HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 22-58WHEREAS, the Council of the City of .Bakersfield, did on the 17th day of March, 1958, pass Resolution No. ~1-5~ ..... , wherein and whereby said Council tentatively approved the State plans for 'rerouting Of"east-west traffic on State Sign Route 178 tlsrough the City of Bakersfield between "N" Street and'the intersection of Baker andNiles Streets,.and the establisluraent of one-way streets on 23rd and 24th Streets,' between "E" Street and "N" Street and on Niles and Monterey Streets, between Alta+Vista and BPo~m Streets, v~ith the under- ITM ~ standing that the City. will be given the opportunity to .participate in a public hearing to be conducted by the State Highway Com~issio~ prior to adoption of the rerouting, and+ WHERF~S, that certain letter from the California Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, dated May 24, 1955, addressed · to the City Council of the City of Bakem~sfield, indicates that the California Highway Commission has before it for consideration the matter of the relocation a~d improvement as a ·freeway of a portion of State Highway Routes 57 and 58, in the City of Bakersfield, bet~.~een "N" Street and Baker Street, and = ~ETEREAS, it is the desire of t_his Council to dispense with a public hearing on said matter provided said rerouting is accomplished in the manner and in accordance with the plans hereinabovereferrSd to. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL~ that this Council finds that a public hearing ~n the. matter of the rerouting of State Sign Route 178 through the City of Bakersfield and the establishment of a freeway and one-way State highways as more particularly set forth above, will be urL~ec_essS. ry in the event the State Highway Co.~nnission or the State Highway Engineer does not alter the plans th-srefor as they exist at this time except as to the locatio~ of the inte~change on U~ion ~venus in the vicinity of 26th Street. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing,Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Baksgsfield at a regular meeting thereof 'held on the 17th day offMarch, 1958, by the follow- ing vote: :-" bfty ,. and x-Officio Clerk ~ 'bhe "Oouncil of the City of Bakersfield. M~Y'0R<of t~e City of Bakersfield