HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 18-59RESOLUTION NO. _~_8-j9 The importance of the State of Oalifornia in jibe dovel0pment of.air travel is of the highest in the nation,' and its+~program of development of facilities to encourage s~ch'modelof, transportation · carmot'escape.the attention of th0se"intere~ted in aviation. ~ The nation has been well Served ·by ~theCivil Aeronautics Board,· however, it is the consensus of the members of the council.of the City of Bakersfield that in the appointment of future'members of said Board, consideration be given to'a Californian.familiar with the problems of California and the west in relation to the overall· national air travel de~'elopment. . · The ·total passenger volume, ~Oth'of San .Francisco and Los Angeles and of every County and City in California which offer ·landing' facili~ ties.,.is evidence of the ~ele which California plays'in trans-continental transportation by plane, and the ihdications are ~hat sUchinterest and development in air travel will continue+ at an increased pace. ~'It is reported that California· is second Only to the State of New York in the n~mber of enplaned pa&sengers annually. ' ~It is the firm belief of this ·council' that the appointment of a qualified member from~California to the Board will be'moStbeneficial .in making available' to said Board~'first~hsnd information Concerning~ conditionS·in California and other Western states. THEREFORE,' BE IT RESOLVED by the Council 'of the City of Bakers- field, State of California, that the P~esidsnt of the United States be, and he is hereby respectfully urged, when a vacancy,oCcurs on the Civil AeronautiCs Board, to appoint .a Californiansmeeting the necessary I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was-passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 16th day of March, 1959, ,by the foll0~ing vote~ the