HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 25-58RESOLUTION No.. 25-5~. RESOLUTION OF THE COU)YCIL OF Z~E CITf OF BAXERSFIELD, 0RDERIi~fG TE VJOATION OF AL~ BET~EN ~TS 4 AND %, ~SLOCK 2, A o T~ & S. F' THL~CT,; AND LOT 1, BLOCK I, $~IZ°~ FE ADDITION NO. j1 ,' IN THE . CiTf OF BAKERSFiELD ~EREAS, on the 17th day of i~iarch, 1958, the Comaoil .f the City.of Bakersfield, '~urS.uant to the provisions cf the "St,cast Vacation Act of t~41," being 9, Part ths ...... 9 Division 3, of .Streets Highways Code of thed S~ate of California, passed and adopted its Resolution of intsntion No. 734, declaring its intaction to order the vacation of an aliey between Lots '[~. and ~, Block 2, A. T. a; S. F. Tract, and Lot l~ Block l, Santa Fe Addition f No, .l~ City of Bakersfield, California, and,. I,IHERK~S-, said Council did fix a time and place for hearing all persons interested in or objecting to said proposed.vacation, which said hearing was held On the 7th ~ay of ~pri!, 19~8, after notices were duly posted aS required by law, and WHE~vREAS, this Council after duly considering the ~atber, does hereby find and resolve as re!lows: t That that~certain alley between Lots 1, and ~, B!.nck o ~ T & S. ~. Tract, and Lot 1, .~ ~, ..... B!ock~, Santa Fs Addition~No~ n City of Bakersfield, California, ~uore ~a~t"cu~arly described as follows, is unnecessary for present or prospectivs public street purposes: Beginning at a point in the southerly line of CheStsr Lane, said point being the northwest corner cf Lot 4, Block 2, as shmm and 5slineatcd on Map of the A. T. an~ S. 'F. Tract, filed in the office of the County Recorder of Kern C~unty, California, February 14,' 3-~13, in Book No. 2 of Maps~ at Page 60; thence westerly cn and~al~ng.'said southsrly lins.~ Ohss~o~.~-a~_~e~ to a point of intersection with the easterly line of LOb l, Block l, as said Lot I is shown and delineate~ on Map of the Santa Fe Addition No. l, filed in the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, California, Novem- ber 9, 1909, in Book-No. I of Maps, at Page 129; thence southerly on and along aforesaid easterly lisa of Lot l, to the southeast corner thersof; thenoB easterly on and along the prolongation of the southerly line of said Lot l, to a point of interssctio~:~, ~,rith the ~esterly line of Lot 5, Block 2 of afoi~esaid l~. T. and S. F. Tract;. thence northerly on and along the ~,.,esterl~ line of Lot ~, and Lot 4, Block 2,m as last named line is sho~n and delineated on aforesaid Map of the A'. T. and S. ~. T~act, to the point. of beginning. 2. That said? alley be and ~hs s~me is hereby closed up, vacated and abandoned ~or public st?set pur..Dcses, subject to and in conformity with the ~reservations andI exceptions contained in and contemplated by said Resolution cf Intention Nc. 734- Reference to said IResolution of Intention is hereby made fcr fu~ther pa~tic,1 lars. 3- The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Resolution and small cause a certifie'd copy hsroof, .attested by the Clerk under the seal of the City, to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of .iiem-n, California. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the faregoing. Rssolution ~as-passad and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 7th day of April, 19~8, by the following vote: AYES: ~.aL-F.,aa~, BENTLEY, CARNA;~iS, CO!.L~':2. CZCZS, 'Oot~cil of the City of Bal~:ez:s~ielct. .M~YOR~ of the City of Bakersfield.