HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 41-58RESOLUTION NO. ~/- ~f ~IER~tS, the Federal-Aid Highway Act has apportioned cot- ? tain Federal sums to the Sta~'/of California' on a long-~ange progr-s~n and will continue s~ch apportionment fc~~ each fiscal year :mtil 1972 for the p~rpose of eliminating in the state existing deficiencies in Interstate, Primary and Secondary Highways and extensions of. these systems witch' Urban areas; and EEAS, the apportie~ent ?eceived each i~iscal year by the State of Califernia is based (A) ~5 pe~ cgntum fe~~ projects e~ the Federal-aid primary highway system. (B) 30 per centbun fop projects on the Federal-aid secondary highway system. (C) ~,5 De~0ent~ fo~Z pPo.lects on extensiens of these s~st&ms wi~.~n_ Urban_ ~rea~; and E~S, the apportio~ent so made ~;ill, over the next 14 years, improve the standards of all important high~ays necessary to the moto~ing public who use said pri~ary and secondary systems and extensions of these systems within the U~D~n_ areas; and i~ii~.S, by an act cf the State Legislates of California referred to as Chapter % "Federal Aid for Secondary High~ays" being Sectlens 2200 to 2214 inclusive, of the. StreetS ~d Highways Code, all Federal funds apportioned to.the State ef California for secondary systems have been allocated to the co,~ties for co~3.ty highways tP~ough out the state in the following ~o~ts: not less than eighty~seven and one-~lf percent (87~) of the money apportioned to Califcr, nia for projects in the Federal-aid secondary system ex.~pt that during the fiscal years of 19~7-%8 and 19%8-%9, at least ninety-sight and one-half percent (98~) .f such monies shall be expertdad for the improvement of county highways; ~d I~ER~.S, Section 2210 ~ of said StL~eets and Highways Code further provides that the State shall oontribute to~,rard the imp~ovemsnt of county high~-ays, in addition' to the amount provided for in the preceding paragraph, money not to exceed $100,000.00 in any one year except that during the fiscal yea~s 1957-~8 and 19.c~8-59 no county ~,~REAS, the counties ~ay use. such Fede~'al-aid secondary highway f~nds only in rural areas and said County roads. usi~g Fsds~al- aid funds must end at the boundary of an Urban a~s~ rega~dless cf 'whether it be in an incor0orate~ area o~ an unincorpOrated Urban ~ea; and · ~D.S, an~mreasonablc burden has been and ~ill continua to be placed on local City governs. ants in extending into the U~ban areas the road system's ~hich a~o eligible for F~deral P. id unds~ Federal Act, urnless the Federal money for such Urban extensions is made available to Cities in a like na~,ez~ that Fede~al secondary high~ay f~ds are made ave. liable to the counties of the Sta~e California by Chapter 5 of the Streets and Highways Ccde of said State. NOW, TEH~0RE, BE IT REBOL~D by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: 1. That the League of Californ. ia Cities bs an~d it is hereby urged to iEediately prepare necessary legislation fo~ p~esentaticn to the State Legislature, on january 2, 1959, for the purpose of adding a C~pter to the Streets and High~ays Code of the State of California, similar to Chapter 5 thereof, which will allocate the Federal-aid Urban MorAey to Cities on. a formula similar to the fc~ula used in allocating State Gas Tax Money to Cities; that such fon~ula take into consideration the population of unincorporated a~ea con- tiguous to an incorporated city; and that any unincorporstsd Ur~oan area.~not~ c~nt~ucu~s tO a City,. ~nd h~ving~a ~popu!~a~ipn 5000 i~abitants as provided for in the Peds~al ~'~.~, be treated the same as incorporated Cities. 2. That the League of CalifoP~ia Cities be u2ged to secure passage of 'such legislation as Urgency Legislation so that it ~rill take effect irmmediately. 3. That a copy of this' resolution be ssn~ to each Mayor and City Council of each and every incorporated Cit~r in the State of California, to each candidate lfor State Senate, to each candidate for the Assembly in Kern COunty, tc each candidate for Governor of the State of California, and to the G~veP~or of the State of California. I HEREBY CF~RTIFY that the foregoing Resolution ~as passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 7th day of July, 1958, by the follo~ing vote: !I a a Ex-Cf~icio i of the Cerk n. Council of the City of.Bakersfield. M~.YOR ~6~f ~ City of Bakersfield.