HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 27-58 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakers~ield~finds it desirable to clarify cer~aYn~matters pertaining tO the functions of the AdministrativeDepartments'of said. City in relation to the ulembers of the Council and the Mayor, respectively, and. to accomp- lish said purpose, DOES _.HEREBY RH~0LVE tc adopt the following pc].ioy: 1. For ~he purpose of pror,.~.oting cfficiencb, in the govern- xl~ent of-the City, inquiry into the a~inist~'-ation of any depa.r~,~ent of the City may be made by the Ma~or or a~,j me~_ber of tl~.e Cou~cil through the City Manager or Assistant City Manager, or the heads of the ~espective departments or corcrnissions, but preferably th~ouL/n the City Manager. The right..of any inquiry for, the puLepose above specified. by the Countills C6~n~ittss on Govern'~ental ~Efficicncy sbatl be unrestricted. 2. Inquiries as to public records shall be ~v~ade a~sitable to the ~,ayor or any COuncil M~mber, t?~ough the depart~,n~e~.t heae. s, respectively. 3. Neither 'mthe May6~I~0r an~J n~e~ber of the .legislative body shall request or instruct any officer or e~loyee of the City to perform any special service pertaini'3.g to the duties within the office of the officer or employee or pertaining to any other office of the ICity. 4- The Mayor .or any Councilman may call to the'attention ~bf the City Manager or Assistant City Manager any failure of any department to carry ~out the established policy of the Co~u~cil, or ~failure to perform a service' req'~estsd by a citizen of the City, .which is an established or r cognizc~"du~y of .'s~id'6eoar~ent ~ %. Under no circuitstances shall the ~.iayor' or any Oounci].u~..an request of any department, thegatheriDS of any' material or date,, or ~he preparation of any brief,-, when the purpose of 'sued request is to oppose a policy alread. y established by the Council, however, any comnittee of the City Council :c,.~.ay request the City ~_-ianager to gather material el~ data pertai:ing' to any specific matter before the com~nittee, for study by said committee. 6. Ins®far as it is practicable, the Mayor and Council Members will deal with the Administrative Staff thPough the Manager or his Assistant, except as to questions on routine matters within the k~owl- edge of such department. I h~E, EEBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Co~mcil of the City of Bakersfield at a regular- meeting thereof held on the 14th day of f~pril, 10~8, by the following vote: AYES: "BA'Er',~' BENTLEY, CARNAl(IS, COLLINS, CROES, DE~t~-E, NOES: ~~-Q ABSENT: ~ a '! Ex-Officio Ctcrk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield.