HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 87-58 . \' , - ~~ ~.~ !ii 0"" ,~ RESOLUTION NO. 87-5B WHEREAS, the City C.uncil of the City of Bakersfield, Cali- fernia, was notified on December 16, 1957, that the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grado District had requested the closure of Haley street at its intersections with the tracks of the Southern Pacific Company, The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company a~d the SW1set Railway Company as a part of said Dint:::ictts proceedings in connection with the Beale Overpass projectJ and WHEREAS, this Council instructed the City Manager, his staff, and the Mayor to contact the said District, and request that they withdraw that part of their application t. the Publ~c Utilities Commission relating to the closure of Haley street, and WHEREAS, on December 20, 1957, a letter was directed to the Chairman of the Greater Bakersfield Separation ef Gr'ade District boY the Mayor to the effect that the City Council of Bakersfield had instructed the Manager and the Mayor of said City to notify the Dis- triot that it was the request of the Council that the District withdraw their request for the closure of Haley street, and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Managor' did subsequently meet with represontatives of the District and request withdrawal of the Haley street closure from consideration in the Beale Overpass application, and WHEREAS, this Council notes that on September 10, 1958, the Public Utilities Commission by Decision No. 57314 did grant permission for constructien of the Beale Overpass and the closure of Haley Street, thus ignoring th~ wishes ef this City Council, and WHEREAS, there is presently' underway a traffic study of the vicinity of Ha1ey Street and the aforesaid railroads, to determine the impact on traffic needs in the aI'ea of adopted and proposed 1. .. / ,. .,;:: , , '-.J (j freeway routes and other factors previously unknotin wh~ch may alter traffic patterns in the vicinity and may show closure of Kaley street to be feasible or infeasible as the case may be. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Public Utility Com- mission is hereby requested to amend its Decision.No. 57314 and order same held in abeyance until such time that the traffio study shall be completed and the results thereof transmitted to your Honorable BOdy, together with the recommendations of this Oity Council. ~-~~-~~oOo~--~~~~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meet- ing there.f held on the 29th day of December, 1958, by the following vote: AV~S: BALFANZ. ~~ENTlEYj CAm!A'~IS. cotLiNS. CROES. l:lEWiRE, ()tJou~; NOES: /I:'i-'1iA- ", -- ~ENr: J?6-1C.(,/ ~~-~ __~"-!l l1ARIAN ;S. BiVIN City Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the Oity of ~akersfield. 18 .... '" -r~ /.' ./ . ) '. ..:- . y /.1 &,)(,l-'1. '~~tfng({'Cit Clerk .. ";,;~~:;>~~h ;g":::;C;Z:58 J Y -- ~', '~6~_qf the City of Bakersfield. -~ ,':~~Y:~ ~~;-, I' _ F".~ >~ . '~~-~ ".:;)., .~. t'~ ) '-.. - ~,_.'t,-"__'~~>~i~., : ...-- ..... '\."..,:::-,,f .-' _ ~'. . ~ " " ':-:' /:- \. ? '-.