HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 12-58 .... RE SOL -::~,.., :. NO. 12-58 . WHEREAS, "The Kern ~ounty Po:~ato Growers Association will hold its 1958 convention tn-B, rsii . ,Ion March 16, 17 and 18; and WHEREAS, ·this annual contention which originally was designed to promote'-:Jho..growth and pr6~:~rity oi the potato industry in Kern County~ is att~nded by persons fr~ all parts o! the United States interested in all phases of the'~;:!ndustry; and W~~,~ the convention thi.~'~year is to be marked by the presence oi ~. J. ~'ison N~an, President of ~n & Bradstreet, who will deliver ~. majO~ address before the association on March 18, stressing the inseparable partnership of agriculture and other industry in our nation's ec~my; and WHEREAS~;'in honor of the .ylSit of Mr, J. Wilson Ne~an, and the potato industry, ike Calilornia:'!Legislature has. passed COncurrent Resolution No. 15, proclaiming Tuesday, March 18, 1958,-as "California Potato Da~'~; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersiield~ that ~he CQuncil hereby extends a most cordial welcome to Mr. J. WilsOn Newman, President of Dun & Bradstreet, commends the Kern County Potato Growers Association ior its invaluable contributions to the development of more efficient potato production, marketing and utilization, and proclaims Tuesday, March 18, 1958, as "Potato Day"; and BE IT FURTHER RE'SOLWED, -that the Clerk of the City Council is directed to transmit :Suitably prepared copies of this resolution to Mr. J. Wilson Newman and to the Kern County Potato Growers Association. -o0o I HEREBy CERTIFY that the foregoing ResOlution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular Imeeting thereof held on the.17th day of February,. 1958, by the follow- ing vote: :;,-'~" CITY CLERK and Ex-O~ficio Clerk of the Council of the' City of Bakersfield. APPRO~Eb' ~'~'i~ ~:{7th day of :February, 1958. ' MAYO y of Bakersfield