF A · , .-. MLrNICIPAL AUDITORIUM AND DIRECTI. NG.~THE."CITy ATTORNEY TO FILE ACTION 'FOR TIE-" ~CQUTSITION!OF- - - SAID PROP .}I1TY .BY ACTZO3.'.IN CONDEMNATION-. · WEEAS, at an election dulyj-an'd reg~iarl~ held .'within the ~-~ty ~of B~kersfield, on 't'he 4th.day'of November~i958,"it was determined by the affirmative vote 'and a. Ssent-'6f more_ than :tWo-thirds of +~11 the qualified 'vot~,~S 'o'f-"~.ai~d City voting at sUc'h"'eleCtioh. 'that the City 6f Ba~e'rsf~ie!~'].Sh0Ul.d incur a bonded, indebtedness in the principal sUra-of $3,7~0,000'for. the acquisi- tion a~ld construction by said City] 'Of..~'mUnieipal audito~'um and publi'.c~]assembl~ building, suitable for '~o'~ventions, trade shows, sports and .athletic events, exhibitionS,, mnsical.'~'and.' dramatic pre se h t ati one, . and group me e tings, 'toge. oth~ ~..'~t tnh. ! ands c aping and o~f-street.. pa~king facilities ~he~efor, -~n8 inCl~dring the acquisi_ ti0n of all land. furniture,-fu3?n~shin~s, appur~tenan'ces and(equip- me'nt and othe'r] pr. operty necessary :'therefor,, and. ' ~.- WtEREAS,.. as a result of. said bo~ e.leCtion, sat.~ "Qity was . f- · , autho~i'zed to. issue bonSs in the amount and for, the' purpose set · . -i - - fOrth-in the' bond election above set forth~ .end-p'Ur~Uant to sai5 authorization did issue a~d sell ~af~..bOnd,S; ..an~ .. .. . ,WEEAS, for the purpose of Car~.ying. ou~ tt~e desire of the people of. the' City'of Bakersfield, the CoUnCil did"'appoint. a committee of the Council to investigate and';. determine .the most suitable-and best location for the construction of-said .municipal. auditorium.and appurtenances, an~ tol..'accompl. i2h suc~ purpose sai~- COuncil "Sial e~apl'oy the stanford Resgarch' tnstit.{!t_e.~ 'an .organization specialized ahd experienced in 'the' study of %ommunity.~devel0pments, tO assist said.-c0mmittee and, the' ,co'Uncil .itself in itUs study ?inI '~d"e~'~Y~i~'~"'~h~jSt '~d[[k~f~'~l~g~.l~.ti on, for .'.~'~i"d'. munic i pal audi tori ~, a~d .. ,.- · .' · ': ·. '- - ~l; . .- . _ . . . ~::.... .-~. - . ~ -... .- tion,adequate or suitabl.'e for the;' conStrUCtion of Said .a~ditOrium,. / " (ll)'.~That the public interest! and'ne'cess~"ty require the"'~cqUisi~; ' ":. tiOn, Construction'and maintenanC'e.~of .a. Muni'cipal: AuSit0ri'um. · . ,. ·pUrsuant to the ~determination' of·.t:he inh'abitan.'ts ~-of' the City of " · Bakersfield'as expressed 5y ~h~',bond ele'ctlion~.t~e'rein.-ab6ve "~efer~ed"" to,.~ and as de.termined by this:Council. ' " '~ . -'-';~ ~. (2)"T'hat Said. Municipal Audit0ri~ and".~la6~ of.pUblic assembly' is planned· and~ is to be located' in'a manner which ~ill+be most~' '~ compatible with the g~eatest~.publ'ic~.g0o~d~ an~ t~. leaS~" private inj~y, and there'is no other pr.opsrty witch.the ~ity-or adjacent AFTER investigation and study by the CoUnCil. and of.' the St anf or8 Re se arc h Ins ti.tute and- t he$' re Cornroe nd a t'i0~' ;of ' the -" committee so appointed, said c0unc,il 'did..fTn~' that '-.the best and. most appropriate Site for the cons,truc.t_ion of .the proposed municipal 'auditOrium x~as and is that certain Ipro~.rty '~ithin '- the Ci.t~ of Bakersfield.de'signated as Blo~cks-308, '3'~'9~"330 and 331., comprised of all:the 'lots -'within"sa~'d Blocks,; and generally _'~:dSscribed as all"that pro~rty~i'ocated ':betWe en Tr~' Avenue and Fifteenth Street and b~'tween'"N"' Street and' "P"~ Street, City of' Bakersfield. T'~T p~suant to. Said' .fTndings and .'det'ermi:natio~' :Of the council, said counci~ pursuant .t~' i. ts order d~ly'ma'de' in Ope.n meeting~ did-aCquire by p~chase Certain p~0~r~ies within said BlOcks 308 and-' 309 above ~e. fer~ed. ~.o~'.and'.~hi.S Council finds that it cannot acquire all of the parcels-of 1Rnd~w'i'~hin 'said BlOCks ' 308 , '. '309 ~:.. 330' and 33i 'fr~.~ the ~ne.r's. thereof at-the true and fair value the re.of ' : "' - ~ha~' .al~ of the p~cel~ of'land withi~ sa'~d Bloc:ks 308,-309',' . .~ .. -: . 330, and'~ 331 are -?necessary for the construction .of ~ssid Municipal ~uditori~ for the reason .that the ~ity has..no other site or loca- theretoe,suitable for' the location"Of ,said :auditorium, itS' 'apPUrtenances and parking faci li,tiel s a~d, ~h~ pr'O'Pert~'~ described 'isj necessary therefor.. : " .... Those said properties herei~ referred tO are-described. as follows: ':' '. - Ail of-the 'Lots and parcslS,']Qf;Tand .lying Within. Blocks".-. 308, 509,. 330 .and 331 as .sho~n 0n map of~sub'di-~ij~ion Of" the.' ': Ci'ty of Bakersfield, excepting ~th~refr.Om certain p~:rceis' 6f~ ' .... land which have been acquired b~.'~'~td. Cit~.by p~SHas:e,; said parBe!s' 0f land are. generally de-scribed-'as follows: :' ' .The We s't'-33' feet-Of the Nor. th.~O 'feet of Lot '.:'l~, 'Block 308. Lots. 3 and ~, BloCk 308. : .... -"": .-. , . "' ' Lo~ '1, Block 309. . . . ~. -' . .-.East'. 33 feet' of Lot 6, BlOck-3.09., "';' . . · .-. '~'The'West' ~0 feet Of Lot 7, Block".3:09~ The North 50 feet 0f' Lot 8'and' t~; North ~0 ~et ..o~ i~he '- East ,26 feet of Lot 7, 'Blo'ck 309. - ..... '- . .... Tb SOUth 33 feet of L~'t 1, B1Dck 308. T~' North 32.~ fe~t o'f tb. S0u~h ~.5' fe~-of-Lot 1, Block 308., WEREAS,-Be it re.solved by-the COuncil of the , Ci~y.- of .Bakers- field that public interes~ and necessity-raquires~the acq~sition . . ?.. of the propertie..S he re lnSbove 'describedy, and the City At.tSrne.y. is he-Feby authorized and directed to .'c0mme, nce pr'oceedt.ngs fo~ the acquiSitiOn of said prope~t.fes .by"'6~n'demhati0n proceedings in the · .S.upetrior Co~t of the State of California'. ..... - . . 'T" - ' .' . .----.--~----O~O .....r.- .:. . ..; ..,. Z 'EREBY 'CERTIFY that t'he. foBs;gOing .Re s0tut'ion "~aS passed and adopted by rtb Council of ~tb"'City. 0f Bakersfield .at a regul~ meeting the'reo~ .held on tb ~t'h day 'of.' May~ 19~9,' by the following. ~Ote j ~'~S: DA[~ANZ. SE~V~.~Y', C,'~RU.~i(IS, ~S,.CROES, DOOLIN,.STIB~N,- . '~j':~%~?. " .' City ~_ ~O~~k' of.. the' , . '...' ;~,~.-%~[.~. : o~1 of.-'theCity o'f Bak~'rsfield~.-' ~~~ ~ c 3 , , .~[~ ~.~ ~..~ .~ ~. ~,~v ~r , ·. -. ..... ... .. ,.: , .. .. . - -