HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 15-59 RESOLUTION N0. 15-59 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIXING A TItdE AND PLAGE FOR HEARING PROTESTS BY PERSONS 0kq~ING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN TERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED, AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE HEARING PROTESTS 0N' THE PROPOSED-'ZONING OF SAID PROPERTY. 'WHEREAS, a petition was filed ~ithL the CounCil' of the City of Bakersfield on the 26th day of~'F~brua~y~ t959, requesting that certain uninhabited territory therein described be annexed .to and incorporated within the City of Bakersfield, .and fu~theri~requesting that .said territory. be zoned as an R-3 (Limited Multiple-Family D,~el- ling~ Zone, provided that said territory is' annexed. to the City, and WHEREAS, said petition was S~gned by the ovmers of all of the territory proposed to be annexed, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has filed ~ith this Council its recommendation approving the z6ning of said territory as an Zone, provided said territory is annexed to the City of Bakersfield, and '~' i WHEREAS, it is provided that a hearing shall be held before said Council before the zoning of~ any property, .·and.that notice be given of said hearing not less .than ten ~10~ days before such hear- ing in accordance with the Zoning Regulation Ordinance No. 1010, N. S., · of the City of Bakersfield. NOW, THEREFORE, in compliance with 'the provisions of .the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939, Chapter '297, as amended, BE IT 'RESOLVED by the Council of the City 0f' Bakersfield as follows: 'That the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield are described' as follows:' A parcel of land situate in the 'County of Eeoc, State of 0alifornia, and being a portion of Section 36, TownShip 29 South, Range 27 East, M. Do M., and more particularly'des~ cribed'as follows: Beginning at the southeast (S.E~) corner of 'the west half (W. 1/2) of the east half (E.i/2~i of Lot 3, Block 'C,' as said Lot and Block are sho~m on the' map of "Greene' s Tract," - recorded November 9, 1905, in Book,. l' of' Maps at .page .97, 'in · the Office of the County Recorder 'of said Kern County~ a point .on the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield~ thence northerly along the easterly boundary of the said west half' (W. 1/2)of the east half (E.' 1/2) of~'Lot 3,. on ~and along said corporate boundary as same is. defined by that' certain annexation designated as "Greene's Tract 'No o l' 'as .adopted Iby Ordinance +No. 917 New Series, .AuguSt 27,' 1951, and certi- ' fled. October 1, 1951, bythe Secretary of State, 'State of California, to intersect the ~esterly extension' of '~he southerly line of. Second Street, aS said Street is sho~m on. the map of the' "Good'e Tract," recorded May 2~ 1910, in Book I of Maps, at page 144, in the office' of the said County Recorder;- thence westerly along said westerly extension of the southerly line of Second Street, on and along the corporate boundary of said Clt . as same is defined by. that certain annexation designated as ~'South Bakersfield District No. 3,' as adopted by an Election held September '28, 1926, and which ~as certified October 6,' 1926, by the said Secretary ~of State, to intersect the westerly boundary of the Said ~-~est half ~W. 1/2),. of the east half (E. 1/2) of Lot 3~ thence southerly along last named westerly boundary, departing fron~ .the corporate boundaryl of ~said ~City, to intersect the ,southerly.boUndary. of said' Lot 3; thence easterly along last named southerly. boundary to the point of beginning, containing 0.593 acres of land, more or less. · That a designation appropriately naming such territory 'is "GREENE' S TRACT NO. 2." · BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that Monday,'A'pril .13~'1959, at the hour of' eight o'clock P.M., in the Council' Chambers of~the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, C~lifornia~, +is the time when and the place where ,any person owning..real property within .Such.territory so proposed to be annexed and having any objections to the proposed annexation may appear before the Council of'. the City' of Bake~sfield 'and show .cause why such territory should no~ be a~me~ed. BE IT ALSO FURTHER RESOLVED, that in compliance. with said Zoning. Ordinance No. lO10, N. S., the. City Clerk shall ~give notice of the hearing for the zoning of 'said 'property, which said hearing shall he held before the Council a~ the time~ and R~ce. set for the' hearing on said annexation. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ResolutiOn was passed and..adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield 'at 'aTegular meeting thereof held on the 9th day.-of March, 19~9, by .the following vote: ' "' ' t~YES: BALFANX, EENTLEY, CARMA~iS, ~COl[l?~S, CRQES ~,E-~c44:~E, DOOLtN, and Ex,-0~ficio Clerk of the Council of the City ofI Bakersfield,