HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 13-58RESOLUTION NO. i3-58 ~HEREAS, there ~exists w~.~hin the Bakersfield Police Department, an organization which had its inception during the year 1939 under the name of "The Bakersfield Police Motor Patrol", which was later renamed in 1941 as "The BakerSfield ~uxtliary Police~; this group was re- organized in the year 1945 under the direction of OP~ef of Police Horace V. Grayson and since said time has been, and now is kno~m as .The Bakersfield Reserve Police'!.- The purpose of this organization is to provide a pool of trained reserve poliaB to asSloS the regular police during times 0f disaster, special events and high crime activity. "The Bakersfield Reserve Police" is comprised of 100 public- spirited men and women living in the Greater Bakersfield Area, who, unselfishly and ~lWithout financial remuneration volunteer countless hours of +their spare~'$ime_to assist in the preservation of order, the prev, ention of crime sad' the apprehension of criminals in our city. That in addition to l, the police duties performed by these Reserve .Officers, they have devoted 2300 hours in the classroom and on the police pistol range in order that they'might become more pro- fielent in the performance of their duties, and During the calendar year of 1957'the.100 men and women who comprise the Bakersfield Reserve Police, set an all-time rSef~rd in the annals of police Reserve history o£ the City of Bakersfield, by volunteering 22,000 man-he~rs~of police duty to the City o~ Bakersfield. This, in laddition to making the City of Bakersfield a safer and more orderly city in which to live and work, has effected an estimated ~avi~g q£ at~leaS~ $45,000.00 telthe taxpayers of the~ity. which would have been paid te regular salaried officers for overtime duty, had not the members of the Bakersfield Reserve Police so unselfishly given of thei~.~I~ime~ to provide the ne.qes'Sary additional police strength to the BakerSfield PoliCe Department during. times of ~.usual crime ac- tivity or when ~additiona! police personnel were needed tc police special events and patrol du~i~. emergencies, and ~ ~S, the Mayer '~d,~.~h~ Comcil o~ the City of Bakersfield ~eC~o~ize the. valuable seaviewpoint, which the Bakersfield Reserve Police ~v~.given tc the City in minimiming the crime rate and eliminating the necessity of empleyi~g additional regular salaried police officers, ~d WHEREAS, the Mayor sad Courteli further recognize that the 22,000 hours of duty volunteered to the residents of the City by the members of the BakersfieldReserve Police were given at a sacrifice of their leisure and e.~her time that could have been devoted to their families, and in many instances at the risk of their lives or receiving bodily harm. NOW. THEREFOE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council of ~he City of Bakersfield do hereby cfficially commend and extend their. heartfelt thanks to the men and women of the BAKERSFIELD RESERVE POLICE and their families, for their splendid Service to the taxpayers of the City of Bakersfield. I HERESY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council: of the City of Bakersfield ,at a regular meeting thereof held on the 24th day ~of/l~February, 19~8, by the ~ollowing vote: AYI~: BALFAItZ; BENTLEY, CARNAKIS, COLLINS; CROES, DEWIRE, DOOLIN, NOES: " - ~NT: ::Cit~TM C~erk and Ex:0fficKo Clerk Of the Co~L~cil of the City of Bakersfield-