HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 78-58 , . (:;.~ ... RESOLUTION N~. 78-53 ~~;;;,.;...:;;;;::.,:,-----.....~ RESOLUTION OF THE COill(CIL OF TRE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASCERTAINING- AND DETERNlj\I- ING THE PREVAILIKG r,J~'rF OF HAG-ES TO BE PAID IN THE ~1ATTER OF "P'GBIJIC nJ:PRO'},Ei:illl~'T T'lTC"TRI"'T ',T0 739lt .....'- S^ '-D C-m-,. ..l.J'..~0_ '....; __ l\lv. , ..Ll\J ... J:_"~ ,'.LJ..:J... :w 1ABFREP.8, the Com:..cil of the Cj.t'r of Bal-cGl"'sflsld.. Oalifc:.cr:J.!:'-, did, en JGh8 20th day of Oc-:ober, 1958~ adopt Resolut:i.on of J:~:i.tGn-c:ton No. 739, for the construction of certain impl"'O\lSmeJ."lts in 2ubllc Imp:>ovement ::;intrict No. 739, ana VfriEREAS, pursuant to the p?ovisions of tho Labor Coda of ths 3tate of California, it is n3cessary that the Council of the c~ty of Bakorsfleld, Oe.lifornla, ascertain and detsr-lid.:ne :;he general prevailing l'ate of' 'tvages cn. public :-!orks, al'!.d by t~l'$ p,;:>ovisi0l1.s of said Code make it wanda tor'J upon thE; al'1l'arding bocl;r of a;:J.Y pt:!.blic contract whs~e the said body subse~uently calls for bids for a~y publlc improvemen.t;, to ascel'tain a:i.1.d determine the prevallL1.g rate of pBj." di$lU Hages in the locality i.i.'). lIhlch ths Hod::: is to be performed, for each craft or type of worlmlan or mechanic needed to execute the contract, and also the gener-al pra-;l:1iling I"ate for 13gal holiQay anc1 ovel'tim3 work fOl~ S8.en (;raft or t:rpa of Horkrnan. NO!;!, TIiElf8iPOHE: tbe Council of the C:t.ty of Ba:k&rsfield, Ga.}.::- for'nia, han aeoertained and does L1.sreby determine thaJe the geneT-al prevailir~g rate of reI' diem v-rages in tho localltJT in Hh10h the Daid work described to be performed in the said resolutio~, for each craft or type of 'lrlOrkrnan or mechanic need~d to e:xecute the conh'act, and also -the gen-eral prevailinr.; x'a to :.:' 01' -legal holiday and ove:;."'ti.LiJ0 1'1!'.1"1: for each craft an::' ty-po of 'lt1o:.."klJ1an or- mechanic I to be as fol~ 1 O'VJS : 3d , . ~ .~ " "" CLASSr2IGATION RA TE PER JiO\JR A-Fl"ar.:te" Boom 01' WInch T:"rl.ck Op0zoatOl" " .. . " @ .. .. @ .. 1:,ir Oomp..'>cssor OperatoI' ~ .. . . .. .. .. e .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. Apprentice. Englnoer, Including P.ireli1.an~ Oiler and Greaser .. .. .. .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. @ . C arpel1. tel' . . ~, ~ . .. . .. . . . . . Ii1 .. . . 0 . W Ii Q . Oement I.rlason .. . . " .. . . .. . @ . .. . .. .. Ii> .. .. . . 0 Concrete l1i.xer Opel'R tOI' - Skip Type:: .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . . C oncrete Cure:~ - Imperviclls Nembrane "."... @ . .. .. 0river of Dun~ Truck (Le3S than 4 yd3. Water Level) ...........".......... Driver of Dump Truck (4 yds. but less than 8 yds. vJater Level) ......................... D:eivor of Du.mp 'rxJuck (-3 yds. but less ":han 12 yds. \'later Level) ..............".. @ . .. .. . .. . . Drivor of Dwmp Truck (12 but less than 15 yds. Water Leval) .........................' Dpj, VOl' of Dump lJ,lruck (16 :rds.. 8.nd over $ 1-..{ater Level) . Driver of Flat Rack Truck, 6 to IO tons .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. Dl~vep of Flat Rack Truck, 10 to IS tons "......... Driv3rs of Flat Rack Trucks, 15 to 20 tOilS ........ Drivers of Flat Rack Trucks, 20 tons or mora ".. . .. .. Drivers of T~ansit-mix Trucks under 3 yds. ~. 0 0 . . Drivers of Transi t-mix Tracks, 3 yds.. Q:i.... more ... . .. 0 Flagnlsn . . . . . . . . . . tI .. " & . & . e Q eo ~ <& . . Heavy ~uty R8pairman .. . .. . . .. . 0 e .. . . .. .. .. . . Heavy Duty Repairman - Helpe~ 0 0 0 . .. . . .. 0 . .. . 0 Laborer, General or Construction . . .. .. . .. " . . . 0 Skip Loader - Wheel Type ... @ .. .. ~ 0 0 .. . . . .. . 2. ~ 3.t!.: 2..93 2.93 3.375 3 .. 4.Q , 3.17 2..87 2.83 2.86 2.91 2.99 3~21 2.86 2.91 2099 3.21 3.07 3.21 2.68 3.71 2.93 2068 3.17 , . ~...~. , ,,~ CLA.SSIFICATION ~. ~, ..,. RATE PER HOUR - t..- Motor Patrol Operator . . . . . . .. . . ~ . . . ~ .. . ., $ Pavoment Broaker Operator . . .. .... . 0 . . . .. . Reinforcing Iron "loJorker . . . .. . . . 0 .. 0 0 . . . ., . Roller Op~rator . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . ~ Q . ~ . . e Sewer ?ipe Layer .... . . . . . . ~ .. .. ., . . . . .. . Sewer Pipe Caulker ..... . . . . 0 0 . . . ~ . . . Tractor Operator Scraper or Drag Type Shovel G.... Tractor Operator - Boom Attachments . . 0 . .. . . . .. . Trenching Machine Operator ever 7 foct Depth Capacity . Universal Equipment Operator (Shcvel, Dragline$ De.rrick, Derrick-barge, Clamshell or Crane) -IJIEl tchman . . . . . . . . . . . . III " . . e 0. ... ~ "w"ater 'rruck Drlver - Under- 2,500 Gallons . 1later Tl"'uck Drlver - 2,500 Ga.llons to 4,000 Water Truck Driver - 4,000 Gallons and over . . . . ~ . Any classification omitted herein, net less than . .. .. . .. . .. 6l . . . e _ . . 3.81 3.71 3.60 3.52 2.99 2.87 3.71 3.81 3.81 '3.81 2.Lj.8 2.89 3.01 3.13 2.J+8 Overtime and holiday rates to be paid shall bo those provided for in the collective bargaining agreemen.t applicable to the particulru: craft, classification 01' type of ~J'OrkJ:l1en employed .nthe project. Holi- days shall be all holidays recognized in the collective bargaining agreement applicable to the particular craft, clasBification or type of workmen employed on tho project. In accordanoe l1'i th the provisions of Section 1777.5 of the Labor COd.e, as amen:led by Chapter 691~ Statute8 of 1957 ~ and in acc.ilX"d= ance ,d th the regul3. tions of the Oalifornia Apprenticeship Council, the 1-1ork. properly indentured app~cntices maybe employed in the prosecution of -------oOo=~~-~-~ I HEREBY CE3TIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Cou:n::i1 of the C1 ty of Bakersfield at a reg't'..lar ra.ee'G.:~ng ther'eof held on the 17th day of Novsmber, 1958" b'y- the folloTJ>!:tng vote: ;-.\t;:D~ '";L,\;~.::j\~'~~'~t I,~.:~i': --[-:1 ;.:::.,l._~:.: '__1' c:..:2_.1'__-"'/ ;':'IC"b)~",< ",.N?o ~.T ~;~;"':' .>~~_.....~. .~I> _<:s~ :',) :~~. .'\\-l~~~l~.) ~}~;}\~~t~. .:"..1 ",,,,,..,";;'..\<',.,,,-;;- '.,,-- -. --' -", ~' . _ -~~~~~~~_,J.~~~~_~~__ Ci~y C~erk and Ex-Officio Clerk ~f the Ceuncil of the City of Bakersfield. .),~~~, -.'- . ;, ~ A.ePR:~t6t ;f~~ 1958 M~YOR oLthe City of Bakersfield. '," ~ ... ('.~ " ( , ,-,'I: ~ -..::..'~ ~..? :/ 3. v, "'-' .~,