HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 24-58 RESOLUTION' NO ,,~.~2~4.~5;~ A RESOLUTION! oF' THE CO~NCIT~ .gP. THE CITI OF BA~CE~RSFIELD DECLARING ITS~iNTENTION TO C~oLL A SPECIAL ELECTION IN CERTAIN ~INHABITED TEP~RITORY CONTIGUOUS TO SAID CITY PROPOSED TO BE!'ANNEXED TEXETO, FOR T!~i PURPOSE OF MITTING TO ~THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS RESIDING IN SAXD 'TERRITORY THE QUESTION ~TEER SA~D TERRITORY SF3,LL BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BAIGRSFIELD, A~ FIXING A TI~IE AND PLACE WHEN AND WH~ At~! PERSON OWNDIG R~L PROPERTY WITHIN SUCH TERRITORY ~Y APPEAR B~OPjE SAID COUNCIL AND SHOW CAUSR~WHY SUCH TERRITORY St-~0ULD NOT BE SO A_~R~rEXED. BE.IT RESOLVED. by~theCouncil of the City of Bakersfield: SECTION 1. That it is the intention of the Council of the City of Bakersfield tocall a special sleetion to be held in cc~tain inhabited territory contiguou~to said city, proposed to be annexed thereto, for the purpose of submitting to th,e qualified electors residing in said territory the question whether or not said territory shall be annexed to the City of Bakersfield and the property in the territory to be annexed be subjected to taxation after ar~nexation equally with the property within'the City of Bakersfield, to pay the bonded indebtedness of the City of Bakersfield outstanding fop the acquisition, construction or completion of mur~icipal improvements. That a description of said territory is attached hereto marked Exhibit A, and made a part hereof. SECTION 2. That said territory is hereby designated and identified for such election.purposes and for use upon t~e ballets atsuch election as "SPRUCE ADDITION N0. l". SECTION 3.. Notice is hereby given that on the 28tk day cf April' 1958, at the hour of 8:00 o~clock P.M., in the Council Chainbet in the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, any person_. o~ming real property within said ~!~t.o~: ~0~.o~.~e~ to be annexed and having any Objection to the p~oposed aDieexation may appear before said Council and show cause why such territory should ~.ct be so annexed. Such protest must be filed in ~iting.not later tb~n the hour set for hearing objectionsto the election, and shall state in in general ter~s the name or names o~ the o~sr or ovmers of the property affected and'the locstien and area of such props~ty~ SECTION 4- That the City Clerk s~.all certify to the adoption of this resolution and cause the same to be published once a week for two successive weeks inl~a newspaper of general circulation published in the territory proposed to be snne~ed, or, if there is none, in a newspaper of general circulation publishes in the city. Description of a parcel of land to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield, and which is to be desiSn,ted as Spruce Addition Be. 1, situated in the County of Kern, State of California, and being a portion of Section 36, Township 29 South, itsuSe 27 last, M.D.S.aud X., and a portion of Section 1, Township 30 South, irauSe 27 and M., and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 66, as said Lot 66 is shorn on map of Tract No. ~27, recorded DMsssb~r 13, 19~9, in Book 7 of Haps, at page ~6, in the office of ~s County gMord~r of lsrn County, California, said point of beginning also belu2 a point in the northerly boundary line of Brundage Lane of 60 feet in width, and also heiq a point in the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, as said corporate boundary is defined by that certain annration known as a portion of the E. 1/2 of Block C of Oresnews Tract, adopted May 2, by Ordinance No. 830, New Series, mad certified JUno 6, 1949, by the Secretary of State, State of California; thenee easterly aloq the corporate boundary of said City, as same is defined by said Ordinance No. 830, New Series, on and alan$ the northerly boumiary line of said BrundaZe Lane, paralle~ with, and distant 60 feet northerly, as measured perpendicular to the southerly boundary of said Section 36, to intersect the easterly boundary of Block C, as said Block C is shows on mep of Greena*s Tract, recorded November 9, 1905, in Book I of Maps, at paso in the office of the said County border; thence northerly along the easterly boundary of said Block C, to intersect a line parallel with, and distant 250 feet southerly, as measured perpendicular to the norther- ly boundary of Lot 7, as said Lot 7 is shown on the sap of Frmspton recorded June 21, 1912, in Book 2 of Maps, at pass 47, in the office of the said County Recorder; thence easterly alan2 last UnSeal parallel line, end as defined by that certain annmelon designated as Frmseton Acres No. 5, adopted December 28, 1953, by Ordinance No, 994, Bee Series, and certified January 28, 1954, by the said Secretary of State, a distance of 146.34 feet, more or less, to intersect the easterly boundary of Lot lO, of said Freepeon Acres; thence northerly alan2 the easterly boundary of said' Lots 10 and 7, to intersect a line parallel with, dis- tent 200 feet southerly, as measured perpendicular to the said northerly boundary of Lot 7; thence westerly along last named parallel line a distance of 146.34 feet, more or loss, to intersect the westerly botmdary of said Lot 7; thence northerly, and as defined by said Ordinance No. 830, New Series, along the said westerly bdundary of Lot 7, the last ned westerly boundary also betaE a portion of the easterly boundary of said Block C, Creane's Tract, a distance of 50 feet, mere or less, to a point, from which the northwest corner of said Lot 7, Frmspton Acres, is distant 150 feet northerly, as measured alan2 the westerly bornsalary thereof; thence easterly, and as described by that certain amenelan known as Frsmpton Acres No. 4, adopted April 20, 1953, by Ordinance No. 974, New Series, and certified ~ay 21, 1953, by the said Secretary of alan2 a line parallel with the northerly boundary of said Lot 7, a distance of 146.~8 feet, to intersect the easterly boundary of said Lot 7; thence northerly alon2 last urnsad easterly bo~ddary a distance of 50 feat; thence westerly and parallel with said northerly boundary of said Lot 7, a distance of 146.57 feet to intersect the westerly bound- ary thereof, which westerly bour~iary is also the tastefly boundary of said Block C, Greeneta Tract; thence northerly, and as defined by said Ordi- nance No. 830, New Series, along the easterly boundary of said Block C, to intersect the soutberly boundary of the North 56.16 feet, of the South 112.32 feet of Lot 3, of said Frsmptou Acres; thence easterly along last nmd southerly boundary, and as defined by that certain .fwasw.rtion know as Frmnpton Acres No. 6, adopted June 3, 1957, by Ordinance No. 1123, New Series, and certified July 8, 1957, by the said Secre- tary of ScaLe, co intersect the easterly boundary of said Lot thence aleuS last nmmd easterly boundary to intersect a line, which line is parallel vith the northerly boundary of Lot 4 of said Frmmpton Acres, and distant southerly 261.12 feet, as measured aloq the easter- ly boundary of Lots 1 and ~ o~ said Frampton A=res, from the intersec- tion of the easterly boundary of said Lot l, with the westerly prolon~a- cion of the southerly boundary line of 2nd Street, as said 2nd Street is shown on the "Map of Goods Tract," recorded May 2, 1910, in Book I of Maps, at pass 144, in the office of the said County Natorder; easterly along las~ nam~ parallel line, and as defined by ~hat certain annexation known as Framptc,n ,~cres No. 3, adopted February 24, 1953, by Ordinance No. 966, New Series, and mertl~ied March 30, 19~3, by the said Secretary of ~t&te, a distance of 207 feet, to intersect the masterly boundary of said Lot 4; thence northerly alotl~ last urnsad masterly boundary, and as defined by sa.~d Ordinance No. 966, New Series, and as also defined by that certain annexation known as Frampton Acres No. 2, adopted April 3, 19~0, by Ordinance No. 8~8, New Series, and certified May 4, 1950, by the sai~ ~ecretary of State, a distance of 159.81 feat, cc~ intersect the southerly boundary of that certain annexation knoeu as Spruce Addition, adop~e~ Feb~'uary 19, 1951, by Ordinsm=e No. 901, New Series, and cerc~£ied ~%~arch 20, 19~1, by the said Secretary of State, and as said last named southerly boundary ~s shown on the "Corrected Map of the Spruce Addition Annexa~ion to the City of Bakersfield" filed April 29, 1952, aC 4:40 ~.~. ~n ~lscal~aneous Maps, at pass 41, in office of said County P~corder~ chance easterly aloes last urnsad souther- ly boundary, and as same ~s shown on above last n~d Nap, a distance of 165 feet, to intersect the easterly bourmiary of said Spruce Addition annexation; thence northarl~ a~onj last~ named easterly boundary, and as sam is shown on lade above named Map, a distance of 101,31 feat, to intersect the aforesaid westerly prolonSation, o~ rd~a southerly boundary line of 2nd S~reec; thence easterly alor~ the westerly prolomSation of the southerly boundary line of said 2nd S~rmat, and as defined by that certain annexation known as "South Bakersfield District No. 3," ~hieh same warn armed to the City of Bakersfield by an Anu. sv~tion held September 28, 192~, and certified October 6, 1~26, by the said Secretary of State, to a point of intersection, distant 466.62 feat westerly, as measured alerts the said westerly proloqdtion, of the southerly boundary line of 2ud Street, from the easterly bo~ of the southwest quarter (S.W. 1/4) of Section 36, Teenship 29 South, RamJe 27 East, M.D.B. and M.; thence southerly and as defined by that =artaim annexation known as Cedar Gardens, adopted February 14, ,igSO, by Ordi- nance No. 8~9, New Series, and martiliad March 18, 1950, by the said Secretary of State, aleaS a line parallax with the said atefly botn~dary of the southwest quarter (S.W. 1/4~ of ~a~tiou 36, a distaste of 334.82 feat, more or lass, to a point,: distant 721.38 feat northerly from, and as measured perpendicular to the southerly bo~ of said Section 36; thence westerly a distance of 10,752 feat, to a point which is distant 477.372 feet westerly ~rom, and as measured perpendicular to the said easterly boundary of the souch~sst quarter (S.W. 1/4) of Section 36; chance southerly and parallel with last named atefly boundary, a distance of 661.38 fast to intersect the northerly boundary line of BrundaSa Lane, of 60 feat in width; thence atefly aloq last named northerly boundary line, and as defined by said Ordinance No. New Series, and as also defined by that certain anmaxation knoen as Cedar Gardens No. 2, adopted December 17, 1951, by Ordinance No, 933, New Series, and cartitled January 21, 1952, by the said Secretary SCats, a discance '6f 368.39 feet, to a point ~f cump on a tangent curve, from which ~he radial canter of maid curve' bedim N. 0'20'31" E., distan~ 20 fee~; ~hence nOtchwesterly alon8 said curve, concave to the nor=heast, wi~h a radius of 20 feet, and chrouSh a can=tel an~le of 90~10'02'' for a dis=ance of 3~.4~ fee~, =o a ~in~ of ~angency, fr~ which =he radial cen=er of 1as= ned cu~e ~ars S. 89°29~27'' E., dis=an= 20 fee~; ~nce N. 0~30~33'' E., alon~ =he eas=erly boundary line of Cehr S~ree~, of 60 fee~ in wLd~h~ a dis=ance of 424.33 fee= =o a ~in= of =~ency, and fr~ which ~he radial cen=er of =he followLnZ described cu~e bears S. dis~an= 15 fee=; =hence nor=heas~erly alo~ said cu~e concave ~o the sou=haas=, and wl=ha radius of 15 fee~, a~ ~hrou~ a central angle of 46~11~13", for a dis=ante of ~2.09 fee=~ =o a poin~ of reverse cu~e, fr~ which =he radial cen~er of las~ descried cu~e bears S. 43~18~ 14" E., dts~an= 15 fee=, and ~e radial cen~er of =he foll~in~ descried cu~e, be~s N. 43918~14" W., dis~an= 50 fee=; ~hence nor~heas=erly~ nor=herly, ~d nor~es~erXy alon~ said reverse cu~e, concave =o ~he sources=, a~ ~ a radius of 50 fee=, and =hrough a central ~le of ~36'~3" for a dis=ance of 118.85 fee=, =o a potn= o~ cusp on a non-~a~en= cu~e, and fr~ which ~he radial cen=er of las~ descried cu~e bears S. 0~30~33'' ~., dis=an= 50 fee=; ~he~e horsefly, and as ~fi~d by said Ordinance No. 859,. New Series, a~on~ a line~ parallel wi~h =he eas=erly boundary of ~e souses= q~r~er (S.W. X/4) of said Sac=ion 36, ~o in~ersec= a line parallel wl~, ~d d~s=an~ 721.38 feet nor=herly fr~ =he sou=~rly ~da~ of said ~c~ion 36; ~hence easterly alon~ las~ nmd parallax line =o ~n~ersec~ the wes=erly boundary line of ~e ~oresaLd "~ode Tree="; ~'aence sou=herly alon~ las= n~d westerly ~ary line~ depar=inE fr~ uhe corpora=e b~~ of ~he CL~y of ~rsfield, ~o in=ersec~ a line parallel wl=h, ~d dis=an~ 60 fee~ ~r~erly from, as measured perpendicular ~o ~he sou=herly ~u~ of said Sac=ion 36, =he las~ n~d parallsl line also be~n& ~ nor~herXy boundary line of said Bandage ~; ~e~e ~s~erly alon& =he northerly boundary line of said B~a~e L~e =o ln~ersec~ x~cr=herly prolongation of ~he easterly ~u~a~ of ~ ~2, 1~ as said Lo= 12, Block 1~ is sh~ on ~ '~p of C~overda~es" recorded Au~s~ 26, 1911, in Book 2 of ~ps, a~ paEe 32, in ~he office of the said Coun=y ~cor~er; ~e sou~erly alo~ lee= n~ed northerly prolon~a=ion =o in~ersec~ ~he horsefly boun~ of Sac=ion 1, To~ship 30 Sou=h, ~n~e 2~ Eas~, M.D.B. and last n~d nor=herly boundary also bein~ ~he southerly ~a~ line of said Bandage Lane, of ~0 fee= in w~d~; ~e wes=erly slon~ =he nor=herly boundary of said Section 1, ~o in~ersec~ northerly prolon~a=ion of =he eas=erly ~dary of ~ 77, of Trac= No. 1549, as said las= ned eas=erly ~~ ~d northerly prolon~a=ion ~hereof, are sh~ ~ mp of sa~d Trac~ No. 1549, recorded Hay 17, 1950s in Book 7 of ~ps, aC pa~es 95 and 96, in =he office of =he said CounCy bcorder; N. 0°10* 28" E., alon~ the corporate bo~a~ of ~e CiCy of Bakersfield, and as defined by =~t certain anneu~ion kn~ as Terrell .~cres, adopted April 10, 1950, by Ordinate ~. 870, New Series, and car=if ted ~y 12, 1950, by the said Secreta~ of S~aue, on and along =he northerly prolonga~ion of ~e easterly boundary of said ~ 77, a distance of 30 feet; thence S. 89~35' alon~ =he cen=ar line of maid B~Se L~e, as sm Is sho~ on said mp of Trac~ No. 1549, a dista~e of 4.79 feet, ~o inter- sec~ ~ southerly prolon&a=ion of =~ westerly ~dary of ~he aforesaid ~t 66, in said Tract ~. 1527; t~e N. 0~22'04'' E. along las~ n~d southerly proloCation, a dist~e of 30 feet, =o ~he sout~es~ comer of said ~t 66, and ~o ~e ~in= of be- ~inning, con~ainin~ 21.25 acres Of land, ~re or less. i HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 24th day of ilTarch, 19%8, by the foil.wing vcte: AYES: ..1~, BENTLEY, CARNAKIS, COELiF!S. ~RO~S, DEWIRE, DOOLtN, and Ex-0f2icio Clef~-~ c~ the Council of the City of Bakersfield. M&YOR of ~h~ 'City of Bakersfield~'~'