HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 77-58 I . .,. ~. ~ RES0T~TION NO. 77-58 C=~~.~.~ A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE. lro~K.IN PUBLIC IMPP.OVENENT DISTRICT NO. 739 IN TIiE CI~Y OF BAJ~ERSFIELD, CALIF ORNIA . BE IT RESOLVED Fl THE COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follo1vs: 'vJflEREA.S, tt.6 COUl."'lcil of the City of Bakersfield did 011 the 20th day of Octobor, 1958, pass its Resolution of Intentim:l l'fo. 739 to order tho \'Tcx'k c.escl'>ibed thereili. to be done and improvemsnt to be made in said City; and ~r.dEREAS, s8.id Resolution of In:cention 't-iaS duly and logall~i' published tTtTice imInediately a:Ctier t~1.e passage of sald Resolution, as :i."equired by 1aH, ir:. lrl-:e Bakersfield Ca.lifoI'nian, a dally naHspapeI' publishod and circulated in said 01 ty, and. designa"Ged 'by saId Cou:;J.c:.'Ll for that purpose; and ~'jIiFRFJLS, notices of the passage of sai.d Resolution of IntentiOi:.. No. 739, headed "l~OTICE OF IHPHOVEJ1E11Tlt 1N01'e duly and legally posted along the lines 01' said contempla.ted '!r.Jork and improvement and along all the opsn streets wi thin such dist;,:>ict)) at net maX's tban 300 fee:; apart, in. the time, form and mannel" aR required by laH; and ~~EREAS, said posting was fully completed more than ten days oefore the date set for hearing protests and objections; and W1IEREAS, nctic3 of the adoption of said R3solution of Intentioti was given by mail in the malli~er required by law; and VJHEREAS, the time set for heaj.'5:r..g of objec'tions in said Reso= lutiOl1 of Intention Has m.or:) than :~iftgen and less than sixty das":') from the date of the passage and adoption of ~aid R0so1utio~; and ~~IEREAS, said City Council having duly received and considarod evidence ol'al a:nd d6cumentoT-Y conce;zon5.ng the juri!3dictional fa:-;ts in this pl"oceedings and conce.::'ning the Dsceflsi ty f or the contamplatsd WOI'k and impl'>cV0r.1ent and tbc benefite to be dE);<."i'vad thorefroms and 1.. . . ~, '. sald Clt)- Counoil having X:.01-u acqL1.iradjurlediction 'co order the proposed improvemontj IT 18 IiBREBY RESOLVED, tha.t tho public h:d:;erest and convelj.= :l..'~.nce ::rcqu:i.re tho H'OJ:~( describeo. :1.:1.1 Hesolutlon of Intelj,tioa l'To ~ 739 to be dona, and the Caur-ell of the City of Baksrs:'ield. hereby ordo:rs the work the:;,-"ein dGSori"be3. to be don3 ~ Sa.id 1^ro~('k shall be done in accordance with the plan and specifications therefor, horetoforE) approved by this Council. Fo:' fur-ther- ~articulars :."si'Sl'Gl.'lCS is hereby made to said Resolution of Intention No. 139, plan a~d speciZications, all of which 8.:('0 on file in the o:t :::'ico of tb.o ';i tj/ Cler~{.. The City Clerk 01' the City of :3a.ksrsfi01d :'8 hereby dlrecto0. to post a :n.otice referring to the specifications thersfOl"> s cC:::1.i3picu~ ousI~' for fi'l"10 days 1 on o:t> near tho door of the Council Chambors of the Councll of the C1 ty of Bakersfield, invi til:.g sealed propczals o~ bids fcr doing the work herein ord6~ed. Ths Clark is also Ci~3ctGj tv publisb. a. notice inviting such proposals and reforring to -:;he spec:i.f'ic,a ti0J.1.3 so pes ted or on file ~ t1price in Th'2J Bakersfleld Cal:l..~ fornian, a daily ner.-rspSp6l" published and circulated in said City and hereby doslgnated for that purpose. The 8th day of December, 1-958, is hereoJ designflted and f:tX0d as the day on \.rhi(;:J. up to the h0u.r of 5 at cl.ck P wl1":J th6 sa5,c:;. pI'o-~ posals or bids shall be recsi ved, and all bids eo rscei vad. shalJ. '019 op9n0d "by the said Cm;mcll in opon session at 8 ottclock ?~Mw, of thE: said da;y-, and the sa.io. noti ces s};.,all so speclfYe -- - ..-....~~~... 0 OQ ~,;...:ll;:":l C",~, ~.. 0;:::. ') f.-lil' I . '~~ .~ ~ :I EE'UEBY. CEEr:I:IFY tll& t t~<~ ':0203;:;:b:,g Ho~clutiQ:Q Has ., pas2ec. and adop-:ed b~T the Council of' the City o:~ Bakersfield 9,t a l"egul9.:i." meeting thereof held on the 17th ds.y cf 1':ove;:ilbol', 1958$ bJi' the; .: 01 1 ovring vote: P.'.'L:~: JAt.. ,- ;~ ,:, '- ~ ,\' '~=:L~!::=, CCS. i.~'.:::E, nCCl.iil', NOES:."....~!-z'k ..J.__...~.. ",8SE."'Y',. ...7'{'f!?-.:.'p'-' t'i.1- . '"'-......"......~.-.~..""..-.....~. ~..-..,.,._-~~ ~.....:-.:-::-:~-;..~~ -.l: - ~..-~ .;'l ~)" ~Ih~-",L _ - - Ci t:;- C 8I'lc a:nC!.~'f::U:~i'iclo Cl€y.l~ of the Council of the Cj. ty' of BaksT-sfield. '- ,-:<.~ ~~ Al'?IlOVED'~h'tl' - of Nov~mber. 1958 HA"YOR of ~he'?'Cn;y, of Bak:ersfiGld,. '-:-'-j..--::~~ "'0 c . ,.'-'"~_._~o~v'"" .~.~