HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 29-58 BE*SOL~TION NO. 29-58 A RESOLYTXON OF THE CI~Y 0F BAKErs_FIELD CAr. T. TIG I aPE~IiL~EOTION T0 BE T0 '~E A~~O!:'~eF SPRUCE ~DI~ION.NO. 1. ' .V0TIN~P~OIN~T, PO~NG P~CE AND 0FFIO~S 0F E~OTieN FOR ~ID E~OTION, AND PESCRIB- IN~ FES'T0 BE PAID T0 ~ID 0FFIC~S ~ E~C- TI0~ ~D FOR ~ID.Y0LLING P~CE. ~E~S, a"~i~en'Pe~i~iem was filed with the Octoil of the 0i~y of B~ePsfiel~, Te~mes~t~ ~ certain i~i~ed te~t~o~ theTe~ described be mexe~ ~o-~he 01~ ~f Bake~sfleld~ and ~S, ~y Resolution ~s. ~-~8, the Oo~cil of the 0i~y of Bakersfield declares i~s in~e~t~n to call a special election in i~bi~ed ~e~Pi~e~ o~n~ig~ems ~ said oi~y proposed ~o be a~exed said ~i~y, f~T ~he pu~se of s~bmitti~ to the qualified elee~oTs ~esid- be mexed ~o said ot~y, ~d se~i~ forth a time ~d place ef hearing p~o~es~s agains~ sai~. p~eposed ele~tion, and ~~, a copy ~f said Tes~lu~ion was published as ~equi~ed by l&w; and WHEBEAS, at a time not~ later than the hour set for hearing objections to the elocution, written protests were not m~de by any owners of property within the torritery proposed to be annexed; and WHEREAS, all ,procee&lmSs have been had in accordance with said resolution and the ABnexatien Act of 1913's reference thereto hereby being made for f~2ther particulars. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED by the Council of the Ci~y of Bakersfield, as follows: SECTION 1. ~':A Special election is hereby-called to:- be :held'on the 24th day of June, 1958, in the territory hereinafter described and proposed to be annexed to the City ef Bakersfield, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing in said territory the question whether or not said terri~ery shall be annexed to the City of Bakers- field and the property in ~he territory to be annexed be subjected tetaxation after annexatiem~eqmallYwith the property within the Ci%y. of Bakersfield, to pay the bonded indebtedness of the City of Bakersfield outstandiagfer the acquisition, construction or tom- plation ef m~nicipal improvememts. · SECTION 2. That a description of said territory is attached hereto.marked Exhibit A, and made a part hereof. That said territory is hereby designated and identified for;s~ch election purposes and for use upon the ballots at s=cheleetion as "SPRUCE ADDITION N0.1." SECTION 3. The polls at said eleetion shall be opened at 7 o'clock A.M. ef the day herein fixed for the holding of said election and shall be kept open until 7 e'clock P.M., of the same day, when the polls shall be closed. SECTION 4. Upon the ballets to be used at said election there shall be printed the words: SHAT-T. "SPRUCE ADDITION NO. 1" BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BAKERSF!E~ANDIT~ PROPERTY IN SUCH TERRITORY HE, AFTER S~0HhANNEXATION, SUBJECT TO TAXATION EQUALLY WITH Tm~PROPERTYWITHIN THE CITYOF BAKERSFIELD, TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY OF BAKE~IELD OUTSTANDING FOR .THE. ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION OR COM- PLETION OFM~NICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS? .- = OppoSite these words there shall be printed the words."Yes" and "No," and to the right of each of these last two words there shall be a voting square. If an elector shall stamp a cross (+) in the voting square after the printed word '~es" the vote of such elector shall be counted in favor of the anneXatiOn of said territory to the City of Bakersfield; and if an elector shall stamp a cross (+) in the voting square after the printed word "No" the vote of such elector shall be counted against such annexation. Zn all particulars not hereln recited said election shall be held in conformity, as.heaves may be, with the laws of the State of California concerning general elections and with said Annexation Act of 1913, 8ECTION 5. (a) For the p~Tpose ef said election there is hereby established in the territory proposed te be annexed, one (1) voting precinct consisting of portionsol Pr.ee~mcts Bakersfield North and Bakersfield West, which shaI1 include· all '~f said territory, The following is the polling place of said election precinct and the following named persons- are hereby named officers of election and shall constitute'the board of election.for such eleotie~*Z~..ecinct: POLLINGFIAOE: -NSFECTOB: Anthony G. Docket Garage 110 Spruce Street Kern County, California PLus. Eleanor Docket Mrs, Ruth E, Robson Mrs. Jewell L. Westlake (b) For their serviees in connection with said election, said Inspector shall receive $18.00 and said Judges shall receive' $15.00 each; sad the person in possession of the polling place named her,in shall receive for the use of!such premises in connection with said election the sum of $15.00. SECTION 6. The City Clerk shall publish a notice of said special election as required by the Annexation Act of 1913, at least once a week.for the fo~r (~} weeks prier to the election, in ~he 0ildale News, a new- paperYof.general-~trculatie.n, printed andp~b!is~ed OutSide. the..ci~y, but in the county in which the territory is situated. I HERE~Y CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Coueil of the City of Bakersfield at a'regular meeting thereof held on the 28th day of April, 1958, bY the following vo~el AYES: BALFANZ, BENTLEY, CARNAKIS, COLLINS,-2i~5.~ ff~WiRE, ~OOUN, CITY CL~RK and Ex-Officio Clerk of the 'the City of Bakersfield. D~scription of a parcel of land Co bs annrod to the City of Bakersfield, and vhich is to be desi~,tod as Spruce Addition Bo. 1, situated in the County of Kern, State of California, and IrainS · portion of Section 36, To~mship 29 South, Kant· 27 lasts M.D.I.and and a portion of Section l, Township 30 South, lang· 27 last, and M., and b~ing more particularly dsseribod as follow·: Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 66, as said Lo~ 66 is on map of Tract No. 1527, recorded DMambar 130 19&9, in Book 7 of Maps, at page 56, in the office of the County geeorder of rdrn County, California, said point of beginning ·leo trains a point in the norflatly boundary lisa of Brundage Lane of 60 fo·t in widths and ·Is· being a point in the corporate boundary of the City of Balmrsfi·ld, as said corporate boundary is defined by ~hat certain annmtiun knots ·s a portion of the Z. 1/2 of Block C of 6, ssrs's Trast, adopted May 20 by Ordinance No. 830, New Series, and cartiliad JoM 6, 1949, by Secretary of Stain, State of California; these· ··st·fly alon~ corporate boundary of said City, as sam is dmfinod by said Oralinane· No. 830, New Series, on and along the northerly boundary ling of ·aid Brundag· Lane, parallel with, and distant 60 f··t northerly, as mmasurmi perpendicular to the southerly boundary of said Sagfish 360 to int·rs~t the easterly boundary of Block C, as said Block C is sho~ on map Green· ' · Tract, recorded November 9, 1905, in Book I of Naps, at peg· in the office of the said County RMordmr; tJ~sng· northerly along easterly boundary of said Block C, to lnt·rsMt a liM parall·l with, and distant 250 feet southerly, as assured porpondi~ular to ~he norther- ly boundary of Lot 7, as said Lot 7 is sho~n on tbs map of rrmmpton recorded June 21, 1912, in Book 2 of Naps, at pq· ~70 in tho offfie· of the said County Record·r; thence easterly along last Mad parallol ling, end as defin·d by ~hat certain armuation designaid as Frampton No. 5, adoptad Die ember 28, ~9~3, by Ordins· No. 994, k Sari·s, and certified January 28, 19~4, by the said Sosrotary of gut·, · dis~sn~· of 1~6.34 feet, mot· or lass, to inter·Me ties mast·fly boundary of Lot 10, of said Frampton ~cr·s; that~· northerly alon~ tJ~ boundary of said' Lo~s 10 and 7, to intersect a ling parallel with, dis- ~ant 200 fast southerly, as measured porpondieular to the said northerly boundary of Lo~ 7; ~hanee ststerly along last ned parallel line · distance of 1~6.34 feet, more or lass, to intarso~t gho ~mst, rly boundary of said Lot 7; ~hence northerly, and as dsfitmd by said Stalin·no· leo. 8300 N,w Sari·s, along the said easterly bdundary of Lot 70 the last named w, sterly boundary also being a portion of the me·fly immdary of said Block C, Gretne's Tract, a disease· of ~0 fat, mgr· or lass, to · point, from whioh the north~st eorn~r of said Lot 70 trashton Acres, is distant l~0 feat northerly, as re,·muted alq ties wast·fly boundary tl~nce easterly, and as described .by that ~trtain annuatian known as Frampton A~res No. 6, adopted April 200 1913, by Ordinang· 10o. 974, New Series0 and certified May 21, 19~3, by tim said S4~r~tary of along a line parallel with the norflatly boundary of said Lot 70 a distance of 146.~8 fact, to lntersMt tim me·fly boundary of said Lo~ 7; thence northerly along last nsmsd ··st,fly boundary a distant· of ~0 feat; thence w~sterly and parallel with said nort~Mxly boundary of said Lot 7, a distance of 146.57 fast to int·rsMt th, ~mstarly boumi- ary thereof,, shieh westerly boundary is ·leo tim etafly boundary of said Block C, Gr·enau s Tract; ~hance northerly, and as d, finmi by said Ordi- nance No. 830, New Series, along tbs mtarly boundary of said Block to intarsee~ tim southerly boundary 92 the North ~.16 fMt, of the Sou~h 112.32 fast of Lot 3, of said Frmmpton A~tus; the· me·fly along last ned southerly boundary, and as d, finml by that earfain rammarion EXHIBIT A known as Frsmpton Acres No. 6, adopted June 3, 1957, by Ordinance No. 1123, New Series, and ce~tified July 8, 1957, by the said Secre- tary of State, to intersect the easterly boundary of said Lot 3; thence along last nmmd easterly boundary to intersect a line, which line is parallel with the northerly boundary of Lot 4 of said Frsmpton Acres, and distant southerly 261.12 feet, as measured alou2 the easter- ly boundary of Lots 1 and 4 of said Froapron Acres, from the interest* tion of the easterly boundary of said Lot 1, with the westerly prolenin- clan of the southerly boundary line of 2nd Street, as said 2rid Street is show on ~xe *'Map of Goods Tract,** recorded Hay 2, 1910, in Book I of Maps, at page 1~/~, in the office of the said County iotafriar; theme easterly along las~ named parallel line, and as defined by that certain annexation known as Frmnpton Acres No. 3, adopted February 24, 1953, by Ordinance No. 966, New Series, and certified March 30, 1953, by the said Secretary of ~ta~e, a distance of 207 feet, to intersect the easterly boundary of said Lot 4; thence norta~tly al~n2 last named easterly boundary, and as defined by said Ordinance No. 966, No Series, end as also defined by that certain annexation known as Frsmpton Acres No, adopted April 3, 1950, by Ordinance No. 868, Bow ~ries, and certified Hey 4, 1950, by the said Secretary of SCaCs, a distance of 159,81 to intersect the southerl~ boundary of chat certain annention known as Spruce Addition, adoyLed February 19, 19~1, by OrdinmMe No, 901, Nov Series, and cer~ified ,~iarch 20, 1951, by the said Secretary of State, and as said last nmmd soucherly boundary is shown on the "Corrected Hap of the Spruce Addition/mnoxatlon co the City of Bakersfield" filed April 29, 1952, at 4:~C ~.a. ~n liiscallaneous Maps, at pap 41, in the office of said Crusty Recorder; theace easterly alq last named souther- ly boundary, and as same Ls shown on above last urnned Nap, a distance of 165 feet, to intersect the easterly boundary o~ said Spruce j~klltion annexation; thence northerly along las~' nmned easterly boundary, and as sme is shown on ladt above named ~iap, a distance of 101.31 feet, to intersect the aforesaid westerly prolongation, of ~he southerly bo~ line of 2nd S~reet; ~hence easterly alan2 the westerly proloeption of ~hs southerly boundary line of said 2nd S~reet, sad as defined by that certain enr_tx~tion known as "South Sakersfield Dietriot Me. 3," ~hieh ass was annrod to tJ~e City of Bakersfield by am Annration Bleation held September 28, 192~, and certified October 6, 1926, by the said Secretary of State, to a point of intersection, distant ~.62 feet westerly, as measured aloq the said westerly prolouSdelon, of the sout~rly boundary line of 2ud Street, from the easterly boundary of the soutllwest quarter (S.W. 1/4) of Section 36, Township 29 kth, Range 27 East, M.D.B. and M.; thence scudsfly and as defined by that e4rtain annexation known as Cedar Gardens, adopted February 14 ,, 19~0, by Ordi- nance No. 8~9, New Series, and certified March IS, 1950, by the said Secretary of State, along a line parallel with the said easterly boundary of the southvest quarter (S,W. 1/4~ of 2eation 36, a distames of 334.82 feet, more or less, to a pointi distant 721,38 feet northerly from, end as masurod perpendicular to the southerly boundary of said Section 36; thence westerly a distee of 10.752 feet, to a paint uhieh is distant 477.372 feet westerly from, and as measured perpendicular to the said easterly bogndary of the southwest quarter (S.W. 1/4) of Section 36; thence southerly and parallel with last ussssd easterly boundary, a distance of 661.38 ~eet to intersect tb northerly boundary line of BrundaSe Lane, of 60 feet in width; thence easterly alan2 last rimsad northerly boundary line, and as defined by said Ordinance Is. Nov Series, and as also defined by that certain annexarias known as Cedar Gardens No. 2, adopted December 17, 1~51, by erie Io. 933, New Series, and certified January 21, 1952, by the said Secretary of State, a distance of 368.39 feet, to a point of cusp on a tangent curve, from which the radial center of said curve bears N. 0*20'31' E., distant 20 feet; thence northwesterly along said curve, concave to the northeast, with a radius of 20 feet, and through a central angle of 90°10'02" for a distance of 31.47 feet, to a point of tendency, from which the radial center of lest harmed curve bears S. 89°29'27'' E., distant 20 feet; thence N. 0°30'33'' E., along the easterly boundary line of Cedar Street, of 60 feet in width, a distance of 424.33 feet to a point of tangency, and from which the radial center of the followiq described curve bears S. 89629e27'1., distant 15 feet; thence northeasterly along said curve concave to the southeast, and with a radius of 15 feet, and ~hrough · central angle of 46°11' 13", for a distance of 12.09 feet, to a point of reverse curve, from which the radial canter of last described curve bears S. 43°18'14'' E., distant 15 feet, and ~he radial center of the following described curve, bears N. 43°lge14' W., distant 50 feet; thence northeasterly, northerly, and northwesterly along said reverse curve, concave to the southwest, and wi~h radius of 50 feet, and through a central angle of 136'I1~ 13" for a distance of 118.85 feet, to a point of cusp on a non-tan&ant curve, and from which the radial center of last described curve bears S. 0°30'33" W., distant 50 feet; thence northerly, and as defined by said Ordinance No. 859, New Series, along a line, parallel with the easterly boundary of ~he soufi~west quarter (S.W. 1/4) of said Section 36, to intersect a line parallel wi~h, and distant 721.38 feet northerly from the southerly boundary of said Section 36; thence easterly along last nmd parallel line to intersect the westerly boundary line of the aforesaid "Goods Tract"; t'xence southerly along last named westerly boundary line, and departing from the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, to intersect a line parallel with, and distant 60 feat northerly from, as measured perpendicular to the southerly boundary of said Section 36, the last named parallel line also being ~ northerly boundary line of said Brundage Lane; ~hence westerly along the northerly boundary line of said Brundage Lane to intersect ~he northerly prolongation of the easterly boundary of Lot 12, Block 1, as said Lot 12, Block 1, is shown on the '~iap of Cloverdale," recorded August 26, 1911, in Book 2 of ~ap$, at paSa 32, in office of the said County Recorder; thence southerly along last n&med northerly prolongation to intersect the northerly boundary of Section 1, Township 30 South, RanBe 27 East, M.D.B. and M, ~he last named northerly boundary also being the southerly boundary line of said Brundage Lane, of 60 feet in width; t~hence westerly along the northerly boundary of said Section 1, to intersect the northerly prolongation of the easterly boundary of Lot 77, Tract No. 1549, as said last named easterly boundary and the northerly prolongation thereof, are shown on map of said Tract No. 1549, recorded May 17, 1950, in Book 7 of Maps, at pages and 96, in the office of the said County ~scorder; thence N. 0°10' 28" E., along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, and as defined by that certain annexation known as Terrell ..!~cres, adopted April 10, 1950, by Ordinance No. 870, New Series, and certified May 12, 1950, by the said Secretary State, on and along the northerly prolongation of the easterly boundary of said Lot 77, a distance of 30 feet; ~hence S. 89°35' E., alon~ the center line of said Brundaae Lane, as same is shown on said map of Tract No. 1~49, a distance o~ 4.79 feet, to in~er- sect the southerly prolongation of fixs westerly bOtn~ry aforesaid Lot 66, in said Tract leo. 1527; thence N. 0'22'04" E., along last named southerly prolongation, a distance of 30 feet, to the southwest corner of said Lot 66, and to ~he point of Sinning, containin~ 21.25 acres o~ land, more or less.