HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 72-58 ~ ... - . .'" ,. e w;- o . ,.. I i .i a " s. I 1. .2.1 NO. 72-58 IUOII !II ... or S1n'i1tYlJO-~ t,)l TIlt Qlfftl . _ Mll '$I Cl:\'" CWJfQL or ,. GIft t>f' lSluti,${SFlrt.l> ........._.i!!f..... JOur IUOIIfrlOl U1UC1"1t) TO ,. ItOIIOIUI& o. r. M4lWY. ~tAU H1QlWAY ...... ...... JW.OCAtlOR OF ftAft dD .. $8 l1OiT~a t.tHl; 1tAA... ............. .,.. ~,.,..~.;I'ltio '\;",...~ fI\flll'\ ~/~ ...... _....~. AW >l!'.4n4.Qo .~,.~. ."". .... ........... WRBIlIAIt (.-) ..... of CIlu..1. liiW p~.. Co nlocate $~ R'1l tMF .... .. ,. (I. .. Ia. 466) .$teX'l, Il'OfaT~; 'u. .~~ to ... ..1111...... .... ... 11111I., ~h He. 4 (if. ~. .lb. tt); ad, (It) .. .......... G. 'f. McCoy. st<<tta S:I.IbwY _!.Mer. b8 ......10_ nc. lUJ .t.. to .... CaI..f.fonlttl H1Ihway ~l.d_ . par- tleu1_1, ...t..... ... lor... ftlOQttceof dJ4 PORt_ of Nld Mate H~ ..... ... ., ... (.) ",. I... of .....u.r'.of the ClNncy of ,_m .. dle Clc, t;...U .fIM ..,. ., I.....a... ....,. ~_.u~l.4 _uOIMlw ....,., .. ,.,.... ...... .f __U_ of... blahw.1 .. " not ........, Mid G. <<f. ~. _*'" wltA . ~1 of ftd.oua al__ ....... ......i.. .f Mid hlPtflIy" ad. tilth. C<NrM of _ct ..., ... ..... tire ,~.. .....ioQ OIl 0'p'~1.on of .. ~ ...'11'0' .. .iCi.lll. ..pl'~ ...t:....th.I.n the Gnea. ....n...... ..b,,011_ .... ...1. Ald 81'.. :Ift4 Ie. ,t:.e_t ....,.. ..... aa-& aM -..lOltlllJ..c w1l1 be directl, ad sub- .,._tall, af,..... .. ., nl......." qtel porciol\ ofMl\l ~,.. .... (') Ia................. 1t.t.t4J' WiIi -.4 of ~~r. aM dd.a U*r e..eu .... ............ ." ae;ul J)bo~~ ~~_ of uU . en.te.. I._nflel, ~i_ au ~ 1fII'IUhad4 .., U$ __ .1.....t.. ....... 1M ..Ill.... l.:.t.atlolll'..ttto!' Mid lUahwY.. .. near I..... .., ... G. 'f. ~.' t~.i.ttwr wltb v#,.tOQ~ otho.- alC6J:Ute ~ .......... -- .. iM1~ .. 81~A p~" I.'i'NCe -1.- -I.. - -e JJ . . '" ".W.1d _ ...u ..W .........ld.'C.. .. 'F{_" 10. t;<c; ad (e) M. MM1lc .f .... .~1 110 "'~1 ~ !kMIr4 of' Supanlao.... .. .... CUr t:_.u, .. ... ... .._f~~~ au4coubhtr.tI.Ol\ of: ~1 of 1M ...a.., .. .......... ofop1&lion of the g'.~1>>~$ a4 pt:~ ....'. .f ..... ....... lIMn..... tlehOpoUla At_ ~.'j;,~ ~ nloMtSa of Nl4 ........ .. .... ~:t .. ... P=-.liNb1 _t. G. T. MdoJ. ............ all -.:: pt'o,o.s .....1_ It..... tncl~ NW ,.,...I1.w."1IPf1'ft." _ u1~ _:d.a1 __ ...14 f~_h ~. 6". *- .... ., ........... ..tWo_ CLc.;,~11 Mv.".t~tAt111 ........ __die ...,.... _1...Cion o,j! ~4 ~, .. ~ r.~ IIJ ....... t. ~ ... ... to .. kit SAt.Dab 4! tlha p..._.t ~., .. .. ....... ".1... .. ~n tilt of ..u GrM~ lait.~.f.t.a14 *taswliC. Ana, ad (I) M........' of ... --1 aa4 .11 or thetlllt~' .w ............ .f .,.... .......... rtllerRd t;O tb1~, ~4 q,.[ Supen:vlsor:a .. IhU Cia, ea..u .. -......11' ~1"" dMlt the,:te..4mt 'M'." .. c..... puulta ... ~tJpMC.t ;of .. GDatet> :lakatatl4l1. .......1...... Ana 4&lned7 ........ ~ eM nlocau._ of ML.~1 wUl ..... .. ...... iaIM ....... S&l~t..t ~. nlOC4tton of aa14 lalatlnJllfal.. .. ... 1M __ .. ..lpate4 ~ uU_d..alpbQ~ anrldtl ... _ ...... ... 6"1 .. <I) A ..-lie a...... ....t'tdu& ,~ ,~opoHd .roloeatlQG I'QQtG of ... tat..,- .. ... .. Jl 'la...b1..... c. t. ;.~fA\lr bA. ~.~*1" , ... ... 1M ., of _..-~TrltHt... 1",: ... ......... IT ,401lltL!'l'L.~LWJ) by tM ao.rd of ~. of ...r..11 .! ... .... thfl City i~l1of eba Clcy ~f ....a..t. .. IoU... 1. ....,.. ....n1l4. 8. f.~..c:CoY. S~ l~ El\&fMtfr:. 1. ......... ......6111' ......... .. "dK~ bl.~ pt:u.'-';~tt. to J" I ..' . .. Cd....... ..1 If "..urt,_'" ....~ the p~'tttl..tloa of .w .... ~ __ at. II .... 't.-r u.u ibM. ...t.t>11 to aU II." .... 110. 4. I. X. u.. .f ..w pcq..t4t1l1__loI\ ~_te .. .,. 'r__.~ ., Ida .... .... G. T. ~ la ...,.ctfu!!1 Utpd to "~ln'1i'" t.o Che \ ...>) - ... - . 'ft'.,a , . ':? . L. '. .,. Call.... .."1'" l1uld.... .. .,don of that: o.'rtaIa "...... aI__ ....... I"tJ" ..Ii..... ...'ad. MttIJ' ,.......... ... .. ... ".... ..... .. ... INIIUcd..1:,"ul,*, .. toll..: ... :t.- ... .... .~~~1l';r' h cia "lcWC,ol *-11e ..... .... _ttlTl...., 'Ci! * u.u ....11.1 e. \lad_ WMI ...... .....1)' . tile l~Netl_ w.tth $u~ Iouta ... 4. .. ....... J. 'fIlM eM ..~ flDtId. IN...'b,.. ,,~t.. "'.,Q,lutIM ... ...., ....... ., .. .1 ".".u~ ~t1oftl. ..ttt--.t. MdI- _1...... u .dlb I'.U/f' M.....~. ~ " tht, Boat" '01 .,.MMt"t ..,. thb ClI7 08IMU.. 4. 1tlIt... ....1It .. saW c. '!. 'tWo,y tol~lmlfJ\ 'kh _4 p__ 1'..Jllr11rlMa"''' lal"\1 ~''t......4. 'Co the Catitomla 'It.-.., CllBlIU." .. .......... ,tlwalt.... ~ :tout. Ill! ....,..h1"'. ........_.. ......... b ;!..'(~* 1. .~ in .. .~l. .... ,.....: pUllc ....... .. nptd ~.to..l1_ _tved ~ thl. ...... of ...wl..... .. thiI .., t~.ll* \ S. 1M.. .._. I.... of _...~. ... elw Cl.n of dttI .cu, CouMU. .. ...., ...... .. certtflto ..all of Wfi Jot.at .......... .. .fo~ ..._ &0 en. totl....: 1.1'. MeCtt7.- .~, l~l: Cd......... td.l,., C-.dHl~ . i ~ t "1,'., ' ... :-. , .~ I HEREBY CERTIlPY that the foregoing' joint resolution was passed and adopted by the City Council ,of the City:01~ Saltersf'lald at a regular ,,- ~ e .. meeting thereof held on the by the following vote: AYES: Balfanz, Bentley, Carnakisg Co111."'1S, Croes, Dewire" Doolin 29th day of September , 1958 NOES: None ABSENT: None , ~." J O. . , , ,~,.....~....-...J City Cle~ ex-officio Clerk 01' the City Council of the City of Bakersfield day of _September, , 1958 I, VERA K. GIBSON, County Clerk and ex-officio C1erlt of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing joint l~solui;ion, Pl"oposed by Supervisor Holt, seconded by Superviso~ Mlng J was duly passed and adopted by said Board of Supervisors ,at an official meeting hereof this ,oth day of September , 1958$ by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Woo1lomes" Holt~ r.l1ng" ~Jebbl Hannil1g NOES: None (~-----..., , t ~ , _/~~ I / OJ r) I r;i' fZjV) , " _ - ~ . ." _ i. -.--:.- -c.g~ ~ ' , . .,. ~ ~e:r"'C::' County Clerl\:' and ex-officio Clerk of the Doard. of<SuperviaorsflConnty of Kern, State or California ABSENT: None / -4-