HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 04-58 RES{)LUTI ON NO. RESOLUTION OF ..PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF UNIN- HABITED TERRIT.S~=~ AND SETTING TIME FOR HEAR- ING THEREON. WNEREAS, a petition was filed with the 'Council of the City Bakersfield on the !7~h 'day of January, 1958, requesting that certain uninhabited ~erritery.,therein described be annexed to and 'incorporated within the City'!~fl Bakersfield, and WNEREAS,-said petition was signed by the owners of' all of the territory proposed to be annexed, NOW, THEREFORE, .in compliance with the provisions of the Annexation of Uninhabi~ed~Territory Act of 1939, Chapter. 297, as amended, HE IT RESOLVED 'by' the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows= :' --'. That the boundaries of ~he territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfleld'~aTe..descrlbed as follows: That certain"p~epert~'~tuated in the County of Kern, State of Califo~ula,=Ib~AUg a portion of Section 15, Township 29 $~nth, ~ange 28 East, M. D. B. & M., and more particularly described as follows: Beginni II.a~ :~he northwest (N.W~) corner of the northwest quarter~N.W. 1/~), ef the 1/4), .E. southeast quarter (S of Section 15, Township..29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. B. & M., a point en the corporate boundary of the City of Bakers- field; thence eaatarly~alengsaid corporate boundary and as same is defined by'~ha~ certain annexation known as "College 0res~Subdi~is'ion", adopted September 4, 1956, by 0rdinanceNe. 1099', New Series,,and which was certified October 8, 1956,=by'%he Secretary of State, State ef Cali- fornia, onand.along~he northerl boundary of the last named northwes~ quar'teb'{N.W. 1/~, of the southeast quarter (S,.E~'l~),"t0'.the northeast(I.E.) corner thereof; ,thenee'southePly, analtearing said corporate boundary, on and alon, the~eas~eriy boundary of last named northwest ,quarter' ~N.W. 1/4), of the southeast quarter (S.E. 1/4), .to the southeaS~"'($.l,~}corner'thereof; thence westerly along the sou-~he~ly bondsty of last named northwest quaBier .'(N.W. 1/~) ®f rE, loatheast Charter {S.E.-'i/~), to the " seuthwest.{l~W;)corner' ~hereof, and $ea peint0n the ' ' corporate be~daryef said Ci~y; thence northerly along last named corporate ~boundary, as same is defined by that certain annexation knows'as "0eliege Heights No. 1", adopted May 23, 1955, by Ordinance No. 1050, i ~Rd which New Set ca, was certified June 24, ,19~5, by said Secretary of States on and ale the westerly boundary of last named northwest quarter~N.W. 1/4), of the southeast quarter .(S.E. 1/4), to the nortt~wes~ (N.W.) corner thereof, and tO the point of beginning; and containing 40.67 acres of land more or less. That a designation appr]~priately naming such territory is ,"COLLEGE HEIGHTS NO. 2." BE IT FURTHER,RESOLVED. that Monday, the 24th day of February, 1958, at the tx~ur of eight o'elock.P.M.s in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenues Bakersfield, California, is the time when and the place where any person· owning real property within such territory Ise proposed to be annexed and having any ob- Jections te the proposed annexation may appear before the Council 'of the City of Bakers·field and 'show· cause why such territory should not be annexed. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the:!ceu~cil of the city of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof heI~ on the 20th day of January, 1958, by .the fol- CiSy'Cl;~" ~nd~EX-Off'ici'o· Clerk of the' ,Council of ~he City of Bakersfield. ::NA~'OR of' ~he :~kty Of .Bakersfield. January, 1958