HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 28-58 RESOLUTION.. NO. 2S-5S EESOL~P~ION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKER~FIELD OALL.'~.~G FOR. THE. REDEMPTION OF SERIES A 0FF-s T A KTNG nEVENUE BONDS NOB. A836. ASZS,'V:r Cr.USIVE FOR BLICAT ON OF NOTIOE OF: '~.DEMPTION OF SAID BONDS, .AND AUTHORIZING THE FI:SOAL AGENT TO REDEEM SAID BONDS. · W~.~, pursuant, to Resolution No. 75-55 of the Council of the City ef Bakersfield, adopted November 14, 1955, and pursuant to the Charter of the Oity,~of Bakersfield, and in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the State of California, the City of Bakers- field did issue certain Off-Street Parkin~ Revenue Bonds Series A, wMch were duly sold, and ~~S, by said 'Resolution it Is specified t~t Series A Bonds NoB. A176 to A880, both inclusive, are redeemable only in reverse m~erical order from Mgh to lower upon the detomtnatlon of the Co~cil and npon notice of said redemption, and ,. ~3, it is ~he desire of the Co~cil to cell for the. redemption of Series A Off-Street Parktn~ Revenue Bonds Nos. A836 to iSS3, incl~sive, ~ J~e. 1, 19~8- NOW. T~O~, BE IT ~SOL~ b~ the Co~cil of the Cit~ of Bakersfield, as fellows: Tha~ said Bonds A836 to A823, inclusive, shall be ~edoemed on J~e 1, 19~8, and that the ~C~ocker-Anglo National Ba~, successors to the ~lo-Califor~a National B~k, the Fiscal Agent ~der said Resolution No. 7~-~=, be and it Is hereby authorized and directed to redeem said bonds accer~ to the terms of said Bonds, and of said Resolution, a~ the redemption price of one h~ed t~ee and fi:ft7~ one h~edths percent -( t0~. ~0~) of their prineipat--~o~t, ' - upon presentation and s~rende~. of such Bonds, and that the interest on said Bonds heroinabove set forth to be redeemed, shall cease to accrue f~om ~d after J~e 1, 19~8. That said F~scal A~ont;is hereby authorized and directed to transfer into ~he Bories A 8inking Fund from the Off-Street Parking Reserve Fund, any andl a!l sums which may be necessary for the redemption of said Bonds, should said Series A Sinking Fund be insufficient for the pmrposes heroinabove set forth' BE IT F~RTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is hereby directed to publish Notice' ef Redempt.ien twice in The Bakersfield Californian, a daily newspaper ef .general clreulation published in the City of Bakersfield, California,..ence a!-week for two successive weeks, the first publication te be.not less than thirty (30} days prior to the redemption date, and that a similar notice be also mailed to the Fiscal Agent, to the 'S~ginal purchaser of each series of Bonds issued under said Resolution No. 75-55, and also the respective registered ewners of any Bonds designated for redemption at their addresses appearing en the Bond registration books, at least thirty (30) days prior to the redemption date. · --' .... o0o ....... · l HEREBY CERTIFY that ~he foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Cottucil of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 21st day of April, 1958, byethe follow- ing vote: AYES: BALFANZ, BENTLEY, CARI'~.!~IS, COLL!NS, NOES: '~lrt~ ' AFFR0~"~-this 21st of April, 1958 ~ ~ · ~l~ ~ ~ · · HAYOR cf the City of Bakersfield. _~- -... e Council of the City._.of_..Bak~er-~field.