HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 65-58 RESOLUTI ON NO. 85-58 A RES0!!UTI0~ OF Tv~_. COUPOiL OF T-F-. CiTY OF FIF!D FIXING .-~,-, Til~ AND ?LACI-.: FOP. EAF. IEC FPCTESTS '~Y PERSONS OW~!ic'O REAL PPOPFPTY ZVTt~it',Y TERRITORY PROPOSED TO E~, WHER ~ a petition was filed with the Council of the City EA~, of Bakersfield on the 29th day of August , 19_~8, requesting that certain uninhabited territory therein described be annexed to and in- corporated within the City of Bakersfield~ and %~REAS, said petition was signed by the owners of all of the territory proposed to be snne~:ed, NOW, THEREFCPE in compliance ~ th the provisions of the .Lnnexa- tion of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939, Chapter 297, as smended, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of ~akersfield, as follows: That the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of Bske~.rsfield are ~escribed as follows: ~ parcel of !sn~. sltuste in the County of Kern, State of California, and being s portion. of the Southwest quarter (S.~.,l.1/~), of Section 1~, Townslnip 29 South, Range 28 ~ast, M. D. l~., sna also being a portion of the southeast quarter (S. ;?. 1/4), of Section 16, of the said Township and Ran~, and which is more particu- la~t~ ~escribed as follows: Commencing at the northeast (N. i]o) corner, of the south half (S, 1/2), of the southwest quarter (S,w.1/[~.), of said Section !~; thence S. 89° 25' 44" W., s!ong the northerly boundary of the said south half (S.!/2), of the southwest quarter (S.W.1/4) of Sectizn 1~, a ~istsnce of 143.00 feet, to the tn~ue point ~f beginning of this ~escription; thence contin~ng S. 89° 25' ~." ~.Y., along last name~ northerly boundary on an~ along the corporate boundary of the Cff ty of Pakersfiel~, as same is 6efine~ by that certain annexa- tion known as "College Heights No. ~" a6opte~ by Cry]in- once No. ~0~0, New Series, Hay 23, !9~, - , ~ and certifie~ June 24, 19~Y~, by the Secretorb. of State, State of Cali- fornia, a ~istance of 120.00 feet, to the northeast (N.E.) corner of Tract No. 1901, as said northeast (~.E.) corner is shown on the map of sai~ Tract No. 1901, recorded .~pril 17, 19~7, in Peek 9 of Maps at pa~e !30, in the office of the County Petorder of Kern Comty, Cali-fornial thence along the boundary of said Tract Hoo 1901, on and along · t~e corporate bo~n6s. ry of the City of B~kersfie!d, as sam~ is ~efined by that certain annexation known as :~College Heio~hts No 3" s. 6o~ted ~u~'ust i9 19~7, by Ordinance ~o. 11~.~6, New Series and certified September 23, t9~7, by the said Secretary!of State~""the following courses: S. 0° 07' 4.0" E.,'.a~"dista~e of 124.00 feet; thence S. 89° 25" 44" w., a distance of 2096.60 feet; thence ' a distance of 54 O0 feet to the N. 0° 34' !6" W", · southeast (S. E.) corner of Lot 1, as said Lot 1 is shown on map of Tract No. 1903, recorded May 29,t957, in Book 9 of Maps, at:.: Page 139, in the office of the said. County Recorder; thence along the boundary of · S. 9 said Tract No. t903, the. following coursed: 8 o 25' 44" ~., a distance 'of 104-58 feet; thence S. 0° 14' 34" E., a d~stsnce 'of 401.21 feet to the south- .east (S.E.) corner of said Tract No. 1903, a point on a circular curve, from which the radial center of said curve bears S..~ 12° 02' 30" W., distant 470.00 feet; the. nce northwesterly along said curve concave to the southwest, through a central angle of 12° 17' 04" with · , a radius of 470.00 feet, an arc distance of 100.77 feet, to 'a point of compound curve, snd from which the radial center of last described curve bear, s S. 0° 14' 34" E., distant 470.00 feet, and the radial center of the following described cunve. bears S. 0° 14' 34" E., dis- tant 20.00 feet;, thence westerly and southwesterly. along said. compound curve, concave to the southeast, through a central angle of 900 00' 00" with a radius of 20 00 , · feet, an arc distance e'~.~31.42 feet, to a poi'nt of tan- gency, from which the radial center of last ~escribed -curve bears N. 89° 45' 26" E., ~istant 20.00 fee't; thence. N. O0 14' 34" W., along the westerly:boundary. of sai5 Tract No. 1903, a 6istance of 479~76 feet t0 the north- west corner the.~eof; thence westerly along the northerly' boundary of the :soUth half (S.t/2)-of the southwest quarter (S. W.-1/4), sf said Section 15, on an~ along the corporate boundary of the City of Bake'rsfiel~, as rome is define5 by sai~ Ordinance No. 1050, New Series, to the northwest (N.W.)~corner of the said South half (S.!/2), of the s'outhwest quarter (S.W.1/4), of Section 15; thence continuing westerly along the 'northerly boundary of the south. half (S.!/2), of the southeast quarter (S..E.1/4), of Section 16,; TewnsMp 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. M., to intersect a :line.parallel with, an6 distant 55,00 feet we st'erly from, as measure6 perpe.ndiculsr to' the easterly boundary of, the soRt~'ast quarter (S.E.1/4), of sai~ Sec- ;tion 16, a point. on the westerly boundary of Mr. ·Vernon Avenue, of 110.00 feet in wi~th;'thence southerly-along last name8 par~l.le! line, on and along the corporate b0xdary of the ]City of Bakersfield as mine is 6efine~ by that certain annexation known as "College Heights" ~ _ August 10, 1953, by 0rdinanCe-No. 984, New Series, and certifie~ September 10, 1953, By the sai6 Secretary of State, to intersect the southerly boundary of ~the north half (N.1Z2) of the' south half (S.1/2), of tbs southeast quarter (S.E.1/4) of sai~ Section 16; thence easterly along last.name6 southerly boundary an~ ~:eparting from the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, to the southeas.t (S.E) corner of the north half ~'1/2) of the south half (S. 1/2) of the south- eas quarter (S. E. 1/4) of sai~ Section 16; thence continu- -:in~-easterly along the-,southerly b-oun~ary of, the north ~h-alf;' '(NY 1/2) of the s~uth half' (S.1Z2), of the southwest quarter (S.W.1/4), of sai~ Section 15, to intersect a line parallel with, an~ ~istant 55.00 feet easterly from, as measure~ per- pendicular to, the westerly boundary. of the southwest quarter (S.W.1/4), of said Section 15, a point on the easterly boundary of said Mr. vernon AvenueS, of 110..00 feet in width; thence continuing easterly along' 1 ast' .names southerly boun~'ary N. 89~"::'22' 41"[ '~. aais. tance of 2440.40 feet; 'thence N. 0o~;0~,:;40', W.~'~ distance of 6~84, fee't, and to the true point of beginning, containing 3.1.996 acres of 1 and more o r les s. " That a assignation :appropriately naming such territory i's "COLLEGE ~I.GHTS N0. ~". :;~ BE IT FURTER 'ESOLVED. that Monday _,. the 29th aa~ [of Sptembe~: , 195S~'~:at t+he~ hour of eight o'i clock P. M., in the Coxcil .Chambers of the City H~]:l, 1501 Truxtun Avenue,' ~akersfield, California, is ~he time when' and "~'the place where 'any person 0~ning real property ~i'thin such territory so proposed to be amexed and having any objections. to the proposed ahn~xation may/appear 'be"fore- the Council of the City of Bake rsfield ::and sho~:,csuse why' such territory should not be oO0-'- I EREBY CERTi~:that the foregoing .Resolution.was passed and ,: ~ :. n y~ q[ · - , . adopted bY the..Council 0f. the Cit:y of' Bakersfield, at a regular meeting thereof held on 'the -2nd' aay'-of September, 1958. by+~he follo~ving vote: AYES: BAnFA~Z, BEnTlEY, C~A:I~$., C0~41~S, C~0[S, ~, n00~l~, NOES: ~Z'~ , '~ .? :~ ~:""';; Cit ~ E -0ffmcmo C~erk of the , X .. :~- .... · ' Council' of the City 'of Bakersfield